View Full Version : Hurling bandolier/returners

09-29-2008, 04:00 PM
I'm curious as to what is available in the hurling market. I'm not interested in anything but a returner or bandolier, but other than the few recently sold bandoliers and Luco's returners, I'm not sure what's out there.

Basically I'd like to know what bandoliers are available, and what returners are available. Something 5x+, and not an actual hurling base (quoit, discus,net) would be my only requirements. Spears would probably be ideal, but not absolutely necessary.

So let me know what exists, what's available, and anything else that might be important!


09-29-2008, 06:22 PM
I have never owned one, I would love one, and I personally feel that a handaxe bandolier is one of the best ones to own.

09-29-2008, 06:23 PM
I heard Bisco has a 5x handaxe bandolier with acid flares for sale.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-29-2008, 06:31 PM
FU bitch

09-29-2008, 06:31 PM
im trying to remember who bough my 5x handaxe bandolier
I THINK....and I stress THINK... kontii bought mine so maybe contact him

09-29-2008, 06:33 PM
Are they any crit weighted OHE bandoliers out there?

09-29-2008, 06:47 PM
Are they any crit weighted OHE bandoliers out there?


09-29-2008, 06:50 PM
are there any bandoliers with the flares removed? IE blessable?

09-29-2008, 07:01 PM
Don't know of any.

It'd be a pain in the ass having to bless every hit though.

09-29-2008, 09:23 PM
I've got the 7X blessable returning hammer. Really looking more for a trade for it if you are interested. 3sec RT hurl goodness. And if you are a paladin, bonding to it rocks with those plasma flares.

09-29-2008, 10:09 PM
I've got the 7X blessable returning hammer. Really looking more for a trade for it if you are interested. 3sec RT hurl goodness. And if you are a paladin, bonding to it rocks with those plasma flares.

Yeah, I knew about that one. Definitely considering it, but I wanted to see what options were all out there.

I do have some items I'd be willing to trade including:

5x permablessed broadsword
5x incredibly damage weighted maul
5x hcw veil iron/urglaes axe

Also, if anyone wants to shoot me some appraisals for the above, just so i can get a rough estimate of their value, I'd appreciate it :)

09-29-2008, 10:20 PM
probably 15m a piece on the broad and axe, more then likely not as much on the maul (ps i hate u for beating me to the account) :P

Also, about the bandolier being blessable. It wasn't so much about being able to bless it, but knowing it didn't have the flares.
Further enchanting would be cheaper, hopefully. Flares are useless anyways. But I had imagined buying a bandolier with a decent base, somehow wasting millions of coins or tons of PPs to get it to 10x, then have a 10x axe I was never afraid to lose. Get it disarmed? Pull out another. Weapon fired? Drop it and pull another. Want to hurl it? Go for it. Breakage ever comes out? Who cares.

But I think I heard you cant enchant them without a GM merchant of some sort, that PPs wouldn't work or something.

09-29-2008, 11:20 PM
Nice items, but none that I would use. I'm not a collector or a merchant, so it would just rot away in a locker never being used. Mainly looking for roguish items like real nice daggers or real nice lighter armor so I can have some if they ever fix armor skill. I'm kinda set on shields...could use another DB.

09-30-2008, 12:30 AM
shame the urglaes is axe.

09-30-2008, 12:48 AM
probably 15m a piece on the broad and axe, more then likely not as much on the maul (ps i hate u for beating me to the account) :P

Also, about the bandolier being blessable. It wasn't so much about being able to bless it, but knowing it didn't have the flares.
Further enchanting would be cheaper, hopefully. Flares are useless anyways. But I had imagined buying a bandolier with a decent base, somehow wasting millions of coins or tons of PPs to get it to 10x, then have a 10x axe I was never afraid to lose. Get it disarmed? Pull out another. Weapon fired? Drop it and pull another. Want to hurl it? Go for it. Breakage ever comes out? Who cares.

But I think I heard you cant enchant them without a GM merchant of some sort, that PPs wouldn't work or something.

Correct, you can't enchant bandoleers with PPs. Just like the shell armor and the misty shapes, etc.

The problem with bandoleers (and the others) is it's considered two seperate pieces. An alter scroll can't be "set" properly- Enchanting the bandoleer does nothing since at the core, it's considered just a container, enchanting the weapon does nothing either.

09-30-2008, 12:50 AM
Yeah, I knew about that one. Definitely considering it, but I wanted to see what options were all out there.

I do have some items I'd be willing to trade including:

5x permablessed broadsword
5x incredibly damage weighted maul
5x hcw veil iron/urglaes axe

Also, if anyone wants to shoot me some appraisals for the above, just so i can get a rough estimate of their value, I'd appreciate it :)

I don't remember the black ash mattocks going for much. Even a further enchanted one with a maul base probably wouldn't fetch much more.

I'd be interested in it, simply to add to my collection.

Don't use OHE's so I couldn't tell you for the other ones.