View Full Version : a couple other items...

06-02-2005, 01:45 PM
Drop all bids to tedeschic@play.net, or IM Lord Tyranik

1. some ancient Vaalorian brigadine
+30, 44/325, 25 lbs

The hardened armor is adorned with an elegant set of burnished leather pauldrons. Emblazoned into the left pauldron is the crest of house <your family crest here>. The right pauldron is expertly tooled with a stylized image of a fierce wolf ready to strike. This ancient armor shows many signs of wear but is still battle-ready. It is kept well-oiled, displaying a shine, which is shocking to see on a relic such as this. Adorning the shoulders are very fine strands of pure vaalin in the form of several archaic sigils.

-wear-You work your way into some ancient Vaalorian brigandine, buckling and tightening the multitude of straps and buckles.

-slap-You slap lightly at the right pauldron of your hardened armor. (change right pauldron animal)

-?-You thump your hardened breastplate of your armor glaring around at the surroundings.

-rub-You brush the accumulated dust and grime off the pauldrons of your hardened armor, the phoenix gleaming regally on the right pauldron.

-poke armor (once, than twice for second message)- 1)You rap a finger hard against the hardened armor breastplate! 2)You jab a finger hard against the hardened armor breastplate! That hurt! Your finger begins to throb and you fall to the ground cradling your injured finger.
(Looking for around 5 mil)
2. a Loenthran Guard phalanx shield
old item, +25, 55/200, unconverted
Blamo-added actions

REMOVE-You fumble a moment trying to get your Guard phalanx shield with your left hand but you just can't manage it. Instead, you grip it in your right hand.
WEAR-You sling a Loenthran Guard phalanx shield deftly over your shoulder in one graceful movement.
LEAN-You rest the edge of your Guard phalanx shield on the ground and lean casually against it.
PUSH-You shove your Guard phalanx shield out in front of you.
PULL-You pull your Guard phalanx shield close in toward your body.
EAT-You gnaw thoughtfully on the edge of your Guard phalanx shield.
RAISE-You raise your Guard phalanx shield in a gesture of triumph!
(Looking for around 2 mil)

06-04-2005, 09:00 AM
Drop me an email, or IM, or U2U.

1. some ancient Vaalorian brigadine
+30, 44/325, 25 lbs

The hardened armor is adorned with an elegant set of burnished leather pauldrons. Emblazoned into the left pauldron is the crest of house <your family crest here>. The right pauldron is expertly tooled with a stylized image of a fierce wolf ready to strike. This ancient armor shows many signs of wear but is still battle-ready. It is kept well-oiled, displaying a shine, which is shocking to see on a relic such as this. Adorning the shoulders are very fine strands of pure vaalin in the form of several archaic sigils.

-wear-You work your way into some ancient Vaalorian brigandine, buckling and tightening the multitude of straps and buckles.

-slap-You slap lightly at the right pauldron of your hardened armor. (change right pauldron animal)

-?-You thump your hardened breastplate of your armor glaring around at the surroundings.

-rub-You brush the accumulated dust and grime off the pauldrons of your hardened armor, the phoenix gleaming regally on the right pauldron.

-poke armor (once, than twice for second message)- 1)You rap a finger hard against the hardened armor breastplate! 2)You jab a finger hard against the hardened armor breastplate! That hurt! Your finger begins to throb and you fall to the ground cradling your injured finger.
(Looking for around 5 mil)
2. a Loenthran Guard phalanx shield
old item, +25, 55/200, unconverted
Blamo-added actions

REMOVE-You fumble a moment trying to get your Guard phalanx shield with your left hand but you just can't manage it. Instead, you grip it in your right hand.
WEAR-You sling a Loenthran Guard phalanx shield deftly over your shoulder in one graceful movement.
LEAN-You rest the edge of your Guard phalanx shield on the ground and lean casually against it.
PUSH-You shove your Guard phalanx shield out in front of you.
PULL-You pull your Guard phalanx shield close in toward your body.
EAT-You gnaw thoughtfully on the edge of your Guard phalanx shield.
RAISE-You raise your Guard phalanx shield in a gesture of triumph!
(Looking for around 2 mil)
a suit of black alloy field-plate
+20, 69/665, 72 lbs

The hardened armor is adorned with an elegant set of burnished leather pauldrons. Emblazoned into the left pauldron is the crest of house <your family crest here>. The right pauldron is expertly tooled with a stylized image of a fierce wolf ready to strike.

-wear-You work your way into some black alloy field-plate, buckling and tightening the multitude of straps and buckles.

-slap-You slap lightly at the right pauldron of your hardened armor. (change right pauldron animal)

-?-You thump your hardened breastplate of your armor glaring around at the surroundings.

-rub-You brush the accumulated dust and grime off the pauldrons of your hardened armor, the phoenix gleaming regally on the right pauldron.

-poke armor (once, than twice for second message)- 1)You rap a finger hard against the hardened armor breastplate! 2)You jab a finger hard against the hardened armor breastplate! That hurt! Your finger begins to throb and you fall to the ground cradling your injured finger.
(looking for about 2 mil flat)
FGB-lightened has Long Desc and Show
some gold-edged gleaming white scalemail adorned with a gold crown on the chest
+17, Heavy Crit Padding, (lightened 2x) 20 lbs, 49/325

Countless steel plates, each polished to a mirror finish and edged in a muted gold, are affixed in a neat pattern, one on top of the next, forming a solid set of scales. Picked out among the otherwise normal scales, in shinning gold enamel, is an icon of a golden crown.
(looking for the normal price)
a black-worked Vaalorian warlance
(nice Vaalor alter)
+20, 65/170, 11 lbs
vibe flares

Dangling limply from the end of your imflass-headed warlance is a tartan crimson coat of arms.

-turn-You carefully turn your Vaalorian warlance, unfurling your bloodstained tartan coat of arms displaying an armored knight before the gates of Ta'Vaalor.

-turn-Your carefully turn your Vaalorian warlance, tightly rolling up the bloodstained tartan coat of arms displaying an armored knight before the gates of Ta'Vaalor.

-wave-You thrust your Vaalorian warlance into the air and vigorously wave it back and forth, the bloodstained tartan coat of arms snapping in the air.

-rub-You inspect your tartan coat of arms looking for signs of damage or disrepair. Finding none, you brush the accumulated dust and grime from it, then raise your Vaalorian warlance in the air, proudly displaying it.
(looking for 200k or more)