View Full Version : Smartz is Hawt

10-06-2008, 06:52 PM
Nerds rejoice: Braininess boosts likelihood of sex
Women Proved to Be Decent Judges of Intelligence, Study Says
Oct. 6, 2008

Lonely men ought to flaunt their copies of New Scientist. Women looking for both one-night stands and long-term relationships go for geniuses over dumb jocks, according to a new study of hundreds of university students.

"Women want the best of both worlds. Not only a physically attractive man, but somebody in the long term who can provide for them," says Mark Prokosch, an evolutionary psychologist at Elon University in North Carolina, who led the study.

To many women, a smart man will appeal because he is likely to be clever enough to keep his family afloat. But he may also pass on "good" genes to his children, say Prokosch and his colleagues at the University of California, Davis.

Rather than ask women to rate qualities they seek in men, as other studies had done, Prokosch's team asked 15 college men to perform a series of tasks on camera.

The volunteers read news reports, explained why they would be a good date, and what would be the ramifications of the discovery of life on Mars. They also threw and caught a Frisbee to parade their physical appeal. Each potential suitor also took a quantitative test of verbal intelligence.

Smart is sexy More than 200 women watched a series of these videos before rating each man's intelligence, attractiveness, creativity and appeal for a short-term or long-term relationship.

While the difference between short- and long-term mates may amount to a boozy decision students face each weekend, it has some evolutionary significance, Prokosch says. In potential husbands, women look for signs that a man might be a good provider and father. In one-night stands, women are on the prowl for little more than good genes, not to mention a good time.

Women proved to be decent judges of intelligence, with their scores generally matching each man's intelligence test results.

As for picking a bed-mate, the men's actual smartness proved a reliable indicator of their appeal for both brief hook-ups and serious relationships – which came as something of a surprise. Other studies have suggested that, for women anticipating short-term relationships, a man's braininess isn't foremost in their minds.

The disparate results may be due to women's lack of awareness that intelligence also affects the attractiveness of candidates for quick flings – how intelligent women perceived a man to be influenced his desirability as a long-term mate much more than his appeal for a one-night stand.

Bright and beautiful Martie Haselton, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, also notes that although women were good judges of intelligence, they weren't perfect. In many cases, women rated good hook-ups as dunces, when their intelligence scores indicated otherwise.

"There could be aspects of intelligence that we pick up on when we interact with a person and that affect our assessment of them, even if we wouldn't label it as intelligence," she says.

But some things never change. Looks were still a much more powerful predictor of sex appeal than brains. "Women are still going for the hunk," Prokosch says. "If you had an option to pick from five different people, you would pick the most attractive one."

So in a perfect world, women want a Nobel prize winner with movie-star looks. Creativity also proved to be a sought-after trait, and Prokosch's team is currently working on an objective measure of creativity, similar to the intelligence test they used.

However, in a world of limited resources, not every woman gets what she wants, and some are bound to fall for ugly, unintelligent and uncreative men. "There's always other people out there that find everything attractive," Prokosch says.*

10-06-2008, 06:55 PM
So in a perfect world, women want a Nobel prize winner with movie-star looks.Unfortunately, Lincoln makes a good point that hot people don't need to develop smarts or a good personality.


10-06-2008, 06:56 PM

Women proved to be decent judges of intelligence, with their scores generally matching each man's intelligence test results.

10-06-2008, 07:53 PM
I do the same thing, but to a different degree. I'll pass up on a more classically attractive dumber chick and go for a (what my friends consider) less attractive girl who is more on my level. It's not an active decision- it's just what I find attractive, I guess.

My buddies have crucified me in the past, but I just can't stomach idiocy. That's her job.

10-06-2008, 09:23 PM
Polling women and asking them for their opinions and judgment is pointless. Because all women, everywhere, are certifiably insane.

10-06-2008, 10:11 PM
Polling women and asking them for their opinions and judgment is pointless. Because all women, everywhere, are certifiably insane.

true story

10-06-2008, 11:21 PM
I'll fully admit that I have a huge weakness for smart guys. Hawtness, while awesome, will fade, but the ability to hold an intellectual conversation is far more attractive to me.


10-06-2008, 11:23 PM


10-07-2008, 07:23 PM
So a woman only wants a smart man to provide for her, though women tend to test around the same ranges of intelligence as their mates?

-Some bias I feel. Personally, I chose a smart guy because I like learning new things. I don't need him to take care of me, but he's nice to have.

10-07-2008, 07:26 PM
I'm not saying that some women don't dig smart guys... but I think that barring resources or status people usually end up with folks who around the same attractiveness and intelligence as each other.

Saying, "I like smart guys" is just more acceptable than saying "I like wealthy guys."

10-07-2008, 09:31 PM
All other things being equal, I will pick a smart man over a dumb man.

All other things being equal, I will pick a hot man over an ugly man.

All other things being equal, I will pick a rich guy over a poor guy.

But all other things are never equal. My mates in the past have tended toward average looks, average money, and super smarts. So I claim that intelligence is more important to me than looks. Intelligence does not forgive no hygiene, warts on the face, $200k in credit card debt, and living in your parents' basement, however. So I guess it's a formula.

For me:
Intelligence = 1.5x
Money = 1x
Looks = 0.5x

Final score = intelligence * money * looks.

Or somethin' like that.

P.S. I like beer.

Or something.

10-07-2008, 09:58 PM
I think there's a lot to be said for rich and dumb :D

10-07-2008, 10:29 PM
Final score = intelligence * money * looks

By the transative property; Backlash is fucked.

10-08-2008, 12:08 AM
In my experience the ratio of dumb women to dumb men I've met is around 2.5:1

Although perhaps women act dumb because they think it's endearing. :thinking:

10-08-2008, 12:10 AM
Although perhaps women act dumb because they think it's endearing. :thinking:

And then once they realize the majority of the population disagrees with that, some tone it down and become bearable. Right Ismurii?

10-08-2008, 12:58 AM
Personally, I chose a smart guy because I like learning new things. I don't need him to take care of me, but he's nice to have.

You saying that is like a guy saying he doesn't select a woman based on her youthfulness, hip-waist ratio, and looks because she looks like she can successfully carry a healthy child. We're all driven by basic desires, no matter how much varnish you put on top.

Sean of the Thread
10-08-2008, 01:07 AM
For me:
Intelligence = 1.5x
Money = 1x
Looks = 0.5x

Final score = intelligence * money * looks.

Or somethin' like that.

P.S. I like beer.

Or something.

Girth = 8.5x

10-08-2008, 01:35 AM
Girth = 8.5x

On a woman? So you'd be a fan of the 'double-wide' wheelchair?

Shit, I gotta stop drinking after debates. I really hate being an ass. Even to a guy who's purpose is to be an ass. 'Cuz I know he'd stab someone for most any of us.

10-08-2008, 07:39 AM
By the transative property; Backlash is fucked.

"Women want the best of both worlds. Not only a physically attractive man, but somebody in the long term who can provide for them," says Mark Prokosch, an evolutionary psychologist at Elon University in North Carolina, who led the study.
So essentially the OP article is calling all women gold diggers. I bet this guy gets loads of poonanny.

10-08-2008, 07:56 AM
All other things being equal, I will pick a smart man over a dumb man.

All other things being equal, I will pick a hot man over an ugly man.

All other things being equal, I will pick a rich guy over a poor guy.

But all other things are never equal. My mates in the past have tended toward average looks, average money, and super smarts. So I claim that intelligence is more important to me than looks. Intelligence does not forgive no hygiene, warts on the face, $200k in credit card debt, and living in your parents' basement, however. So I guess it's a formula.

For me:
Intelligence = 1.5x
Money = 1x
Looks = 0.5x

Final score = intelligence * money * looks.

Or somethin' like that.

P.S. I like beer.

Or something.

By the transative property; Backlash is fucked.

In Backlash's defense, he was fucked no matter which rank you put those traits in.

10-08-2008, 11:21 AM
You saying that is like a guy saying he doesn't select a woman based on her youthfulness, hip-waist ratio, and looks because she looks like she can successfully carry a healthy child. We're all driven by basic desires, no matter how much varnish you put on top.

How's that? The premise of the article is that a woman chooses a man to take care of her family and her. I'm in a unique situation because I've been told I can't have children, unless they cure and find a way to reverse nephropathy with the quickness. So I'm obviously not worried about my likely nonexistent children. The point you bring up is funny because I was told since the age of about twenty that carrying a child would strain my kidneys to loss of function. I was straight up with my boyfriend about it, (who was not my boyfriend at the time). We have however been friends since 16. This issue has come up a few times as I go back and forth between saying "fuck my kidneys."

As for myself, I make enough doing what I do. Additionally, when I get my masters/doctorate/phd in research, I'll be making much more. In that manner, I have told my boyfriend to do what he enjoys doing. He chose computer programming, and I enjoy watching him get excited about it. I have even messed around with his software to make card "programs" for his birthdays and every day BS stuff that I found entertaining, based on what he showed me in them, which was incredibly fun for me. My simple point was that there are some women who couldn't care less what a man makes. He could have chosen to study agriculture, and I'd be cool with that, as long as I was learning something from him. My new point to you is that there are men who don't see the ability to carry a child as the be all end all of mate selection.

One last point, there are often two facets of mate selection that every science undergrad learns in their junior year human sexuality. One is sweaty hot monkey sex mate selection where we aim for impregnation, while the other is long term mate selection. This article is obviously studying the first, though they don't bring that up. I'm obviously arguing from the standpoint of the second, as so many people here were quick to jump the blanket gun on how everything neatly falls into the first category.

Miss Ismurii
10-08-2008, 01:05 PM
And then once they realize the majority of the population disagrees with that, some tone it down and become bearable. Right Ismurii?


10-08-2008, 01:10 PM
"fuck my kidneys."

If I had a dollar for every time I've had a girl exclaim that.....

I'd be broke.