View Full Version : I really really really need some help.

09-03-2008, 09:16 PM
I understand this isn't the place to go for this but this is where most people visit so.....Today I put a script on my rogue, it was guildxx. as soon as I clicked on 'okay' in stormfront my game froze. Figured it was just the game. So I closed the window then tried to get in game again, and i couldn't. I was able to log in as my other characters under the same account and get in game under my rogue with wizard but wasn't able to pull up scripts to try and delete guildx but it didn't show up, so i know its because of that script. I had talked to a GM about it and they told me to uninstall psinet and stormfront, then restart my computer and reinstall stormfront to see if it worked. but i uninstalled psinet and now everythings messed up. Please, I really really need some help. PM me here or AIM is lilpnut132. I'm begging here. I'm half attempted to just quit altogether or do a mass restart on my computer to put it in default....but i really don't want to loose everything.