View Full Version : Enchanting for Dummies

01-15-2004, 05:33 PM
Just recently came into the enchanting spell and wondering if anyone has a guide as to how to do this? I know not to start with anything worth coin but from there i'm clueless. I'm not expecting to go over 4x for now since I'm only 30 trains. Looking for a good guide of sorts.

01-16-2004, 02:45 PM
I have not seen a player-written guide on the new system.

I recommend the following before casting 925:

use a workshop (there is a hidden bonus)
remove armor
remove crystal amulet
full health
full spirit
no encumberance
no spells up (maybe 509 if you are a halfling doing plate).

The item needs to be tempered first, see:


for potions needed.

Pour on item.
Wait the required days, test if tempered with 405 (or a rohnuru potion if a major project, it gives a more precise reading).
Cast 925 at item.

Repeat as needed. You need X pours/casts per X enchants of the finished product.
e.g. going from 3x to 4x needs 4 tempers/casts.
- going from 0x to 1x needs only 1 temper/cast

Good luck with your projects,

[Edited on 1-16-2004 by Askip]