View Full Version : Looking for: Fixskills, Fixstats

Barack Obama
09-11-2008, 02:19 PM
Hi I'm a dark elf rogue, I just rerolled from a dark elf sorcerer. One of my best friends was a dark elf cleric, I knew him for 20 years but we just broke up because he thought that Dhe'nar were the best and that pissed off the humans. I'm very interested in change so these potions make a lot of sense for me, I'd like to change my skills to whatever would best suit the general population (sword and board LOL). I'm not the highest level because I don't have a lot of experience but I think after eights years of a half-krolvin running things people care more about change.


09-11-2008, 02:24 PM
I'd recommend you max out your Perception and Physical Fitness skills first, and drop your Pickpocketing and Dodging skill. There's also no need for you to train stalking and hiding, because you're black.

09-11-2008, 02:51 PM
I'd recommend you max out your Perception and Physical Fitness skills first, and drop your Pickpocketing and Dodging skill. There's also no need for you to train stalking and hiding, because you're black.


09-11-2008, 02:57 PM
Learn alchemy. I hear they have some cool powders.

Stanley Burrell
09-11-2008, 05:59 PM
Hi I'm a dark elf rogue, I just rerolled from a dark elf sorcerer. One of my best friends was a dark elf cleric, I knew him for 20 years but we just broke up because he thought that Dhe'nar were the best and that pissed off the humans. I'm very interested in change so these potions make a lot of sense for me, I'd like to change my skills to whatever would best suit the general population (sword and board LOL). I'm not the highest level because I don't have a lot of experience but I think after eights years of a half-krolvin running things people care more about change.



How ya doing, man? Don't get sniped by hateful whitey with razern arrows. Peace.

Edit: Hmm. Make sure you register for citizenship outside of the Landing to pander to the masses who will actually vote.