View Full Version : Training/stats critique
10-21-2008, 03:37 PM
level 0 Sylvan Paladin:
str 80
con 70
dex 65
agl 65
dis 71
aur 79
log 70
int 60
wis 80
inf 20
level 44 Sylvan Paladin:
str 95
con 84
dex 83
agl 83
dis 85
aur 90
log 76
int 81
wis 94
inf 55
armor use 110
shield 92
edged 92
cm 46
moc 30
pt 46
dodge 40
climb 20
swim 20
percept 10
harness 44
spells: 42
minor 7
palidan 35
let me know where I can improve?
armor use 110
shield 92
edged 92
cm 46
moc 30
pt 46
dodge 40
climb 20
swim 20
percept 10
harness 44
spells: 42
minor 7
paladin 35
let me know where I can improve?
I like to keep things at 1x or 2x..which at level 44 is 45 ranks, or 90 ranks. So you have a few extra points in CM, PT, shield and edged which I would probably dump into armor or dodge. You could probably get dodge all the way to 1x that way, or edge closer to full plate.
35 ranks moc gives you another target.
Also, I would spell the profession name correctly. :yes:
10-21-2008, 04:41 PM
I see, so you didn't find anything wrong with the stats? I was having trouble coming up with something pleasing.
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 04:52 PM
Your stats seem to be pretty well in order. Personally I'd have taken another one of the real quick risers down and pumped the points into a real slow riser for some extra overall TPs, but on the whole yours is nice. You don't excel in any one or a few stats, but you're really not lacking in anything you need.
10-21-2008, 05:10 PM
Might you take a crack at it? I'd actually like to see what others have come up with. I been looking at it for hours, I just don't want to gimp a stat, horribly.
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 05:14 PM
Sure. Lemme get all my info together and read up on Paladin skills and how certain stats affect them. I haven't played in a few years but 60% of playing for me used to be crunching numbers. I'll post what I'd have done here when I'm finished, but keep in mind it will only be a "This is great on paper" solution, and may not be the best practical solution. You'll have to make that decision yourself. You have the benefit of being higher level already, which takes most of that issue away though. Early level "maximization" solutions often leave you really struggling for the first 20, or 30 levels, but after that it's smooth sailing.
10-21-2008, 05:17 PM
I think the best improvement you could make would be to switch to a better weapon style.
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 05:19 PM
I think the best improvement you could make would be to switch to a better weapon style.
Eh, personally I think sword and board is a good middle of the road route. Not the best at everything, but not the worst at everything. It's competent everywhere.
10-21-2008, 05:21 PM
Eh, personally I think sword and board is a good middle of the road route. Not the best at everything, but not the worst at everything. It's competent everywhere.
Why settle for competence when you can WTFPWN!!!111
10-21-2008, 06:26 PM
level 0 Sylvan Paladin:
str 80
con 70
dex 65
agl 65
dis 71
aur 79
log 70
int 60
wis 80
inf 20
level 44 Sylvan Paladin:
str 95
con 84
dex 83
agl 83
dis 85
aur 90
log 76
int 81
wis 94
inf 55
armor use 110
shield 92
edged 92
cm 46
moc 30
pt 46
dodge 40
climb 20
swim 20
percept 10
harness 44
spells: 42
minor 7
palidan 35
let me know where I can improve?
Here's how my paladin's set out (converted at level 48 from a warrior)...
Level 0 Stats Elf Paladin
Strength (STR): 80
Constitution (CON): 77
Dexterity (DEX): 64
Agility (AGI): 70
Discipline (DIS): 73
Aura (AUR): 73
Logic (LOG): 65
Intuition (INT): 54
Wisdom (WIS): 84
Influence (INF): 20
Level 54 stats for Elf Paladin
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 110 (30)
Constitution (CON): 91 (20) ... 98 (24)
Dexterity (DEX): 86 (23) ... 86 (23)
Agility (AGI): 88 (34) ... 88 (34)
Discipline (DIS): 88 (4) ... 88 (4)
Aura (AUR): 88 (24) ... 88 (24)
Logic (LOG): 73 (11) ... 73 (11)
Intuition (INT): 69 (9) ... 69 (9)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Influence (INF): 60 (15) ... 60 (15)
at level 54, your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 200 100
Shield Use.........................| 208 108
Combat Maneuvers...................| 154 54
Edged Weapons......................| 210 110
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 154 54
Physical Fitness...................| 154 54
Dodging............................| 154 54
Harness Power......................| 154 54
Survival...........................| 154 54
Perception.........................| 154 54
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 90 20
First Aid..........................| 154 54
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 20
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 30
I'm a bit behind on my spells because I wanted to get my armor use up to minimum hindrance (not there yet, perhaps next level).
Without going through Tsoran's spreadsheet (which would mean installing Excel, which I don't have a copy of), I would say that your stats look decent. How many of them get into the high 90's or even 100 at cap?
For the skills, I would have to agree... keep your base skills at 2x, not over (even if you want to train mid-level, it saves TP's to not, I believe). Having so much armor use is cutting into your dodging and spell use. If you want to keep the armor use, I would say cut out the perception and get your dodging up to 1x. Other than that, I would say your skills look fine. We each train our characters uniquely, so I can't say one way is better than another. *shrug*
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 06:38 PM
Kiora, are you in COL?
10-21-2008, 06:57 PM
For a Pali, I would go blunt/board, and use a star.
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 07:18 PM
Okay, the stats as I would place them assuming you are not in CoL and are aiming for the best end result at level 100:
STR 93
CON 65
DEX 68
AGI 68
DIS 78
AUR 21
LOG 89
INT 69
WIS 89
INF 20
At level 44 they are:
STR 100
CON 81
DEX 85
AGI 85
DIS 90
AUR 51
LOG 94
INT 79
WIS 100
INF 55
At level 100 they will be:
STR 100
CON 99
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 100
AUR 71
LOG 100
INT 91
WIS 100
INF 78
Your present stats at 100 will be:
STR 100
CON 100
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 99
AUR 100
LOG 84
INT 83
WIS 100
INF 78
The reason your present stat setup bothers me is the low int/logic. They factor in to exp absorbtion and total mind capacity, which make levels longer.
As far as overall training points go:
At level 44 your current plan's total training points are:
PTP 2191
MTP 2076
Total - 4267
At level 100:
PTP 5158
MTP 4898
Total - 10056
With the way I set up the stats, at level 44:
PTP 2198
MTP 2135
Total - 4333
At level 100:
PTP 5138
MTP 4993
Total - 10131
In other words, at level 44 you gain training points in both categories with my plan, and at level 100, you lose 20 PTPs, but gain 95 MTPs, so even if you're trading those in for physical points you still come out ahead by 27 PTPs. With my stat set the more important stats to you will be higher, namely logic and int which as I said earlier factor into exp gain to make things easier for you, and all you're sacrificing is aura. Now, making this sacrifice can be very bad for you if you're in CoL, because you get 1 point of spirit for every 10 Aura you have. At 44 you'll be significantly hindered in your CoL abilities, and at 100 you'll be 3 points short of max. On the plus side, sylvan tend to have fairly good spirit regen capability. If memory serves (and I haven't checked this in years), they're third best behind human and half elf.
That's my opinion as far as the stats go. If you'd like specific advice on training, you'll have to give me a little more information about what you prefer to use while hunting as far as strategies, spells, and preferred type of hunting. If you can gimme a little more depth in that area I'd be happy to fill out Tsoran's spreadsheet with an optimal training plan for you, or just give it to you all in a text file if you don't have excel.
10-21-2008, 07:24 PM
actually I am sunfist, that is an awesome rundown, very well thought out and much appreciated. Thanks
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 07:25 PM
I haven't got too much information on Sunfist. It wasn't around when I was playing. How are your abilities used? Do they use spirit like CoL or some other way?
10-21-2008, 07:28 PM
Uses stamina and mana
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 07:40 PM
Uses stamina and mana
Ah okay. Then by having a slightly lower aura you're really not giving up a whole lot, especially considering you'll have more training points to spend. I believe that Paladins use Aura as their mana stat (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), so you're going to have slightly lower base mana, but with the extra TPs you could easily dump a few extra ranks into harness power to make up for it.
I agree with those who said earlier to stick with a straight either 1x or 2x plan for each skill mostly. If you're looking to train off your plate hindrance as early as possible though you might consider knocking off a few of the less useful skills early on in order to bump up to around 2.5x (You're currently at 2.2x). Off the top of my head a few things you could do to free up at least a few points are knock swimming and climbing down to ten ranks each, physical training down a few ranks (no more than 10). You're going to have a tradeoff in the short term, as your redux will suffer a little, but the impact is minimized because you're still putting those points into a redux-friendly skill. It just costs more so you're getting less bang for your buck so to speak.
And forgive my lack of knowledge in the area, but I forget exactly how MOC and its merits work at the moment. Right now you're just above .5x. Unless 30 ranks is a breakpoint of some sort, I would recommend dropping it down to a straight once every other level skill until you've got the armor situation under control. Again, a slight redux trade-off, but you're just putting those points in Armor use anyway so it isn't too terrible.
I read through (fairly quickly) the Paladin spell circle, and it seems that a lot of spells rely on paladin spell ranks, but not nearly as much as say a sorcerer would. At level 44 you wouldn't be able to overtrain enough to make a huge difference anyway. I'd stick with 1x on your Paladin spells until you've got about 40 ranks, and every time you've got extra points until then, and you're not putting them in Armor use, grab some Minor Spirit spells. Once your armor training is completely finished, this is what you're going to want to focus in on. Getting those spell ranks up for the extra bonuses. Keep in mind that with those extra bonuses comes extra mana use, so plan on a few extra harness power ranks to offset it.
Edited to add:
Once you've got your armor situation finished, and your spell circles caught up, what you'll want to do is evaluate what spells you personally rely on the most for hunting, check out what lores give them bonuses, and if practical, start working towards them. Once armor and spell circles are done, you don't want to be sacrificing anything though. Stick to your core training, and whatever points are extra you can play around with. You'll hit a wall around level 60 or so that you just won't want to mess with any of your core skills in order to pick something up early, because you'll generally end up dead for your trouble.
10-21-2008, 07:56 PM
According to Krakiipedia, Intuition doesn't affect the size of the experience bucket. The bucket is based on Discipline and Logic.
If you're in Sunfist and plan to use mstrike, put your Constitution high. It gives more stamina and reduces the wait time between mstrikes.
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 08:01 PM
According to Krakiipedia, Intuition doesn't affect the size of the experience bucket. The bucket is based on Discipline and Logic.
If you're in Sunfist and plan to use mstrike, put your Constitution high. It gives more stamina and reduces the wait time between mstrikes.
Hmm, you're right. INT doesn't affect it. LOG is important to have high for both experience bucket and absorbtion. Outside of CoL though that stat placement is still the best route to go in my opinion. You can trade the extra INT for extra AUR, but the result will be fewer overall training points, especially in the MTP category. It leaves you with a respectable constitution for a maneuver base at 44, and largely maximized stats at 100 with extra training points to play with.
10-21-2008, 08:32 PM
Dump HP to under 1x, if not more.
Dump MO to 10 ranks to hit 3 targets.
Dodge can go down to .5x-.75x because you're a shield user.
Add points to FT, Armor and CM.
Add lore training to maximize the % chance to kneel with Judgement/divine strike. Add lore to hit at least 3 targets too.
10-21-2008, 10:34 PM
Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 10:35 PM
Intuition does not factor into exp absorbtion. Intelligence did in Gemstone 3.
Yeah I realized that a few posts back and made a correctional post about it. LOG still factors heavily into it though.
10-22-2008, 12:30 PM
If you really want to maximize for 100...
STR 65
CON 68
DEX 62
AGI 62
DIS 73
AUR 77
LOG 88
INT 80
WIS 62
INF 20
at 44:
STR 85
CON 83
DEX 81
AGI 81
DIS 87
AUR 88
LOG 93
INT 88
WIS 82
INF 55
at cap:
STR 100
CON 100
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 100
AUR 100
LOG 100
INT 98
WIS 100
INF 78
Not sure about the TPs, but it doesn't seem like you'd be crippled at 44 with these stats, and they seem optimal at 100 to me.
If memory serves (and I haven't checked this in years), they're third best behind human and half elf.
Not even close. Sylvans are on par with half-elves, which as a group are the third worst as far as regen only bested by delves and elves). Humans are better, but still aren't the top, nor have they ever been. Halflings and dwarves have always had the best. So even if you "haven't checked in years," you're still full of shit.
Race On-Node Off-Node
Forest Gnome 4/5 2/5
Dwarf 4/5 2/5
Halfling 4/5 2/5
Human 2/3 1/3
Giantman 2/3 1/3
Burghal Gnome 2/3 1/3
Half-Elf 2/4 1/4
Half-Krolvin 2/4 1/4
Sylvankind 2/4 1/4
Aelotoi 2/4 1/4
Erithian 2/4 1/4
Elf 2/5 1/5
Dark-Elf 2/5 1/5
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 02:22 PM
Not even close. Sylvans are on par with half-elves, which as a group are the third worst as far as regen only bested by delves and elves). Humans are better, but still aren't the top, nor have they ever been. Halflings and dwarves have always had the best. So even if you "haven't checked in years," you're still full of shit.
Race On-Node Off-Node
Forest Gnome 4/5 2/5
Dwarf 4/5 2/5
Halfling 4/5 2/5
Human 2/3 1/3
Giantman 2/3 1/3
Burghal Gnome 2/3 1/3
Half-Elf 2/4 1/4
Half-Krolvin 2/4 1/4
Sylvankind 2/4 1/4
Aelotoi 2/4 1/4
Erithian 2/4 1/4
Elf 2/5 1/5
Dark-Elf 2/5 1/5
Ah, okay, yes, I haven't checked in years. And no, it doesn't mean I'm full of shit. It just means I remembered incorrectly. Kindly go fuck yourself, asshole.
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 02:39 PM
If you really want to maximize for 100...
STR 65
CON 68
DEX 62
AGI 62
DIS 73
AUR 77
LOG 88
INT 80
WIS 62
INF 20
at 44:
STR 85
CON 83
DEX 81
AGI 81
DIS 87
AUR 88
LOG 93
INT 88
WIS 82
INF 55
at cap:
STR 100
CON 100
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 100
AUR 100
LOG 100
INT 98
WIS 100
INF 78
Not sure about the TPs, but it doesn't seem like you'd be crippled at 44 with these stats, and they seem optimal at 100 to me.
This plan does maximize the stats a little better than mine did. I also toyed with this idea when I was messing with the numbers, but it ends up being not even close when you factor in training points.
What happens here is that overall you end with significantly less training points. Significantly enough that with the extra points you could easily negate all of the stat bonus differences with extra training, and then some.
This plan:
Overall Stat points at 100 - 976
Overall Training Points - 10008
Overall PTPs - 5050
Overall MTPs - 4958
My earlier plan:
Overall Stat points at 100 - 939
Overall Training Points - 10131
Total PTPs 5138
Total MTPs 4993
The difference - Both are viable plans. His will get you closer to maximized stats on the whole. However, the stats in my plan that don't get maximized are by design ones that you don't really need in but a few very rare situations, and they get to respectable numbers even so. His plan will lose 88 PTPs compared to mine, and 35 MTPs. It would have been preferable the other way around, because you're almost certainly going to end up spending more PTPs in the end than MTPs, so you're going to be trading in MTPs earlier, meaning you'll lose even more.
In my opinion, the merit of having a few stats that are slightly higher considering they're the ones that just aren't that important just doesn't outweigh the loss of training points you'll take. Your stats will be higher, but on the whole your character will be weaker.
I'm not trying to discredit his plan. It is a viable route and it's really personal preference between mine and his. I'm just trying to give you as informed an answer as possible.
10-22-2008, 05:44 PM
You bring up a good point, I was simply looking at maximizing stats. The loss of TP's is significant.
10-22-2008, 06:23 PM
I do like yer plan, only thing wrong I see, well perhaps not wrong, but bit uncomfortable, is the gimping of Aura, that is for some reason throwing off cs by about 30 and td by about 10. Which I am nore sure, what that means, perhaps aura plays a role in those two skills?
10-22-2008, 06:26 PM
It would have been preferable the other way around, because you're almost certainly going to end up spending more PTPs in the end than MTPs, so you're going to be trading in MTPs earlier, meaning you'll lose even more.
That depends on the build.
(422 Phy converted to Mnt)
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 06:31 PM
I do like yer plan, only thing wrong I see, well perhaps not wrong, but bit uncomfortable, is the gimping of Aura, that is for some reason throwing off cs by about 30 and td by about 10. Which I am nore sure, what that means, perhaps aura plays a role in those two skills?
It does play a part. I should have mentioned that, but I didn't think Paladins had very many if any CS based spells that were put into use hunting. I didn't think it'd be as significant a difference as 30 CS, and at level 100 it's almost certainly not, but at 44 it might I suppose. Most of the stats in my setup don't start capping out until the 70s and 80s, especially the mental ones. It can be offset slightly by using the extra TPs to overtrain your spell circles, but I don't think the extras would make up 30 CS.
What spells do you use that are CS based?
I'll take another look at it. There are a few different ways to set up my stat plan, and the slight gimp can be put on another stat besides Aura, like discipline, but if mechanics haven't changed, that's pretty important too. It wouldn't have a negative effect on hunting nearly as much though. Mostly if I remember correctly DIS factors into a lot of things, but only a minor amount. Aura has more of a mainstay role in the few things it affects.
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 06:32 PM
That depends on the build.
(422 Phy converted to Mnt)
True. Paladins more than others can really take it a good number of routes. It's all about preferences.
10-22-2008, 06:52 PM
1630 · Judgment
is the pretty awesome cs attack and can strike multiple targets depending on lore ranks. I have seen it used many times, and as much as it is used I dare say it is a cornerstone Paladin offensive spell.
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 06:54 PM
1630 · Judgment
is the pretty awesome cs attack and can strike multiple targets depending on lore ranks. I have seen it used many times, and as much as it is used I dare say it is a cornerstone Paladin offensive spell.
Alrighty. In a little bit I'll be able to take a look at it again to see if I can't get you a good CS throughout. I'll post it here when I've got it done.
10-22-2008, 07:09 PM
.. I didn't think Paladins had very many if any CS based spells that were put into use hunting.
You really need to just stfu if you have no idea how the profession (or stats) works.
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 07:13 PM
You really need to just stfu if you have no idea how the profession (or stats) works.
I've been out of the game for several years. If you read my initial post, you would have already known that, as I put the fact out there as a disclaimer. She was looking for help on something and nobody seemed really forthcoming to give her the depth of information that she wanted, so I stepped up to do what I could. Yes, I'm a little out of date with my mechanics, and no, I've never played a Paladin beyond level 5, but the process we've been going through here seems to be working fairly well. I give a number crunch based on my own knowledge of the base mechanics of the game, not the class, someone points out a fault or a shortcoming in it, and I work to rectify it.
The base mechanics I'm working with are the same as they were when I played. Unless somebody else wants to step up and give detailed ideas to help her, you can shove your stfu up your ass.
10-22-2008, 07:15 PM
I've been out of the game for several years.
The base mechanics I'm working with are the same as they were when I played.
How many times have you been corrected on your 'base mechanics'?
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 07:19 PM
How many times have you been corrected on your 'base mechanics'?
Several. And that's the important part. I never claimed to be the krakiipedia incarnate. I'm simply doing the best I can with the information I have to help since not a lot of other help is forthcoming, and when I make a mistake, I correct.
If you think you can come up with a better idea than my last plan, please, do. Otherwise shut the hell up.
10-22-2008, 07:23 PM
Several. And that's the important part. I never claimed to be the krakiipedia incarnate. I'm simply doing the best I can with the information I have.. .
No, the important part is you're giving advice with the wrong information.
There have been plenty of people here who have given advice, other than yourself.
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 07:27 PM
No, the important part is you're giving advice with the wrong information.
There have been plenty of people here who have given advice, other than yourself.
I've given advice on stat growth in order to maximize training points. I haven't said anything definite on anything but that. Aside from the aura factor which I am working out, tell me where that stat setup is a bad idea.
10-22-2008, 07:34 PM
I've given advice on stat growth in order to maximize training points. I haven't said anything definite on anything but that..
Ah okay. Then by having a slightly lower aura you're really not giving up a whole lot, especially considering you'll have more training points to spend. I believe that Paladins use Aura as their mana stat (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), so you're going to have slightly lower base mana, but with the extra TPs you could easily dump a few extra ranks into harness power to make up for it.
I agree with those who said earlier to stick with a straight either 1x or 2x plan for each skill mostly. If you're looking to train off your plate hindrance as early as possible though you might consider knocking off a few of the less useful skills early on in order to bump up to around 2.5x (You're currently at 2.2x). Off the top of my head a few things you could do to free up at least a few points are knock swimming and climbing down to ten ranks each, physical training down a few ranks (no more than 10). You're going to have a tradeoff in the short term, as your redux will suffer a little, but the impact is minimized because you're still putting those points into a redux-friendly skill. It just costs more so you're getting less bang for your buck so to speak.
And forgive my lack of knowledge in the area, but I forget exactly how MOC and its merits work at the moment. Right now you're just above .5x. Unless 30 ranks is a breakpoint of some sort, I would recommend dropping it down to a straight once every other level skill until you've got the armor situation under control. Again, a slight redux trade-off, but you're just putting those points in Armor use anyway so it isn't too terrible.
I read through (fairly quickly) the Paladin spell circle, and it seems that a lot of spells rely on paladin spell ranks, but not nearly as much as say a sorcerer would. At level 44 you wouldn't be able to overtrain enough to make a huge difference anyway. I'd stick with 1x on your Paladin spells until you've got about 40 ranks, and every time you've got extra points until then, and you're not putting them in Armor use, grab some Minor Spirit spells. Once your armor training is completely finished, this is what you're going to want to focus in on. Getting those spell ranks up for the extra bonuses. Keep in mind that with those extra bonuses comes extra mana use, so plan on a few extra harness power ranks to offset it.
Edited to add:
Once you've got your armor situation finished, and your spell circles caught up, what you'll want to do is evaluate what spells you personally rely on the most for hunting, check out what lores give them bonuses, and if practical, start working towards them. Once armor and spell circles are done, you don't want to be sacrificing anything though. Stick to your core training, and whatever points are extra you can play around with. You'll hit a wall around level 60 or so that you just won't want to mess with any of your core skills in order to pick something up early, because you'll generally end up dead for your trouble.
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 07:37 PM
I'm sorry, were you going to tell me why my stat growth plan aside from the aura situation was wrong so we can progress this situation and get Kiora the information she wants to make a decision, or are you just going to copy and paste other posts from the thread in an attempt to call me an idiot?
Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 07:53 PM
Additionally, aside from the Aura issue, why don't you go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong in that post you quoted. If you're going to act like a douchebag at least be constructive at the same time.
Moist Happenings
10-23-2008, 12:11 AM
Alright Kiora, I've done some tinkering and come up with a stat plan that is leaps and bounds ahead of my first in almost every respect. I'll break it down.
My plan stats at 0:
STR 80
CON 65
DEX 62
AGL 65
DIS 20
AUR 81
LOG 89
INT 88
WIS 89
INF 21
My plan stats at 44:
STR 95
CON 81
DEX 81
AGL 83
DIS 52
AUR 91
LOG 94
INT 96
WIS 100
INF 56
PTP at 44: 2139
MTP at 44:: 2180
Total at 44: 4319
My plan stats at 100:
STR 100
CON 99
DEX 100
AGL 100
DIS 73
AUR 100
LOG 100
INT 100
WIS 100
INF 79
My plan total Stat points: 951 (improved from my previous plan's 939)
My plan total PTP: 5063 (You take a loss of 75 from my previous plan)
My plan total MTP: 5083 (But gain 90 here)
MY plan total training points: 10146 (Gain of 15 overall from my previous plan)
The Good: This fixes your aura issue for CS. It is also very balanced between PTPs and MTPs, unlike the earlier one which focused more on PTPs, meaning it's more rounded on the whole and makes it easier for you to diversify your skills. It will also be more effective if you intend to go heavily into spells and lores, since you have a large amount more MTPs. Your ending stats at 100 will be higher than my previous plan with this, as will your overall TPs.
The Bad: If you are interested in taking a more physical route with your skills, this plan is not quite as efficient as my previous, but it's better if you intend to rely somewhat on spells/lores, which judging from your posts you will. You are sacrificing discipline instead of Aura. I don't believe that this stat is as important for you, but for your reference, this is what Krakiipedia has to say on the subject -
Discipline is the measure of a character's self control, determination, and sheer strength of will. It is both a physical and mental statistic, and along with being used to calculate both types of training points, it contributes directly to the amount of experience a character can store before being required to rest. Many systems within GemStone bring Discipline into consideration, more so than any other statistic. Specifically, it is known to affect the success of guild skills such as Stun Maneuvers, Berserk, and Illusions.
Your current plan at 0:
STR 80
CON 70
DEX 65
AGL 65
DIS 71
AUR 79
LOG 70
INT 60
WIS 80
INF 20
Your current plan at 44:
STR 95
CON 84
DEX 83
AGL 83
DIS 85
AUR 90
LOG 76
INT 81
WIS 94
INF 55
PTP at 44: 2191 (You have 52 more PTP than my current plan)
MTP at 44: 2076 (and 104 fewer MTP. Meaning if you trade every last one in for PTP, you're exactly even compared to your my current plan. If you use any as MTP, you're ahead with my plan)
Total at 44: 4267 (Overall 52 lower than my current plan)
Your current plan at 100:
STR 100
CON 100
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 99
AUR 100
LOG 84
INT 83
WIS 100
INF 78
Your plan total Stat points: 944 (7 points fewer than my plan, 32 fewer than with stat maximization plan)
Your plan total PTP: 5158 (95 higher than my current plan)
Your plan total MTP: 4898 (185 lower than my current plan)
Your plan total training points: 10056 (90 lower than my current plan, 48 higher than stat maximization plan)
The Good: You have higher PTPs in this plan, so if you end up using more physical points than mental, you will be better off. I think that once your armor training is finished though, your MTPs are going to start creeping up fast usage wise when you go for extra spell ranks and lores though. Your stats have no real significant weaknesses.
The Bad: Your overall training points suffer, as do your ending stat totals. You have a very low number for your MTP totals, which could come back to kick you in the end when you really want to dump a lot of points into your lores and spells.
Last but not least, the stat maximization plan (credit of course to mrjrd222):
Stats at 0:
STR 65
CON 68
DEX 62
AGI 62
DIS 73
AUR 77
LOG 88
INT 80
WIS 62
INF 20
Stats at 44:
STR 85
CON 83
DEX 81
AGI 81
DIS 87
AUR 88
LOG 93
INT 88
WIS 82
INF 55
PTP at 44: 2121 (18 fewer than my plan, 70 fewer than yours)
MTP at 44: 2094 (86 fewer than my plan, 18 more than yours)
Total at 44: 4215 (104 fewer than my plan, 52 fewer than yours)
Stats at 100:
STR 100
CON 100
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 100
AUR 100
LOG 100
INT 98
WIS 100
INF 78
Maximization plan total Stat points: 976 (25 higher than my plan, 32 higher than yours.)
Maximization plan total PTP: 5050 (13 lower than my plan, 108 lower than yours)
Maximization plan total MTP: 4958 (125 lower than my plan, 60 higher than yours)
Maximization plan total training points: 10008 (138 lower than my plan, 48 lower than yours)
The Good: You will have higher overall stats by 32 points compared to your plan, or 25 compared to mine, which translates into a combined stat bonus of 16, or 13 points. Obviously here none of your stats really suffer anywhere along the road.
The Bad: Compared to my plan, you will lose a level and a half worth of training points, and compared to yours you will lose half a level. It's up to you to decide whether those extra training points are worth the sacrifice for extra stat bonus points.
The Highlights:
* Your current plan seems to be the best if you end up going a more physical route throughout your training, but in my opinion you will end up spending a lot more MTPs than PTPs for the last 50 levels or so, whenever you finish your armor training.
* My plan yields the most overall TPs, but many of them come in the form of MTPs. The good news however is that if you do end up using all the TPs as Physical with it, you will end dead even with your plan, and still have a bonus of 7 total stat points, and have higher logic for exp absorbtion.
* Discipline does factor into your experience bucket (The total amount of experience you can hold before you have to rest.) The equation is 800 + LOG + DIS = Pool. In my plan you're sacrificing discipline. In your plan you're sacrificing logic. In the maximization plan you're sacrificing neither. Between your plan and mine, you end up roughly even on this, but with mine you have a higher LOG stat, which factors into experience actually being absorbed. You'll hold the same amount roughly, but absorb it faster with my plan. The stat maximization plan has both of these aspects covered. You're going to hold the maximum amount, and absorb the maximum amount.
* Experience per kill is calculated as 100 - 10x level difference for lower level creatures, 100 + 10x level difference for higher level creatures up to 150 max, and 100 for an at level creature. With the stat maximization plan, you will be able to hold an extra 50 exp or so total, and that gap shrinks to a difference of about 20 by level 80. Both my plan and the stat maximization plan will be quicker hunts, but overall the stat maximization plan is the most efficient in this regard, because it will always be able to hold slightly more experience total than both our plans.
* You can gain TPs after cap, remember, so even though the stat maximization plan will leave you about a level gimped pre-cap, post cap it affords the best opportunity.
* The real question you have to ask yourself is whether or not you're going to end up spending more MTPs, more PTPs, or an even amount in the end. That would be a deciding factor I believe in choosing one of these plans. They all have merits, and flaws. Personally I would probably go with mine for the extra TPs overall, but I'm also usually heavy into spells and lores no matter what profession I play.
I hope this information helps you make a more informed decision. If you have any questions, or notice something you don't like, please let me know.
10-23-2008, 07:40 AM
I really appreciate everything, all the information was very detailed, and most helpful.
10-23-2008, 11:48 AM
Last but not least, the stat maximization plan (credit of course to mrjrd222):
Stats at 0:
STR 65
CON 68
DEX 62
AGI 62
DIS 73
AUR 77
LOG 88
INT 80
WIS 62
INF 20
Stats at 44:
STR 85
CON 83
DEX 81
AGI 81
DIS 87
AUR 88
LOG 93
INT 88
WIS 82
INF 55
PTP at 44: 2121 (18 fewer than my plan, 70 fewer than yours)
MTP at 44: 2094 (86 fewer than my plan, 18 more than yours)
Total at 44: 4215 (104 fewer than my plan, 52 fewer than yours)
Stats at 100:
STR 100
CON 100
DEX 100
AGI 100
DIS 100
AUR 100
LOG 100
INT 98
WIS 100
INF 78
Maximization plan total Stat points: 976 (25 higher than my plan, 32 higher than yours.)
Maximization plan total PTP: 5050 (13 lower than my plan, 108 lower than yours)
Maximization plan total MTP: 4958 (125 lower than my plan, 60 higher than yours)
Maximization plan total training points: 10008 (138 lower than my plan, 48 lower than yours)
If my opinion is worth anything, I think this plan is the best because you get the most amount of 100's at cap, without sacrificing any "important" stats. I like this because you can always hunt and gain experience/TP's post-cap... you can't, however (unless you use a fixstats potion), increase/change your stats. :shrug:
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