View Full Version : Commited Relationships
10-03-2008, 09:52 AM
How far do you take relationships that start in gemstome? Since I'm a married gal, I usually avoid hooking up my characters but one does have a lover. He knows I am married and agreed to keep the intimate details implied. He's a great guy and it's alot of fun roleplaying a bit of romance. My hubby doesn't mind as long as it doesn't translate out of the game. It seems to me however, that I have to explain ooc to alot of gals that the player of my lover and myself are strictly friends. Some even seem offended for some odd reason. (My explaining usually follows those annoying whispers of how cute XXX is and is he like that irl etc).
Seriously people, are there no other couples in gemstone that are strictly rp? Do your gemstone relationships automatically translate into a rl fling cybering wise?
Inquiring minds would like to know....
10-03-2008, 10:02 AM
It seems to me however, that I have to explain ooc to alot of gals that the player of my lover and myself are strictly friends. Some even seem offended for some odd reason.
These girls are crazy. I know plenty of people where it's just RP, and others where it's been taken out of game.
I do agree that some sort of OOG friendship is involved, but it can be strictly platonic.
Any time any of my girls have been in a IG relationship, it was strictly to have the wedding ring to hopefully ward off the creepies.
During one wedding, we joked that the cleric was taking it way, way more seriously than either of us were.
So while yeah, it can be done, where a relationship is only roleplayed out, there are way too many people in the game that can't do the differentiation for me to really want to bother. I don't want to invite that kind of crazy over.
I have dated two people I met through Gemstone (and I feel dirty saying that), but I didn't meet either of them in game, and our characters were never romantically involved.
Sylvan Archer
10-03-2008, 10:07 AM
Like you, I'm married IRL and not interested in anything 'else' in GS. Most of my girls are single because most of the guys they meet can't seem to accept that. The one who is with someone, though, has been with him almost 3 years, and his player is very cool with the limits of the relationship. We both have our separate lives outside of GS, and are good friends, but that's it. My husband also accepts that it's a 'game relationship' and knows there's nothing real behind it.
Much less drama that way, and a lot less stress on the RL side of things. I'd love to find someone for my warrior to hang around with and hunt and RP with, but for some reason that one OOC whisper of "I'm married in RL and while relationships in GS are fine, there's no cybering at all." seems to make them all respond with "Okay, gotta go, don't bother hunting with me again."
10-03-2008, 10:14 AM
Meh, I've dated two girls I've met in GS.
I think it depends really, on both people.
10-03-2008, 10:25 AM
I have dated two people I met through Gemstone (and I feel dirty saying that), but I didn't meet either of them in game, and our characters were never romantically involved.I dated (and married) someone I met in Gemstone, but our characters were never involved. In fact one of my girls doesn't even like his characters. :D
My rogue has been married three times (the little slut) and all to very nice male players that just enjoyed having our characters play together. One of them wanted me around more than I could, so it ended, but for the most part, I enjoyed them all.
I just won't do IG relationships anymore because I don't play much, and when I do, I don't want to be committed to anyone for anything. I want to be able to come and go as I please. When I do play I have one good friend that I hunt with if we're in the same place and have the time, and because he understands my flightiness. Other than him, I'm not one to hang out with anyone regularly.
10-03-2008, 10:35 AM
How far do you take relationships that start in gemstome? Since I'm a married gal, I usually avoid hooking up my characters but one does have a lover.
IMO, I think the answer should be in the question that you should be asking first...How committed am I to my marriage? Why would you degrade something real with something fake? How would your husband feel if you emotionally and 'physically' went to anyone other than him, especially in some stupid game. Invest whatever it is that you are experiencing and feeling with this RP guy (which, I'm sorry, but cybering, RP relationship? Seriously? C'mon) and spend it with your husband.
10-03-2008, 10:37 AM
Seriously people, are there no other couples in gemstone that are strictly rp?
My main has been married to her IG husband for 4 years and it's always been strictly RP. He's a great guy and we enjoy playing them as a devoted couple. People have assumed we're together in RL and don't seem to get it when I tell them I haven't even spoken to him on the phone, let alone met him in person, nor do I have plans to. My RL husband finds it amusing that I have "another" husband but it doesn't bother him. He even brought me a glass of champagne the night the characters got married.
Having seen so much drama and craziness over the years with other people, I refuse to have any of my other girls in relationships now because I don't play GS for grief.
10-03-2008, 10:38 AM
especially in some stupid game.
what the fuck?! bite your tongue, blasphemer!
I just won't do IG relationships anymore because I don't play much, and when I do, I don't want to be committed to anyone for anything. I want to be able to come and go as I please. When I do play I have one good friend that I hunt with if we're in the same place and have the time, and because he understands my flightiness. Other than him, I'm not one to hang out with anyone regularly.Same for me when I go back to playing. In fact, my characters avoid flirting or engaging in any romantic discourse with other characters altogether.
Married women and roleplaying draws a very fine line and it can be a dangerous game to play if all parties involved aren't careful. When I play now it's strictly for fun, minus the romance.
10-03-2008, 10:42 AM
IMO, I think the answer should be in the question that you should be asking first...How committed am I to my marriage? Why would you degrade something real with something fake? How would your husband feel if you emotionally and 'physically' went to anyone other than him, especially in some stupid game. Invest whatever it is that you are experiencing and feeling with this RP guy (which, I'm sorry, but cybering, RP relationship? Seriously? C'mon) and spend it with your husband.
did your wife leave you for her IG husband? Why does her character's relationship "degrade" her real one? There are plenty of people who play whose sig others do not
Some Rogue
10-03-2008, 10:45 AM
My rogue has been married three times (the little slut) and all to very nice male players that just enjoyed having our characters play together. One of them wanted me around more than I could, so it ended, but for the most part, I enjoyed them all.
blahblahblah ima ho blahblahblah :D
10-03-2008, 10:55 AM
did your wife leave you for her IG husband? Why does her character's relationship "degrade" her real one? There are plenty of people who play whose sig others do not
Nope, never been married or left for someone else fortunately. If you're serious about your relationship, there should be no others. The fact that she is even asking says something about it already. Yea I'm one of the people who plays and my significant other doesn't, but I would never be in a relationship in GS, for a lot of reasons.
10-03-2008, 10:57 AM
I'll agree with most of the other people who have posted already. A few years ago, I allowed a couple in game relationships spill into real life (only one at a time, thankfully), but all the drama that ensued thoroughly burned me on it.
These days I will only have a character enter into a relationship when it's explicitly clear that it will never go past the game, and I find I vastly prefer it that way. I'm able to RP true to my character without worrying about spoiling an out of game relationship, and I still get to keep a friend I made through the process.
The last few relationships I've had with Nilandia have been that way, and I'm more than happy with how it's gone. I'm such a total romantic and in-game relationships allow me to express various facets of that without fear of getting hurt.
10-03-2008, 11:04 AM
Nope, never been married or left for someone else fortunately. If you're serious about your relationship, there should be no others. The fact that she is even asking says something about it already. Yea I'm one of the people who plays and my significant other doesn't, but I would never be in a relationship in GS, for a lot of reasons.
You must be one of those "if we're together you have to give up all of your friends" men. Do you keep your girlfriends locked in closets? Do you "allow" them to have platonic relationships with other men?
Some Rogue
10-03-2008, 11:11 AM
I keep them in a pit.
And it puts the lotion on its skin.
10-03-2008, 11:13 AM
I'll agree with most of the other people who have posted already. A few years ago, I allowed a couple in game relationships spill into real life (only one at a time, thankfully), but all the drama that ensued thoroughly burned me on it.
These days I will only have a character enter into a relationship when it's explicitly clear that it will never go past the game, and I find I vastly prefer it that way. I'm able to RP true to my character without worrying about spoiling an out of game relationship, and I still get to keep a friend I made through the process.
Yeah, ditto on both counts. My character is engaged to Taisara, but her player and I only imply the intimate portions of the relationship, and we ourselves have boundaries that are never crossed.
10-03-2008, 11:19 AM
10-03-2008, 11:20 AM
Nope, never been married or left for someone else fortunately. If you're serious about your relationship, there should be no others. The fact that she is even asking says something about it already.
I think the point is that this is a game and the relationship is not real, so it shouldn't be considered a threat to your real relationship.
Basically it comes down to what the people involved are comfortable with. If you have a jealous significant other, it stands to reason that you wouldn't have a game relationship as even just admitting you talk to the opposite sex, even friends, is a big no no.
Some people are just not tolerant of allowing their partner certain freedoms in any regard, which I personally don't find to be healthy.
10-03-2008, 11:22 AM
None of my characters are currently in relationships, though one of them flirts fairly heavily. If they were, it would be RP-only, as my last in-game relationship was.
In the past, I've had a character who dated my boyfriend's character. When the characters broke up for RP reasons, it caused much confusion among people who assumed that meant my boyfriend and I had broken up as well. I had to explain that no, actually, we were doing just fine.
10-03-2008, 11:32 AM
IMO, I think the answer should be in the question that you should be asking first...How committed am I to my marriage? Why would you degrade something real with something fake? How would your husband feel if you emotionally and 'physically' went to anyone other than him, especially in some stupid game. Invest whatever it is that you are experiencing and feeling with this RP guy (which, I'm sorry, but cybering, RP relationship? Seriously? C'mon) and spend it with your husband.
I wasn't asking for advice. I was asking if anyone else just rped a relationship( with implied intimacy rather than cyber) or actually forged said relationships into rl romances. What prompted my question was the fact I am taken aback by the people who can't seem to differentiate between a game of characters and rl. I clearly said that the fellow and I were strictly friends, no chance of a relationship outside the game. I also said my hubby was just fine and dandy with that, so it seems to me like he isn't lacking in any way. I have no romantic feelings for the fellow playing my characters romantic interest. I mostly see it as another chapter in the little life of my gemstone character.
I don't think you quite got where I was going with that or you are just one of those people that just can't quite get your head around the fact it is just a game to some people.
That whole answer just made me a sad panda. Let me pose this question to you- If a character in one of my books had a romantic relationship and there were some hot and heavy scenes in said book, would I be degrading my marriage? To me there is no difference. I am typing words on a screen and doing scenes from a play.
You should hook up with the girls I mentioned in my first post.
10-03-2008, 11:33 AM
I think the point is that this is a game and the relationship is not real, so it shouldn't be considered a threat to your real relationship.
Basically it comes down to what the people involved are comfortable with. If you have a jealous significant other, it stands to reason that you wouldn't have a game relationship as even just admitting you talk to the opposite sex, even friends, is a big no no.
Some people are just not tolerant of allowing their partner certain freedoms in any regard, which I personally don't find to be healthy.
Some people are just very very insecure.
My choices would have been Atheana, Gracy and Entress so no, I didn't get the OOG full on relationship.
I'm terrible at this game, I've just realised.
10-03-2008, 11:36 AM
My choices would have been Atheana, Gracy and Entress so no, I didn't get the OOG full on relationship.
I'm terrible at this game, I've just realised.
I'm sorry, but this one's absolutely horrible. It's horrible in premise, and it's horrible that I laughed. Sorry. :(
10-03-2008, 11:36 AM
My choices would have been Atheana, Gracy and Entress so no, I didn't get the OOG full on relationship.
I'm terrible at this game, I've just realised.
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 11:41 AM
It has always amazed me about how so many look at this differently, and how the odds seem one way in game compared to the beliefs on the boards.
Personally, if you play the game and leave the ooc shit out, then where is the problem? When the players cross the ooc line, then that little talk of lines start and if your not interested in 'out of the game' relationships and into just a friendship, it should be as clear as any two consulting adults can make it be.
My Character can trace her history over several games with the same lover.
We even chit chat on the phone still. We share a unique friendship and talk about our kids, house, work, relationships, and things close friend share. It came to a point we realized we shouldn't be lovers anymore, and remained friends after all these years. I know this is a rare thing, but I am glad he is my friend even if we will NEVER meet in RL. Heck, he probably saved my relationship in real life a few times by being the reasonable voice in my head when I could not be.
If both players are clear on what is expected of them, where the lines are, there shouldn't be any problems. What better way to live out some fantasies, especially knowing that chances are, you wouldn't get to try them or live them in RL? Like Nilandia, I find it very nurturing to my hopeless romantic side that takes a little work finding on my character. I play the game for myself. Not anyone else. That buck I put up to play is mine. Who cares what others think, do what YOU want to do. Just be smart about it.
Different streaks for different freaks.
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 12:43 PM
I never felt the urge to RP dating in game or any of that bullshit. Who has time for that when you're paying by the minute?
I'd rather goto a strip club or hunt down some insecure girl in an AOL chat room.
10-03-2008, 12:53 PM
some insecure girl in an AOL chat room.
redundant many times over
10-03-2008, 12:56 PM
Some people are just very very insecure.
There can be reason to be. I think in game relationships only become an issue when you're devoting more time to them than your out of game relationships.
10-03-2008, 12:57 PM
Seriously. I don't have the patience for that shit in real life, let alone in a game.
Just say no.
10-03-2008, 01:13 PM
Just as an amusing little tangent, Emislity is apparently getting married because she's pregnant. She informed my gal of that little diamond just the other day.
How many times has she been married now?
10-03-2008, 01:17 PM
Not sure but I know she's approached my cleric 3 times to perform a wedding with 3 different fiances over the last year or so. I don't think any of those ever happened; I didn't preside anyway.
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 01:18 PM
Seriously. I don't have the patience for that shit in real life, let alone in a game.
Just say no.
Fucking exactly
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 01:18 PM
Just as an amusing little tangent, Emislity is apparently getting married because she's pregnant. She informed my gal of that little diamond just the other day.
Same player behind her/it?
I think she lives in Orlando Nub for your next visit.
10-03-2008, 01:34 PM
Same player behind her/it?
No idea, don't converse with her player (old or new) outside the game and tend to avoid her IG too for that matter.
10-03-2008, 01:38 PM
Well think what you want but no I don't keep my girlfriends locked up, we're not jealous (because there is no reason not to trust one another). Honestly, I view online fantasy RP as strange shit. Its one thing to write/read it and completely another to actively participate in it. If I knew my girlfriends or friends were doing it, we would rip on them endlessly. Oh hey, go beat off to a lvl 69 elven sorcerer with pulsing 'blood engorged' runes on his wang. Intimate online fantasy relationships to me and my friends are a joke. Sorry if you disagree and that is perfectly fine.
Edit to add: There is also nothing wrong with using RPGs as a way to make friends and to begin relationships IRL and outside of the game. I have made friends with several people over many years I have played and have met some in person too.
10-03-2008, 01:47 PM
Honestly, I view online fantasy RP as strange shit.
So uh, what are you doing here then? :D
10-03-2008, 01:53 PM
So uh, what are you doing here then? :D
Pardon me, meant to say intimate online RP relationships
10-03-2008, 02:00 PM
Pardon me, meant to say intimate online RP relationships
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 02:01 PM
You had me at 10 per bruce... you had me at 10 per.
10-03-2008, 02:02 PM
10-03-2008, 02:04 PM
Pardon me, meant to say intimate online RP relationships
Most people imply it, not actually go through with the cyber. Unless you're Sahreet.
10-03-2008, 02:06 PM
If cyber is really important, there are better online games to do that in than GS.
Not that I would know anything about those other games. :whistle:
Some Rogue
10-03-2008, 02:07 PM
If cyber is really important, there are better online games to do that in than GS.
Not that I would know anything about those other games. :whistle:
(can I get a link?)
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 02:11 PM
If cyber is really important, there are better online games to do that in than GS.
Not that I would know anything about those other games. :whistle:
Ah she must be talking about my horde cat drood ass raping her afk in WoW.
10-03-2008, 02:28 PM
SOTT - f you for getting that roast beef pic at the top of the page :P
10-03-2008, 03:05 PM
All my girls are single IG, this works great for me since I'm a married straight male, and have no interest in RPing snuggly time with anyone.
10-03-2008, 03:18 PM
How far do you take relationships that start in gemstome? Since I'm a married gal, I usually avoid hooking up my characters but one does have a lover. He knows I am married and agreed to keep the intimate details implied. He's a great guy and it's alot of fun roleplaying a bit of romance. My hubby doesn't mind as long as it doesn't translate out of the game. It seems to me however, that I have to explain ooc to alot of gals that the player of my lover and myself are strictly friends. Some even seem offended for some odd reason. (My explaining usually follows those annoying whispers of how cute XXX is and is he like that irl etc).
Seriously people, are there no other couples in gemstone that are strictly rp? Do your gemstone relationships automatically translate into a rl fling cybering wise?
Inquiring minds would like to know....
10-03-2008, 03:38 PM
Same for me when I go back to playing. In fact, my characters avoid flirting or engaging in any romantic discourse with other characters altogether.
That wasn't your stance last night :(
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 03:39 PM
No she was in the 69 stance last night.
10-03-2008, 04:20 PM
Like you, I'm married IRL and not interested in anything 'else' in GS. Most of my girls are single because most of the guys they meet can't seem to accept that....
....but for some reason that one OOC whisper of "I'm married in RL and while relationships in GS are fine, there's no cybering at all." seems to make them all respond with "Okay, gotta go, don't bother hunting with me again."
I know a lot of you are thinking..."Why bother having a relationship at all in GS then?"
For me, I guess...its nice to have a male companion in the game I can hang around with and whisper crazy bullshit OOC and generally having a good time while playing they are "together" in the eyes of others. I relate better to guys (aside from the cyber thing) and they don't get as uppity as females in the game. FURTHERMORE...when you're "in a relationship" it does help keep the uber creepies away. And I like that. :)
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 04:24 PM
Well other than the preggers and the artsy thing you're basically a dude Shari. In a good way.
Tea & Strumpets
10-03-2008, 04:25 PM
I play Gemstone to pick up chicks. Did I mention I am level 100 and will spell you up for sex? (That line ALWAYS works)
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 04:26 PM
Did I mention he'll aggro an entire instance because he has one hand on the keyboard?
Some Rogue
10-03-2008, 04:49 PM
And two feet on the pedals.
That wasn't your stance last night :(It won't be my stance tonight either. :smug_b:
10-03-2008, 05:54 PM
I know a lot of you are thinking..."Why bother having a relationship at all in GS then?"
For me, I guess...its nice to have a male companion in the game I can hang around with and whisper crazy bullshit OOC and generally having a good time while playing they are "together" in the eyes of others. I relate better to guys (aside from the cyber thing) and they don't get as uppity as females in the game. FURTHERMORE...when you're "in a relationship" it does help keep the uber creepies away. And I like that. :)
Exactly. GS relationship does not equal cyber. Not for me anyway. I think some people are having a hard time getting around that little nugget. Most of my friends in gs are male. The don't giggle and sashey as much.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-03-2008, 06:32 PM
Eh, I think a lot of people are retarded about this sort of thing.
By my nature I am a very non-jealous person, so maybe that's just why it translates into the game. I feel like it is just a game and that by treating any sort of "wandering" as another RP oppurtunity and not some RL betrayal, it solidifies any IG relationships because I don't go batshit insane in AIM or whatever if the person hangs out with another girl. The more you pull in the chain, the more the guy is gonna try to get away. I think either way being up front about it is important. Nothing pisses me off more than when a guy actively tries to make me jealous just to stroke his ego. If you need a girl to be insanely jealous about you even talking to another girl to make you feel like a man, good for you but I don't want to RP shit with you because the IRL drama is fucking ridiculous.
That being said.. Telare's player is my IRL ex-boyfriend. He's also one of my best friends.. I think he'd agree that we make better friends than we did an actual couple. I think some people have a hard time getting their head around it but it actually makes things very uncomplicated between us. It has made other people uncomfortable, but thats simply because they can't understand it.
I have gotten a lot of IMs from people who try to "rat out" Telare since he does play Aru's master. They always seem surprised when I'm okay with him hanging around or kanoodling (heehee) with another person in game, like they really can't understand the mentality. IMO it's not about not caring about him like people tend to assume, its that I feel and believe that it doesn't make me mean less to him as a friend not to mention it would be TOTALLY out of character for Aru to have a problem with it. She's his slave-- he could tell her to slit her own throat and she'd do it, what sort of justification could she have for trying to control who he sees on the side? The answer there would be: none. He plays Telare how he sees fit and does whatever to have fun with the game.. I just can't find fault in that and think it would be ragingly insecure and inappropriate of me if I did. We have an awesome friendship and I'm very secure about it.
10-03-2008, 11:24 PM
and they don't get as uppity as females in the game and irl.
10-03-2008, 11:54 PM
I never felt the urge to RP dating in game or any of that bullshit. Who has time for that when you're paying by the minute?
I'd rather goto a strip club or hunt down some insecure girl in an AOL chat room.
Didn't you play Xeni?
Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 11:58 PM
It was Xyelin no Xeni
10-04-2008, 12:03 AM
Akari and Senja were together for a looong time. We never messed around and his player and I are the best of friends. I know his wife and she was more than happy to have Akari and Senja together because she knew that I wouldn't do anything that she would be upset by. We are still friends and we play wow together sometimes now. ( I dragged him away fromn GS with the whole "you get prizes for killing people" lure)
10-04-2008, 12:15 AM
I think I have the wrong character I am certain his name was Xeblah blah, sorry.
Stanley Burrell
10-04-2008, 12:46 AM
How far do you take relationships that start in gemstome? Since I'm a married gal, I usually avoid hooking up my characters but one does have a lover. He knows I am married and agreed to keep the intimate details implied. He's a great guy and it's alot of fun roleplaying a bit of romance. My hubby doesn't mind as long as it doesn't translate out of the game. It seems to me however, that I have to explain ooc to alot of gals that the player of my lover and myself are strictly friends. Some even seem offended for some odd reason. (My explaining usually follows those annoying whispers of how cute XXX is and is he like that irl etc).
Seriously people, are there no other couples in gemstone that are strictly rp? Do your gemstone relationships automatically translate into a rl fling cybering wise?
Inquiring minds would like to know....
Your husband is awesome for not being a cocksmoke about it. He must be a gamer.
Also, I am going to avoid answering, commenting and disclosing any personally on-topic details regarding this thread. I have no ninja smoke bombs that translate into forum text, so I am going to use this distracting emoticon of some dude juggling. Four times:
Oh man. That is teh distract0rz.
10-04-2008, 02:07 AM
It's late and im stoned and rambling but damn, are that many people cybering? I guess I miss the whole dating IG thing. I just don't get it. who wants to deal with the bullshit of having a girlfriend IG? For some cyber? ....cybering doesn't even sound appealing I would much rather just look at porn. And are you typing and doing "it" at the same time? Seems like it would be difficult to pulloff. I just don't get it.
10-04-2008, 08:26 AM
Did I mention he'll aggro an entire instance because he has one hand on the keyboard?
10-04-2008, 09:36 AM
It's late and im stoned and rambling but damn, are that many people cybering? I guess I miss the whole dating IG thing. I just don't get it. who wants to deal with the bullshit of having a girlfriend IG? For some cyber? ....cybering doesn't even sound appealing I would much rather just look at porn. And are you typing and doing "it" at the same time? Seems like it would be difficult to pulloff. I just don't get it.
If you had been paying attention, most of the people saying they had ig relationships DON'T cyber. It's just implied. Maybe it's the word "implied" that people are having difficulty understanding.
Implied - to express indirectly
In your favor, I think you may have something. One of the easiest ways to get rid of some flirtatious player is tell them you don't cyber.
"Yeah, well, nice hunting with you." And you are never acknowlegded by that player again. Teehee.
10-04-2008, 09:47 AM
If you had been paying attention, most of the people saying they had ig relationships DON'T cyber.
I was paying attention, actually. The fact that this thread even exists implies that there is a large player base that DOES cyber. Thanks.
Sean of the Thread
10-04-2008, 10:10 AM
I force my cyber on unsuspecting adventurers.
10-04-2008, 12:50 PM
I force my cyber on unsuspecting adventurers.
One of my friends had his GS account hacked into by another player, who then proceeded to get arrested and thrown in jail in Wehnimer's. We later discovered he had a cell mate for a short period during his stay, with whom he established his dominance over in the traditional prison fashion. My friend recovered his account with a number of warnings and mars on his account's slate. His former cell mate, as you might imagine, was really not in the mood to talk about it once we figured out what all had happened while the events of the account hijacking transpired.
None of this valuables were missing in the end, either.
Sean of the Thread
10-04-2008, 01:47 PM
Lol classic.
The link didn't work for me.
10-06-2008, 12:08 AM
The link didn't work for me.
please make some sort of indication you're kidding
10-06-2008, 06:42 AM
if you're ever going to date 2 gals at a time. make sure that you won't get caught. In the end you lost your gal and you lost your gal. hehe
10-06-2008, 10:14 AM
One of my friends had his GS account hacked into by another player, who then proceeded to get arrested and thrown in jail in Wehnimer's. We later discovered he had a cell mate for a short period during his stay, with whom he established his dominance over in the traditional prison fashion. My friend recovered his account with a number of warnings and mars on his account's slate. His former cell mate, as you might imagine, was really not in the mood to talk about it once we figured out what all had happened while the events of the account hijacking transpired.
None of this valuables were missing in the end, either.
Oh my god that's funny.
11-06-2008, 10:52 AM
I too am married IRL and it took some explaining to my wife on why I would have a relationship IG. Basically, my IG wife and I are good friends and never had the temptation/inclination to make it more than hanging out together and roleplaying a loving (public) couple.
11-06-2008, 10:58 AM
Interesting article on the subject.
One of my friends had his GS account hacked into by another player, who then proceeded to get arrested and thrown in jail in Wehnimer's. We later discovered he had a cell mate for a short period during his stay, with whom he established his dominance over in the traditional prison fashion. My friend recovered his account with a number of warnings and mars on his account's slate. His former cell mate, as you might imagine, was really not in the mood to talk about it once we figured out what all had happened while the events of the account hijacking transpired.
None of this valuables were missing in the end, either.
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