View Full Version : Nobody needs to read

08-31-2003, 12:29 PM
I couldn't post on regular boards for some reason, this is just for my info.

(Hauberk hind) 15% * 20 -10 = 290 skill or 190 ranks for min hinderance.

>pre 1014
You begin your musical chant for Sonic Armor...
Your spellsong is ready.
>sing 16
You sing a melody.
You begin singing and focus your voice into a vortex of air centered around your body.
[Creating a swirling sonic barrier around you equivalent of ASG 16.]
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
pre 1003
Wait 1 sec.
[Script aborted.]

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
pre 1003
You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Fortitude Song to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
[Script]>You weave another verse into your harmony.
You begin to sing of heroic deeds and bolster your confidence.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>stop singing 1003
You stop singing Fortitude Song.
[Script]>pre 1003
You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Fortitude Song to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
[Script]>You weave another verse into your harmony.
You begin to sing of heroic deeds and bolster your confidence.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>stop singing 1003
You stop singing Fortitude Song.
[Script]>pre 1003
You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Fortitude Song to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
[Script]>You weave another verse into your harmony.
[Spell Hindrance for a swirling sonic barrier is 28% with current Armor Use skill, d100= 24]
Your armor prevents the song from working correctly.
[Script]>stop singing 1003
You are not singing that song.

[Script aborted.]
Soulpieced (at level 97), your skill bonuses and ranks are:
Skill Name | Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 295 [195]