View Full Version : Water bill rate increase this month.

Sean of the Thread
10-18-2008, 04:31 PM
Our water/garbage/sewer rate increase they passed in 2006 just became effective this month and they sent us a letter explaining why our bill is so high this month.

Except it wasn't high at all. It's over half what it normally is. 68 bucks. Normally we're around 140+.

I did rip out the old toilet a few months back and completely replaced and fixed everything expecting to see a drop in usage only to find out it didn't change.

So out of curiosity I just went out to check on the meter and realize they completely put a new one in and the leak detector isn't moving a mm.

I'm wondering if the meter was fucked up these past 3 years despite me having gone down to the office and had them check it out.

So the first month that there is a new meter and our bill has dropped over 50% even with this months rate increase.

W T F. I've got to pursue this somehow if they've been overcharging us for 3 years. They kept just saying "oh you must have a leaky faucet or pipe somewhere" despite me never being able to find a single problem.

36 months x $80 or so bucks a month adds up to like 3k.

10-18-2008, 04:53 PM
lol good luck. Just be glad it's fixed now.