View Full Version : If you had to haul ass

Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 04:26 AM
And hit the streets on short notice what would you take keeping in consideration the basics with no money?

I know what I'd need but what would you take if you could?

10-03-2008, 04:52 AM
Yo mama so fat when she hauls ass she has to make two trips!

That's all I got for ya.

Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 05:10 AM
I can always count you pal.

10-03-2008, 05:22 AM
Its three trips fer his momma. Get it right.

But it would depend on where I was. A handgun and ammo if I was going to be on the streets in most metro areas. Some clean underwear and socks. Actually screw the underwear you can always go commando, but grab clean socks. If your going to be on the streets you have to keep your feet as good as you can. As much cash as I could grab. Food. Water. Depending on how quick I had to hit the streets. Grab some canned food and an opener. Some bottled water. Hell in chicago they make it on the streets with damn near nothing to damn near everything. Last year a homeless guy was "evicted" from his house under a bridge. He had a tv/vcr/playstation. A mini-fridge and microwave.

Grab what you can carry and protect and hope its enough.

10-03-2008, 06:02 AM
Sleeping bag, painkillers (v.strong), tobacco, 2-3 layers of clothing but I live in England not Florida. Swiss Army Knife, Cell Phone, Dog tags with info, fishing umbrella and a German Shepherd.

Moist Happenings
10-03-2008, 06:31 AM
I actually hiked from New Jersey to Georgia at one point, so I know a bit about what you want to have while still traveling light.

In order of importance:
1) Some sort of shelter. Tent is preferable because it can tie onto a backpack of any kind usually.
2) Socks. Lots of socks. All sorts of fucked up shit can happen to your feet and if it does, you're out of commission. Take care of your feet.
3) Canteen. Shoulder slung if possible. At very least half a gallon, preferably more in your area. This might even make number 2 or 1 on the list. It's absolutely essential to keep hydrated. It's very, very dangerous not to, and it's easy to forget. When I was hiking I ended up with a three day stay in a hospital because I pushed myself too far for two days, and even though I felt I was hydrating properly, I wasn't. Got something called starvation ketosis. You don't want that. It's sort of like sitting in your closed garage with the car turned on. Your body starts producing extra CO2 for some reason and you basically suffocate yourself.
4) Flashlight. Preferably the kind without batteries that you can wind or shake up for power.
5) Plastic bags to keep food in (and a garbage bag to keep those in). If you're sleeping anywhere there might be animals, you want to put all your food in a garbage bag and hang it from a tree a good distance from you. Don't take chances. Bears are not a huge issue in Florida to my knowledge, but minibears are (squirrels). They will chew through your backpack and all your shit just to get at the food inside. They won't get it usually if it's hanging from a treebranch in a garbage bag, and if they do, it's just a garbage bag. Not your pants.
6) Bottle of multivitamins. Generally you aren't getting the right type of nutrition in your diet and you want to do what you can to stave off illness. Those help. They aren't ideal obviously, but they're better than nothing. Eckerd/Walgreens/CVS throw out their expired store brand of these regularly, so if you're really strapped for cash, their dumpsters work. The fact that they're expired really does very little to hinder their effect.

On that note, food. You want to aim for the kind of foods that keep. Hate to say it, but every night fast food restaurants throw their unsold product away in the wrappers. Dumpsters for those too if you haven't got the money. The reason I suggest these is because they have so much in the way of preservatives in them that they will keep for a very, very long time. I don't have the link, but I read once about a University professor who kept a Big Mac in a desk drawer for a year to see if it would keep. At the end of the year, he ate it. Said the bun was stale, but it was otherwise just like new. (Gross.)

Take note of the places that you're going to get a relatively full meal for very little cost. This is the only time I will ever advocate going to a place like McDonalds, but the truth is the meat in the dollar menu cheeseburgers has protein, and the bun has carbs. Those keep you going for a long time. It won't be anywhere near a well balanced or healthy meal, but you can get your daily ration of carbs and protein for 2 bucks at McDonalds.

Make sure you stay dry at all times. This is an absolute must. Getting wet and not having someplace dry and warm to get to can kill you.

The situation that you're in really sucks dude. I'd do something for you if it was in my power to do so, but at the moment it's not.

If you need any advice just let me know. I don't know what your specific goals are, whether you plan to go somewhere or just survive, but I'll do my best to give you the best advice I can.

10-03-2008, 06:48 AM
Don't forget the bins outside Filthy McD's will feed you for free. They throw alot of 'edible' shit away.

10-03-2008, 07:13 AM
Drugs I purchased on the internet, a leash for my beer and some WD40 and maybe some fingerless gloves incase I met my future ex-wife.

10-03-2008, 07:41 AM
jesus christ @ some of the posts in this thread!

10-03-2008, 07:53 AM
jesus christ @ some of the posts in this thread!

But I lol'd at adam's

10-03-2008, 08:00 AM
Drugs I purchased on the internet, a leash for my beer and some WD40 and maybe some fingerless gloves incase I met my future ex-wife.


Don't forget to change your name.

10-03-2008, 08:12 AM
On the McDonalds hamburger thing...


Wellness educator and nutrition consultant Karen Hanrahan has kept a McDonald's hamburger since 1996 to illustrate its nonexistent ability to decay. Aside from drying out and bit and having "the oddest smell," it apparently hasn't changed much in the past 12 years.

This isn't the first time someone kept an uneaten McDonald's hamburger for an extended period of time for the sake of science. Or in the case of the Bionic Burger Museum, multiple burgers for over 19 years. There are even instructions on how to start your own collection of old, self-preserving burgers.

10-03-2008, 08:24 AM
Mre's, couple changes of warm clothes(if it's cold), tent & a sleeping bag, gun & ammo.

10-03-2008, 08:26 AM
On the McDonalds hamburger thing...


Wellness educator and nutrition consultant Karen Hanrahan has kept a McDonald's hamburger since 1996 to illustrate its nonexistent ability to decay. Aside from drying out and bit and having "the oddest smell," it apparently hasn't changed much in the past 12 years.

This isn't the first time someone kept an uneaten McDonald's hamburger for an extended period of time for the sake of science. Or in the case of the Bionic Burger Museum, multiple burgers for over 19 years. There are even instructions on how to start your own collection of old, self-preserving burgers.

If you keep insects and animals off any burger.. it will dry out and apparently not change much in 12 years. Not sure how this is an indictment on a burger from McDonalds.

PS - I dislike McDonalds burgers.

Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 08:40 AM
Lol you guys missed the point. I know what I or anyone else would NEED. This wasn't a thread about my situation just a hypothetical question.

What is the worldly possession that you would take with you if you had to up and leave. People don't count but anything else is fair game.

10-03-2008, 08:41 AM
If you have to take only what you can carry.

Two pairs of socks.
A bottle of vitamins. You will need them.
A bottle of Tylenol. You will be glad you did.
ACE bandage. Good for sprains or to use for a compresion bandage.
Anti-bactirial ointment. Any small cut is bad when on your own.
Pocket sized handgun & 50 rounds of ammo.
A good knife.
Matches or a BIC lighter. Lighter is best.
Clothes take up a lot of room in a pack, but the more you can take the better. Layers will keep you alive.
A small pot or small skillet.
A hat and gloves.
If you are leaving with only what you have in your house, grab any can food you have and can carry. They last for a long time and are pre-cooked, but are heavy.

10-03-2008, 08:42 AM
Besides my family, my handgun, the contents of my safe, my fireproof box and my dog.

10-03-2008, 08:59 AM
I would take a picture of my and my brother from when we were little, a picture of my kids, and a picture of my wife and dogs. I can't carry all my weapons if I had to beat feet so I'd take my favorite rifle, favorite handgun, my gerber folder, and all the .308 and 9mm I could carry without burden. That's it. Anything else I can replace/acquire.

3 pictures
1 knife
1 rifle
1 handgun

10-03-2008, 09:04 AM
Lol you guys missed the point. I know what I or anyone else would NEED. This wasn't a thread about my situation just a hypothetical question.

What is the worldly possession that you would take with you if you had to up and leave. People don't count but anything else is fair game.

Please clarify. Get out of dodge in the next hour? Next day? Next week? Lost your house and have to move? Law is after you? Life in dager and have to run?

Each of the above would determine what I took with me.

If I lost my house and had to be gone in 24 hours I would be able to take everything with me.

Run in 1 hour or die and I would only take what I really had to have to live.

10-03-2008, 09:50 AM
Assuming I had 30 seconds-1 minute:

My laptop
Passport, wallet
sleeping bag, pillow
whatever comfortable clothes I could stuff in a backpack
car keys

10-03-2008, 10:02 AM
An industrial strength hair dryer.

10-03-2008, 10:04 AM
in and out in 15 seconds?

family photo

10-03-2008, 10:11 AM
I have a small box and a small file holder that have 90% of my important stuff (birth cert, SS card, insurance paperwork, passports, clearance info, the 3 most recent years' financial info). So assuming my house was burning down/etc, I'd grab those two and throw them out the window first; then grab my wallet, keys, and cellphone; then grab my laptop or my external drive; and then pictures and crap, depending on on much time I had.

The box also has the oldest/important pictures, a couple of letters, and other crap I'd really miss. The external drive and laptop have photographs of all of my possessions for insurance purposes.


When I packed up my car and drove around the country for 6 weeks looking for a new start back in 1997, I packed the aforementioned box and file box, a laptop, 20" TV, camera, CD player and CDs, printer (for printing resumes and crap), clothes, and a set of dishes/towels/bedding. Of course I ended up back in NoVA though.

10-03-2008, 10:34 AM
Important documents folder (passport, birth certificate), cell phone and charger, knife, jewelry box, wallet, and spare pair of tennis shoes, socks, and underwear tossed in my laptop backpack. Leash and cat. Warm sweatshirt and coat on my back. Would take me about 2 minutes.

If I had more time, I'd grab my duffel bag, toss in a couple bars of soap, a can opener, couple forks/spoons, plastic bags and baggies, wet wipes and hand sanitizer, roll of paper towels, roll of TP, and stuff clothes in the rest of the space.

I'd be the worst street person ever, though. I kept wanting to add mascara to this list.

10-03-2008, 11:00 AM
All my important docs are in a safety deposit box so I wouldn't have to get those. I'm never a fan of keeping shit like that in a house.

10-03-2008, 11:11 AM
gun, bullets, dog, insulin/kit (all in the same place), backpack (where I generally keep my purse/ID/cell anyway).

10-03-2008, 11:12 AM
An industrial strength hair dryer.


10-03-2008, 11:15 AM
Besides my family, ... and my dog.

Was your wife not included in your family?


Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 11:16 AM
gun, bullets, dog, insulin/kit (all in the same place)

your dog ate them?

10-03-2008, 11:23 AM
for shure... like he ate my homework. totally.

10-03-2008, 11:28 AM
Hmm. Wallet, warm clothes, thick jacket, phone + charger, tent, dogs.

Well. Actually, I'd be kind of iffy on a couple of my dogs. It really depends on the situation. Are we talking post-apocalyptic world? I'd take all three, because it's not like anyone else would be doing any better. Break up with me and my man and he kicked me out and I have nowhere to go 'cept the street? That's damn hard.

On the one hand.. I live in Colorado and my two best guard dogs, the terrier and the pit bull, are both short-haired. Winter would suck for them on the street. On the other hand, the pit bull would be unmatched protection and the terrier could at least alert me. Plus, the terrier is my boy. No dog more loyal and he's my star pupil as far as training. If I were just bouncing between friends' places, I'd take the pit and the terrier.

Ahem. Other than the moments agonizing over how much I'd miss my dogs, I might take a moment to grab the laptop and an mp3 player that takes regular batteries. Music is a comfort.

Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 11:29 AM

Our kitten literally tore up/ate my daughters homework the day before it was due and then my old dying dog pissed on it by the back door. (he's only 2 lbs but enough to cover her shredded homework)

10-03-2008, 12:24 PM
Wallet, a couple of kodaks, blackberry + charger (as if), .38 + ammo, hiking pack, which has socks, undies, flashlight, lighter, mini first aid kit, multi-vitamins and swiss army knife enclosed, tent and survival blanket. Last but not least I'd take the man of the house; my dog. It'd be hard leaving behind my motorcycle though..... I'd cry, no, sob for days.

10-03-2008, 12:31 PM
I'm going to say the very first thing that came to mind. It made me laugh, but it just might work. I'd bring my ID and a box of condoms.

The ID would be for getting into bars where I can then hook up with some random chick, crash at her place for a one night stand, wake up, clean up, grab a bite, and head to my next location. Rinse, repeat!

Granted, that is completely out of character for me, but it was the first thing that popped into my head and it actually made a lot of sense.

10-03-2008, 12:39 PM
I'm going to say the very first thing that came to mind. It made me laugh, but it just might work. I'd bring my ID and a box of condoms.

The ID would be for getting into bars where I can then hook up with some random chick, crash at her place for a one night stand, wake up, clean up, grab a bite, and head to my next location. Rinse, repeat!

Granted, that is completely out of character for me, but it was the first thing that popped into my head and it actually made a lot of sense.

You have issues

Sean of the Thread
10-03-2008, 12:39 PM
Been there done that. It's not as glamorous as it sounds.

10-03-2008, 12:43 PM
Been there done that. It's not as glamorous as it sounds.

Seriously. Nothing worse than having to prey on the slow and weak as closing time draws near.

10-03-2008, 12:50 PM
Lol you guys missed the point. I know what I or anyone else would NEED. This wasn't a thread about my situation just a hypothetical question.

What is the worldly possession that you would take with you if you had to up and leave. People don't count but anything else is fair game.

My CAC card. (military ID for you old timers) and my flash drive, has all my important pics and copies of every important piece of paper.

10-03-2008, 01:03 PM
Important documents folder (passport, birth certificate), cell phone and charger, knife, jewelry box, wallet, and spare pair of tennis shoes, socks, and underwear tossed in my laptop backpack. Leash and cat. Warm sweatshirt and coat on my back. Would take me about 2 minutes.

If I had more time, I'd grab my duffel bag, toss in a couple bars of soap, a can opener, couple forks/spoons, plastic bags and baggies, wet wipes and hand sanitizer, roll of paper towels, roll of TP, and stuff clothes in the rest of the space.

I'd be the worst street person ever, though. I kept wanting to add mascara to this list.

Nah you could be the crazy person with the cart..and Tammy Faye make up... although I think she always gets hit by a car, or her cart full of 'stuff' does.

10-03-2008, 01:19 PM
I'd take my laptop so I could keep in touch with you bozos. Duh.

10-03-2008, 01:22 PM
My iPod + charger
Backpack with a week's worth of boxers / gym shorts / t-shirts / socks

If I can't find another job by end of the year, I've been delusionally telling myself that I'd go backpacking in the homeland with nothing but my passport, a few iPods, and clothes.

10-03-2008, 01:33 PM
My wallet, car keys, and cell phone.. I mean serious I'd just call a friend/relative and drive to their place and crash if I was suddenly homeless.