View Full Version : Parkbandit v. Tsa'ah

10-04-2008, 06:49 PM
What the hell is wrong with you two? You snipe and snipe and snipe at each other and I'm sure you both probably believe you are original and scathing in your insults and that your retorts are the best and people hold their breaths to hear your next verbal smackdown but you would be wrong. It's boring and unoriginal. Thats all I've got to say. Have a nice day.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-04-2008, 07:33 PM
So send a private message...

10-04-2008, 08:14 PM
Public drama is the PC way!

10-04-2008, 08:42 PM
Heh this reminds me of this one time that my genetics teacher took a class poll to see how late this one guy would be (he was ALWAYS late and his labby was getting screwed because of it.) He wrote the times on the board and made the guy come circle the one that was closest when he DID come in.

Public Shaming FTW?

10-04-2008, 09:51 PM
What the hell is wrong with you two? You snipe and snipe and snipe at each other and I'm sure you both probably believe you are original and scathing in your insults and that your retorts are the best and people hold their breaths to hear your next verbal smackdown but you would be wrong. It's boring and unoriginal. Thats all I've got to say. Have a nice day.

Well, we can't all be as original as you.. like when you posted this:

Don't tell me that you are one of those morons who believe that registration date and post count are the only means by which one can possibly be knowledgeable about forum goings on? I'd tell you to not be an idiot but you've heard that so much you must be numb to it by now.

Wow.. moron and idiot in the same post... you are a real da Vinci of your time, aren't you.

Here's an idea, if you don't want to read it.. DON'T.

10-04-2008, 10:35 PM
Heh this reminds me of this one time that my genetics teacher took a class poll to see how late this one guy would be (he was ALWAYS late and his labby was getting screwed because of it.) He wrote the times on the board and made the guy come circle the one that was closest when he DID come in.

Public Shaming FTW?

My history professor did something like this on Wednesday. We're supposed to write several paragraph essays on some reading assignments throughout the semester, and on Wednesday he brought in a random group of the last ones that were turned in. He took the names off the papers of course, and proceeded to have the class critique them. Some were okay and some were bad and one was good, but there was just one giant stinker.

Okay, so I totally understand that some people have shitty grammar and spelling skills. That's just fine. But if you have access to a computer to submit your assignment online, chances are you can get access to a computer with Word to fucking spell check the damn thing. NO ONE should be turning in a college-level assignment without spell checking if they know they're a bad speller/have bad grammar.

Well this one stinker was a mess. Spelling and grammar issues everywhere. And the class wasn't shy about saying so. Now, if it were my essay, i'd just ignore it cuz no one would know it was mine anyway. But the girl who wrote it got upset and walked out. I kinda felt bad for her since the professor put her work out there for some people with little tact (it's a core class and therefore, lots of immature nards fresh out of HS), but shit, SPELL CHECK IS YOUR FRIEND AND ALL IT TAKES IS A MOUSE CLICK.