View Full Version : Broken Ankle

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
10-13-2008, 02:16 AM
So, Zuie broke my ankle. :(

Kidding hun! My clumsy butt fell off my bed, jamming the inside portion of my ankle into the leg of my computer chair! It hurts like a mofo when I put weight on it, but aside from that, I'm golden. It gives me another chance to master the art of crutch use, so that can at least keep me occupied.

10-13-2008, 02:18 AM
Yeah, you clutz!

Edit: Thanks for making me get all the way up, and for messing up my computer in the process.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
10-13-2008, 02:19 AM
YOUR BUTT SHALL BE KICKED!...six weeks from now. I feel like a sissy kicking with my left foot, so give me time to heal!

10-13-2008, 02:51 AM
Don't feel so bad. When I was 19 or 20, during the winter time I was running toward my car because it was fucking cold outside and I slipped on some ice when I stepped over one of those concrete divider thingies, which I can't remember what they're called and snapped my ankle in two places. I managed to get my ass back into the car and drive to the ER which with was being remodeled along with the rest of the hospital. I had to park on the other side of the lot and hobble my way inside in extreme pain. Due to the remodeling that left the main entrance closed I ended up stumbling through the ambulance entrance but at least I got a bed and a shot right away.

As an added bonus the stupid break wasn't clean enough for a cast so it was surgically repaired and I have a set of scars to show for the incident along with some screws and plates.

10-13-2008, 03:36 AM
Ouch! I broke my ankle once when I was out camping in the middle of nowhere. When I broke it, I was about four miles from our campsite, and another seven miles to the car. I made it back to camp, but it took four days until I could hike the seven miles out and by that time, it had started to heal on its own. I think if I'd have pushed through that first day, I could have made it out but it was hurting so much that I was just happy to have made it to camp. Unfortunately, it just hurt worse the second day. When I finally made it to the Dr, he said that they'd have to rebreak it to set it properly so I wound up having it not quite properly aligned. Most of the time it's ok, but I sprain it pretty easily now.

10-13-2008, 04:49 AM
I feel like a sissy kicking with my left foot

Given that you broke your ankle falling out of bed, that sissy feeling is probably well placed.

Just saying.

10-13-2008, 08:40 AM
Given that you broke your ankle falling out of bed, that sissy feeling is probably well placed.

Just saying.

Yeah, I'm with her. You should tell everyone that you broke it mountain biking or something alot more physical than falling out of bed. Yikes.

Stanley Burrell
10-13-2008, 08:46 AM
Were you at least on something?

Besides my mom.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
10-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Afraid not...

To clarify: My bed is frameless. There is a box spring and mattress on the floor, and for whatever reason, I prefer it that way (I took it off the frame a few months ago). It isn't like I just rolled over and fell, but rather, tried to step onto it before losing my balance (as I had just turned off the light and my eyes were still adjusting) and stumbling off.

THEN, Zuie just kept trying to nonchalantly go zomg brb on the phone, when I was all like, gahhh.... errr.... owww.... oooooooh. Such a woman! :p

10-13-2008, 12:58 PM
I managed to break my foot 3 weeks ago playing hockey, myself. Took a wicked hahd slappa on the inside of my foot.

I don't mind breaking my foot so much, but I lost my new job because of it. So now I'm broke (in more ways than one), jobless, and I have no insurance.

Go me.

Garnet Doyle
10-13-2008, 02:06 PM
Don't feel so bad. When I was 19 or 20, during the winter time I was running toward my car because it was fucking cold outside and I slipped on some ice when I stepped over one of those concrete divider thingies, which I can't remember what they're called and snapped my ankle in two places. I managed to get my ass back into the car and drive to the ER which with was being remodeled along with the rest of the hospital. I had to park on the other side of the lot and hobble my way inside in extreme pain. Due to the remodeling that left the main entrance closed I ended up stumbling through the ambulance entrance but at least I got a bed and a shot right away.

You must be in your 40s by now. These days they let people up and die in the ER as they're too busy filing their nails and/or filling out insurance claim forms for whatever they can think of.

I was watching something on animal planet last night, long story short is some guy pulled a shark into his boat to get a hook out of it or someshit, it spun around, latched onto his leg, and bit the shit outa him. They got him to a hospital, and while waiting in the ER to get some stitches (Besides all the blood he'd lost), the wounds healed to the point where they could no longer use stitches on them.

And the narator is like "But, ironicly, by the time he was seen, it was too late for stitches". And i'm thinking "Irony? no, that's just fuck-offery".

Garnet Doyle
10-13-2008, 02:09 PM
I don't mind breaking my foot so much, but I lost my new job because of it.

Not that i'm a lawyer, but doesn't the american with disabilities act or some other such shit prevent this from happening?

"Hi boss!"

"???.... Oh, you're hurt? Sorry, uh, I don't think you're going to be a proper fit for this workplace. You're fired"

10-13-2008, 02:11 PM
The Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't cover wicked hahd slappas.

10-14-2008, 04:59 PM
I knew a chick once that lived on a farm and was out front cutting the grass in the open ditch, slipped and cut her foot badly on the whirling blade of the lawnmower. That weekend, her husband took their 3 kids camping, she was left home alone, but was fine with that. It rained where they were camping, so her husband called her in the middle of the night to tell her they were coming home. She, forgetting her foot was hurt, got up out of bed in a hurry to answer the ringing phone, stepped on her hurt foot, went down like a mofo and broke the other ankle....She was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks...

Moist Happenings
10-14-2008, 05:27 PM
Yeah, I'm with her. You should tell everyone that you broke it mountain biking or something alot more physical than falling out of bed. Yikes.

Pssht. Now that's a TOTAL lie. You have to be tricky and craft it into sort of a half lie. He did it getting out of bed. He could just say that he was having sex and he attempted the fabled triple axle kick flip move and fell.

10-14-2008, 06:03 PM
Not that i'm a lawyer, but doesn't the american with disabilities act or some other such shit prevent this from happening?

"Hi boss!"

"???.... Oh, you're hurt? Sorry, uh, I don't think you're going to be a proper fit for this workplace. You're fired"

I only had a conditional offer of employment. One of the conditions was that I not break my foot.

I would have started next week.

10-15-2008, 11:57 AM
Pssht. Now that's a TOTAL lie. You have to be tricky and craft it into sort of a half lie. He did it getting out of bed. He could just say that he was having sex and he attempted the fabled triple axle kick flip move and fell.

Ahhhhh right, the dismount. A tricky one just might break an ankle. Just don't forget the swirl.

10-15-2008, 01:22 PM
Painkillers ftw though.
I'm crutch master too. win.

10-15-2008, 01:40 PM
Ahhh ankle injuries are HORRIBLE....

Middle of July i rolled my really bad playing indoor soccer, it swelled up to about 3x-4x the size of my other ankle, went to the hospital, the Doctor said it was too swollen to know if it was broken so he wrote a prescription to go get x-rayed, but I never went.... so it's been almost three months it's still slightly bigger than my other ankle, but I'm not in pain. I still haven't been able to really go running or anything.

Good luck.

10-15-2008, 01:49 PM
I only had a conditional offer of employment. One of the conditions was that I not break my foot.

I would have started next week.

Pop like 8 Tylenol 3s and as soon as you get to work fall on the ground and start wailing about how they broke your ankle with their minds.