View Full Version : Voteing in Phoenix

10-17-2008, 08:35 PM
Alright, I'm registerd/eligable to vote, but as yet I've received no info via mail as to where I am supposed to report to fill out a ballot. Anyone in the area have any idea? I just moved to the area a few months ago btw.

PS: I HATE this State....

10-17-2008, 08:42 PM

10-17-2008, 08:42 PM
What part of Phoenix are you in? Also Wait til spring, then you'll fall in love with it.

10-17-2008, 08:45 PM
I'm really close to the Metro Center Mall if that helps, aside all I know is I'm north of Messa.

As for spring... why? Any ways the weather isn't all I dis like, I've had more issues in the few months I've been down here then I've had in the last eight cities my co has sent me to in the last 4 years put together. Most of the people down here are animals at best.

10-17-2008, 10:06 PM

Problem is, you're in Phx. Even if it is the capitol city, it has very few nice areas. Even worse is you're by the Metro Center Mall, which I'm sorry to say, is the ghetto. Drive out east towards Tempe/Chandler, we're less animalistic. :)

And I disagree, fall is the best time of year here.

10-17-2008, 10:10 PM
Tempe/chandler are nice areas and towards Scottsdale is nice as well. And spring time brings the orange blossoms, it's the only thing I miss :(

10-17-2008, 11:33 PM
Scottsdale is the most pretentious fucking city I've experienced. Driving through it is a fucking bitch (everyone in their Lexus and BMW too busy talking on their phone to pay the fuck attention).

I'm not bitter.

10-17-2008, 11:40 PM
haha well of course, I had to work there, serving all those pricks.

10-18-2008, 04:38 AM
I don't get much time to drive around afraid. I have to stay close to the mall because my stores there and all my employee's are well lets just say I have an overwhelming urge to check in on them...constantly.

I've been down here for what? 6 months now and I've not explored the area outside of 5 miles or so of metro center since I’ve been here, except the a hand full of times when one of my employees drags me to Coyote Hill and Salty Senioritas, the Sand Bar, Bobby'Q's or some other craptastic wanabe club. I'm and sorely unimpressed with the bars/clubs in this town... they suck. The only one I've seen that even has promis is Coyote Hill but it's been DEAD every time I've gone.

10-18-2008, 09:03 AM
But its a dry heat, amirite?
So's the heat in my oven - and its still fucking hot.

Scottsdale is the most pretentious fucking city I've experienced. Driving through it is a fucking bitch (everyone in their Lexus and BMW too busy talking on their phone to pay the fuck attention).

I'm not bitter.
I did a lot of business in Phx, and yes Scottsdale was pretty fucking pretentious.

10-18-2008, 10:00 AM
I lived in Chandler for about a year, great area.

Scottsdale had the best bars though...if i remember right, you could smoke in scottsdale but no where else?

Also, there was some weird ass bar that I went to every week(can't remember the name of it)...It had a country bar, another country bar, a rap bar, heavy metal area...really weird. Beers were a nickel on Wednesday nights , but you had to pay a ridiculous cover charge (unless you're a chick, then you get in free).

10-18-2008, 05:15 PM
Haha, you're probably thinking of Minder Binders. Its closed now. Makes me a sad panda. :(

Best clubs you're going to find are in Scottsdale (which is full of pretentious pricks, remember) or go to Mill Ave. by ASU. Great bars around there. Rula Bula is an Irish Pub that was once my favorite haunt before I got knocked up. (going back for Halloween though!) Cherry Pit is pretty fun, you can watch drunk girls (like myself) climb up on the many strip poles in the place and try to look sexy on them. Any of the Dos Gringos in the valley usually have a good bar fight a night....I'll try to think of some more.

10-19-2008, 01:54 AM
As for the voting thing, I had to update my address and did so about two/three weeks ago. I just got my updated voter card on Friday but no mention of a polling place. I believe you can go to any polling place in arizona and fill out a provisional ballot which gets counted if necessary. I think you just need to vote in the correct district.

Of course if you plan on voting for McCain or Joe the sherrif you can disregard all of the above, it doesn't apply to you.

10-19-2008, 05:34 AM
the only pubs I've been to are Rosy"Mc'cafrins(sp) and Obrians(sp) I hated both. Rosy's was alright if it wasn't for the lack of space. Obrians is a dive IMHO.

in other news....

For the love of g-d is there ANYTHING to do in this damn city!?!?! Volley Ball for example? I'm seriously going nutz w/ the only thing I have to do is work and sit in my apartment.

10-19-2008, 06:02 AM
Alright, I'm registerd/eligable to vote, but as yet I've received no info via mail as to where I am supposed to report to fill out a ballot. Anyone in the area have any idea? I just moved to the area a few months ago btw.

PS: I HATE this State....

Polling Places - Arizona Secretary of State Website (http://www.azsos.gov/election/polling_places.htm)

Maricopa County Elections Polling Place Locator (http://recorder.maricopa.gov/pollingplace05/pollingplace.aspx)

10-19-2008, 12:27 PM
to be honest, i don't want anyone voting who spells it "voteing"

10-19-2008, 12:39 PM
First of all, get out of Glendale. :D

There are plenty of things to do. If you're looking for volleyball, there are city-based leagues that you can sign up for. You'll need to look online and there's probably a fee but it will be nice and organized.

Since the weather is perfect you could go hiking Camelback Mountain or South Mountain. There's also the Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix Art Museum, the list goes on.

If you want something more specific, look here:


Oh yeah, State Fair is going on now. Great place to people watch since its in the ghetto but the rides hardly ever fall apart and the food will stop your heart and tastes great!

10-19-2008, 02:09 PM
Hah! "hardly ever". Now I feel safe!

10-20-2008, 02:07 AM
to be honest, i don't want anyone voting who spells it "voteing"

Voting does not require spelling ability.

You can always request someone to read the ballot for you. Best to make sure a representative of both parties is present when it happens. Another option is to request an absentee ballot, if your state allows them, and have a trusted person (or persons) help you fill it out.

Not that the OP misspelling one word mean I am speaking to them. Gods know I misspell still. Just as general advice to the possibly illiterate, and the general "you" that would imply.