View Full Version : Just wow..

10-15-2008, 07:14 PM

Think you play too much World of Warcraft?

Compared to "Prepared," you don't.

In a case of game addiction gone officially bananas, gaming blog Joystiq reports on what is surely the biggest Warcraft fan of them all. Known only under the moniker "Prepared," the gamer plays a stunning 36 World of Warcraft accounts on 11 different computers...simultaneously.

Stemming from a desire to manage raids -- large-scale gameplay sessions that typically require the teamwork of multiple players -- all by himself, the die-hard gamer seems undaunted by both the financial and lifestyle commitments to such a geeky endeavor.



"It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule," he writes. "Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft."

Like yachting, perhaps. And despite the downturn in the economy, Prepared can't wait to get his hands on the upcoming Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.

"I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them."

Word of Prepared's over-the-top addiction comes on the heels of the annual Blizzcon Convention, a fan-oriented celebration of the games created by Warcraft publisher Blizzard

10-15-2008, 07:17 PM


Inlining the pic of his setup...

10-15-2008, 07:18 PM
I wonder who he yells at when the raid wipes..

10-15-2008, 07:20 PM
Yeah I saw that on the MG forums and was like WTF. Now anytime someone says I don't have a life I can point in that guy's direction.

10-15-2008, 07:20 PM
That room must be insanely hot.

10-15-2008, 07:30 PM
I hate those mice where you roll the ball with your thumb.

10-15-2008, 07:32 PM
I wonder if he participated in the premature ejaculation study.

10-15-2008, 07:34 PM
I wonder who he yells at when the raid wipes..
Probably his cat... "THAT'S A FUCKING 50DKP MINUS!"

10-15-2008, 07:38 PM
That's fucked up.

He's lying, he's a gold seller.

10-16-2008, 12:24 AM
That dude has no shortage of cash.

Moist Happenings
10-16-2008, 12:28 AM
That's fucked up.

He's lying, he's a gold seller.

I'd have to agree. There's absolutely no way anyone could raid with more than 3 characters at once. I was a guild leader/raid leader for my guild and also the main healer. Tried to take my brother in law's mage to Gruul's(which was a cakewalk for us at the time) since we were down a tank for the fire mage ogre guy on the right, and couldn't pull it off. We were still able to do it without a tank, but if that guy claims to raid with more than 2 characters at once, he's full of shit.

Gotta be a gold seller or a botter of some kind.

10-16-2008, 12:41 AM
I hate those mice where you roll the ball with your thumb.

They're called trackballs. It's a love em or hate em type thing.

Moist Happenings
10-16-2008, 12:44 AM
They're called trackballs. It's a love em or hate em type thing.

Definitely a love 'em or hate 'em type of thing. I hate the ones that he has in those pictures, but there was one I used to have when Laptops first became affordable that attached directly to a slot on the side of the computer. You put your hand under it. It was the best mouse I ever had. I don't think they make 'em like that anymore though.

10-16-2008, 12:48 AM
I think he uses it mostly for porn. I would.

Moist Happenings
10-16-2008, 12:49 AM
Now 36 instances of cybersexing I can believe. Maybe he uses it to raid Goldshire.

10-16-2008, 12:50 AM
I used to use a trackball when I was a kid, the standard sized ones, not the thumb ones. I replaced the regular ball with an 8-ball. Thought it was really cool. FPSes killed them for me though.

10-16-2008, 01:14 AM
Jinsem's army has been upstaged. I hope he's doing okay overseas. He'll have to come back and play 40 GS characters.

10-16-2008, 06:24 AM
I'd have to agree. There's absolutely no way anyone could raid with more than 3 characters at once. I was a guild leader/raid leader for my guild and also the main healer. Tried to take my brother in law's mage to Gruul's(which was a cakewalk for us at the time) since we were down a tank for the fire mage ogre guy on the right, and couldn't pull it off. We were still able to do it without a tank, but if that guy claims to raid with more than 2 characters at once, he's full of shit.

Gotta be a gold seller or a botter of some kind.

^^ This..he'll be on the csf forums one of these days saying 'No I didn't use <botting program> I was using the wow keyboard/my little brother I have guardianship of was using it on his pc I didn't know, wasn't me!!11!!/other lame excuse heard over & over.'

When they do a botting ban wave & these freaks come out of the woodwork. 'I've had 36 accounts for 3 years, you're losing my money Blizz unban me!!"

10-16-2008, 06:39 AM
I'd have to agree. There's absolutely no way anyone could raid with more than 3 characters at once. I was a guild leader/raid leader for my guild and also the main healer. Tried to take my brother in law's mage to Gruul's(which was a cakewalk for us at the time) since we were down a tank for the fire mage ogre guy on the right, and couldn't pull it off. We were still able to do it without a tank, but if that guy claims to raid with more than 2 characters at once, he's full of shit.

Gotta be a gold seller or a botter of some kind.

I have to disagree

My old guildy from when I played Spinebreaker, actually took all 5 of his characters into the raid before, one a main tank, 2 healers and a two dps

and he did perfectly fine, I don't know how exactly he did it, but he did do it

he can have code set up easily enough, and with bigwigs, and othervarious raid tools, it's not hard to know when a boss is going to do what, and when, you can have scripts or whatever to time everything, omen, to controll threat, and so forth
though I can seem some bosses being harder then others, like felmyst and the green beams and so forth
but alot of the bosses it's possible

10-16-2008, 06:42 AM
I think that would totally take the fun out of the game for me, but to each his own.

10-16-2008, 06:47 AM
I think that would totally take the fun out of the game for me, but to each his own.

I agree, I enjoyed raiding and wiping with other people.

Moist Happenings
10-16-2008, 01:13 PM
I have to disagree

My old guildy from when I played Spinebreaker, actually took all 5 of his characters into the raid before, one a main tank, 2 healers and a two dps

and he did perfectly fine, I don't know how exactly he did it, but he did do it

he can have code set up easily enough, and with bigwigs, and othervarious raid tools, it's not hard to know when a boss is going to do what, and when, you can have scripts or whatever to time everything, omen, to controll threat, and so forth
though I can seem some bosses being harder then others, like felmyst and the green beams and so forth
but alot of the bosses it's possible

5 is feasible depending on the situation. 36 isn't. Not unless you've got some serious bots running. Macros will only take you so far. When I attempted two, I used almost no macros or raid mods on one, which is why it didn't work out. If I had gone into the situation knowing I'd need to do this or that, I might have been able to do it easier.

But let's take Gruul's for example. If you're trying to play 36 accounts there fighting Gruul, and 36 of them have to be moving simultaneously when they get thrown in the air, and then maybe 15 have to be moving simultaneously as the ceiling caves in, while all the while all the DPS has to be pew pewing, and all the healers have to be healing, a single person just doesn't have enough hands to be doing it all. Not with 36, not with 10. Macros and addons don't have enough capability to make your character move around and react.

Bots do, but botting is illegal.

So I'll submit again, if he claims to use 36 accounts simultaneously to raid: bullshit. He's a botter or a gold seller.

10-16-2008, 01:20 PM
So that's what Tamral does with all his coffee shop hacker catching reward money...

10-16-2008, 02:51 PM
heh that is 1 true nerd. I have 2 monitors so I can surf the net while we recover in raids (feign death ftw) now I won't ever feel guilty for that again.

On another note have you guys checked out these videos they are so funny escpecially the last one.



10-26-2008, 09:57 PM
See I still roll with a Trackball but not that kind I use


It's the best damn mouse I've ever used and I wouldn't change it. Saves me from using my whole arm to move down and then pick up my mouse go back to the top and roll it down again.

Instead thumb on left button 2 fingers on ball, ring finger on right-click.

10-27-2008, 06:23 PM
except I don't have that gay blue color... It's on sale if anyone's interested:

being able to switch resolutions on the fly is badass.

Sean of the Thread
10-27-2008, 07:44 PM
Damn Tamral is famous now.