View Full Version : Idiots and warning

07-13-2003, 12:47 PM
All this happened over a few seconds, Augie and Grabbs were obviously stealing from me, so I lullabyed both. Then she promptly warned me and obviously continued to steal. Good old report will shut her up. As well, rogue friend of mine grabbed 15k worth of gems from Grabbs. Moron.

Mana: 446 Silver: 12021
Hiateit whispers, "everythin but diamonds."

Augie is informing you that she considers your character's current behavior to be harassment.

Augie sits up.
>whi hia Get the diamond
You quietly whisper to Hiateit, "Get the diamond"
You laugh out loud!
Mana: 446 Silver: 11874
Hiateit whispers, "heh. sleep him again."
Mana: 446 Silver: 11874
Grabbs just closed a shadowy black stalking cloak.
Augie makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Augie gestures.
Augie appears to be keenly aware of her surroundings.
Augie yawns.
>whi hia She warned me and one of them stole from me
You quietly whisper to Hiateit, "She warned me and one of them stole from me"
Mana: 446 Silver: 11735
Hiateit whispers, "sanct."
Augie removes a colorful patchwork felt hat from in her white leather greatcloak.
Augie squints at a colorful patchwork felt hat.
>report Ok, Augie just warned me for harrassment and continues to steal from me
Kienn just arrived.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone III staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

07-13-2003, 12:54 PM
I forgot to mention Hiateit grabbed 23k worth of gems off of both of them. Word to the wise, if you're gonna steal from somebody, make sure you're not a moron.

07-13-2003, 07:59 PM
Augie is really good about being a brat and doing and saying whatever she wants and think it's hilarious, but when you do it back to her, she gets pissy and starts with the threats and reports. Nice one. I've never liked her. She needs to be slaughtered by her tart-cutter.

07-13-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Augie is really good about being a brat and doing and saying whatever she wants and think it's hilarious, but when you do it back to her, she gets pissy and starts with the threats and reports. Nice one. I've never liked her. She needs to be slaughtered by her tart-cutter.

I was looking for that tart-cutter when she lost it in SOL during the invasion. I really want to toss that thing in the trash....

07-13-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Augie is really good about being a brat and doing and saying whatever she wants and think it's hilarious, but when you do it back to her, she gets pissy and starts with the threats and reports. Nice one. I've never liked her. She needs to be slaughtered by her tart-cutter.

Agreed. She warned me for something rediculous awhile back too ..

07-13-2003, 10:38 PM
Warclaidhm, you're rediculous with your lack of intelligents. Why don't you go get supersized or something?

07-13-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Warclaidhm, you're rediculous with your lack of intelligents. Why don't you go get supersized or something?

See what I said Kranar! Ridiculous, the most commonly misspelled word, even from the self proclaimed master of grammar, Bob!

07-13-2003, 10:41 PM
Gemstone101, notice that Warclaidhm spelled it rediculous, and I promptly made fun of him using the old Intelligents and Supersize gag.

07-13-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Gemstone101, notice that Warclaidhm spelled it rediculous, and I promptly made fun of him using the old Intelligents and Supersize gag.

Notice the sarcasm in my post? I'm not bashing you at all...

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-13-2003, 11:58 PM
Warclaidhm does the same dumb shit to me. Mouths off until his alligator mouth overcomes his hummingbird ass, then warns and runs like the big puss he is.

The funniest thing is, now that I know how often and frequently WARN is abused, I'm confident it'd take an act of god to dynamite me out of the game. It is clear if some lame indecisive brain-dead corpulent pus-lipped rectum sniffing dickhead(s) like Warclaidhm/Vif/Haashek can use those things all the time, well, hell, I'd have to kill the pope to get in trouble.

He mouthed off again tonight to Mytmo. Odd how he'll talk the smack to a 20 warrior, but warns and runs if Tayvin is around.

07-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Tayvin owns, man. He absolutely owns.

07-14-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by FishSticks

Originally posted by CrystalTears
Augie is really good about being a brat and doing and saying whatever she wants and think it's hilarious, but when you do it back to her, she gets pissy and starts with the threats and reports. Nice one. I've never liked her. She needs to be slaughtered by her tart-cutter.

Agreed. She warned me for something rediculous awhile back too ..

Warclaidhm.. you are KING of the Warn for ridiculous things.

Just when I think there is no possible way you can get more idiotic.. you post something like this.

Kudos.. I think you JUST passed Haashek in my book as the game's biggest idiot.

07-14-2003, 12:10 AM
He passed Haashek when he named himself Warclaidhm. And then he went to MEGA SUPER ULTRA MORON!!! when he claimed his name is Warclaidhm because Warclaidhmore wouldn't fit. And for all you people who don't see my point: Warclaidhmore would definitely fit. It's also a horrible name.

37 Galenblackbard 86124570 126 M H-Elf Bar
Just for proof. Also, someone is named Jenovadeath. That's strangely similar to Final Fantasy VII boss Jenova*DEATH...

07-14-2003, 12:28 AM
Not trying to defend the name, but Toobie started Jenovadeath many, many moons ago when he was a strapping lad of about twelve years old..

So, the reigns of immaturity and being prepubescent can be blamed for that move. Let's just hope Warclaidhm never gets to the same level as Jenovadeath.

07-14-2003, 02:02 AM
Someone please point Haashek towards this board, I'd love to see him take on Parkbandit, Soulpieced, and myself. I'm sure more of you would be more than happy to jump in, as he's probably warned everyone here.

Except Lil' Boom Boom.

I like Jeno, I used to hunt pookas with him. But his longsword belongs in the well.

[Edited on 7-14-2003 by Edaarin]

07-14-2003, 02:53 AM
You and I both know that you left out my name in your post because I could destroy Haashek even if I was making fun of someone else instead of him. Yeah, yeah, I am awesome. No need to make a big deal out of it, Edaarin. Really. That's enough praise. Come on, you're embarrassing me. Stop!

07-14-2003, 08:22 AM
I'm sorry.. just for the sheer reason that Haashek doesn't come here does show a sign of some thinking going on in his skull.

Certainly... a case could be presented that he actually wants to come here... he just can't figure out how...

BUT.. the fact remains.. he has not posted anything here that we know of. That in itself gives hope that he isn't as stupid as Warclaidhm.

12-19-2003, 01:08 AM
Me speak english? that's unpossible!

12-19-2003, 04:11 AM
Ok so back on target here a bit...(not that I don't agree that Grabbs and Augie are idiots). But unless you actually caught them in your pockets you had absolutely no right to lullabye either one of them. For all you know there might be another rogue in the shadows robbing you blind. Hell it might have been your good "buddy" Hiateit who did it. I have had a few run ins with him over that.

Anyway yes she WARNed to fast. Yes you lullabyed too fast. But to be totally honest you were wrong here.


12-19-2003, 04:22 AM
I think it's real damn funny. Augie afterwards was probally talking mad shit, until she looked ni her gempouch and relized she got fucked.

12-19-2003, 05:16 AM
this thread is so 5 months ago.

12-19-2003, 07:25 AM
It doesn't take a genius to spot an idiot trying to be a thief. Augie and Grabbs both, aside from being complete idiots, flaunt their thefts.

If you're going to attempt to be a thief, expect the consequences. I don't need to "see" anyone in my pockets to discern who was actually in my pockets. When I feel there is enough reason (see my gem in your hand) I'll take whatever action I want and screw the warnings as they fly.

Maybe you thought SP was too quick with the spell song, but in my opinion he went too easy on them. I would have jammed a thorn in each of their asses and then cleaned them both out.

I really get sick of hearing the argument of "you didn't see them steal". It's common sense 99% of the time.

I've got some red jasper, some blue coral, and a few spinels in my pouch. A few of them are cursed.

Hey ... I'm down to one jasper, my coral is gone, and there used to be four spinels, now there are two.

That person over there shoved some jasper, coral, and spinels in their pocket AND is holding a cursed piece of coral. Gee... I wonder.

Prep 616, cast person.

Person takes a dirt nap.

Person reports.

[GM Send] Why did you attack person without provocation?

Report: Without provocation? The idiot has been pocketing my gems and is even holding one I had cursed.

[GM send] Just checking.

If you steal, expect the retribution to come out of the blue.

12-19-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
Me speak english? that's unpossible!

Fail, it's me fail english...


Now go to sleep Ralph.

That's where I'm a viking!

12-19-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Originally posted by CrystalTears
Augie is really good about being a brat and doing and saying whatever she wants and think it's hilarious, but when you do it back to her, she gets pissy and starts with the threats and reports. Nice one. I've never liked her. She needs to be slaughtered by her tart-cutter.

I was looking for that tart-cutter when she lost it in SOL during the invasion. I really want to toss that thing in the trash....

Augidiot does not need the tart cutter since she won the katana

12-19-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling

Originally posted by Lady Shalla
Me speak english? that's unpossible!

Fail, it's me fail english...


Now go to sleep Ralph.

That's where I'm a viking!

Party pooper! :mad: :lol:

Des ka
12-20-2003, 07:25 PM
Thats exactly why i ferased and killed augie. she warned me yet she continued to steal from me and harass me and still does to this day. Still I really dont get why people were after me from that .. she stole .. she paid the consequences.

12-21-2003, 05:21 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you not warn her as well ... AND THEN KILL HER?

Too bad "demonic" is out of the picture, perhaps the two of you could have offed one another.

12-24-2003, 08:04 AM
Hah... this all reminds me of the time that Warclaidhm warned me 3 times within a span of about 15 minutes... he warned me against ALL interaction...

Then an hour or so later asked me to pick a few boxes for him.

12-24-2003, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by Des ka
Thats exactly why i ferased and killed augie. she warned me yet she continued to steal from me and harass me and still does to this day. Still I really dont get why people were after me from that .. she stole .. she paid the consequences.

You deserve everything coming to you Warclaidhm. Sorry, I stopped feeling sorry for you years ago. Boo hoo. :sniffle:

And really.. you should be the very last person to talk about the warn verb.