View Full Version : Instrument learning
10-13-2008, 10:28 PM
Are there any constraints to mastering(getting Adept) that I don't know about?
Read the krakiipedia article and whatnot.. But its been over 24 hours since my 19th rank, and I still haven't gotten the last one.
I don't need a master quality instrument or anything stupid do I?
Does tuning the instrument really have any effect on it like the krakiipedia guide states? I got to rank 16-17 without tuning much if at all. Tried it a few times once I read about it, but I don't see how it helps. It gives the same message everytime I do it. Somehow I don't think my instruments ever out of tune, I see it as more of an RP verb.
10-13-2008, 11:26 PM
it took Rada a while to master the mandolin. I remember the last bit took a while.
10-13-2008, 11:49 PM
It's taken me the better part of a week to get from rank 2 to rank 19. And now I seem stuck. The krakii guide guy seemed to have gotten it within under 20 hours... Not sure why I am so much slower.
10-14-2008, 12:13 AM
Guess I am a bit impatient... About 5 hours past due...
You are an Adept player of necked stringed instruments.
Finally. Now to see if it does fuck all for my 1030 spell damage.
Guess I am a bit impatient... About 5 hours past due...
You are an Adept player of necked stringed instruments.
Finally. Now to see if it does fuck all for my 1030 spell damage.
Going from rank 19 to 20, you won't notice much.
Going from no instrument to a mastered 2 handed instrument? Hell yes.
10-14-2008, 05:46 PM
I didn't hunt the whole time I was mastering the instrument, so yeah I noticed some difference.
11-03-2008, 11:12 PM
Anyone out there have a script that I can use for playing instruments?
11-04-2008, 03:58 AM
Usage is .play (instrument) (style)
It will just keep looping. I used it to master a two handed instrument for use in hunting with spells. Took about a week of leaving it on most of the time.
echo Instrument, Style: Joyful, Mournful, Soft, Fast, Slow, Intense,
echo Jaunty, Flamboyant, Aimless, Somber, Inspiring.
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 1
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 2
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 3
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 4
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 5
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 6
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 7
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 8
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 9
pause 330
put play skill
put tune %1
put play %1 %2 10
pause 330
goto play1
11-04-2008, 07:53 PM
How does hunting with an instrument work? Does the two handed instrument work like a staff? I figure you would take a huge drop in DS. Throw some insight my way?
11-04-2008, 08:08 PM
makes more spells more effective like 1001, 1020, 1030...etc...
makes more spells more effective like 1001, 1020, 1030...etc...
Those are the only spells it affects. Increases the DS drop from 1001, increases the chances of a safe landing at the intended LZ with 1020, and gives your 1030 steroids.
It works by playing the instrument while casting the spell. Yes, you take a DS hit. I recommend 2-handed instruments with brawling, myself.
Some people like to play the odds by writing a script to stow gear, whip out instrument, play, cast spell, stow instrument, and whip out gear.
11-05-2008, 11:18 AM
which i am one of :) ...also might i just say that failing a 1020 and not having water/throat balm/etc fucking sucks ><
so yeah use your instrument for 1020 to help your chances
11-05-2008, 11:34 AM
put prep 1030
waitfor You change your tune slightly
put stow all
put remove harp
put play harp fast 1
waitfor Beginning without preamble, you start playing your dark thanot harp -- it rings with the speed of the notes, as you display your easy virtuosity and beautiful tone.
put sing
put wear harp
put ready weapon
waitfor You remove a
put ready shield
There is an obvious risk involved but I find it worth the reward.
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