View Full Version : What's the Deal!?!
01-13-2004, 11:43 AM
Whats the deal with women in their 30's who have characters who are dating and/or having in game sex with other characters played by teenage boys (not yet 18)?
Does anyone see a problem with this or is it no big deal? The reason I ask is a friend of mine just broke off a relationship with her characters significant other after finding out he was also seeing someone else. Turns out he talks to and corresponds with the woman behind the other player in and out of game.. she is 36.. he is 16.. My friend is 17.. but was shocked at this. What do you all think about it?
01-13-2004, 11:44 AM
Good for him!
01-13-2004, 11:44 AM
I could also say that this might be happeneing in reverse, older men and younger women. Neverthless.. your thoughts are appreciated.
01-13-2004, 11:45 AM
Well damn, ummm. Damn. Before I date people IG, I really do ask their RL age. I'm don't date kids IRL and I wouldn't IG either. That's just a no no for me.
01-13-2004, 11:45 AM
crazymage if the man was 30 something and the girl 16.. would it be good for her?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-13-2004, 11:50 AM
30 isn't dead you know.
01-13-2004, 11:54 AM
I've only *dated* a few people in GS3. 3/4 were about 10 years older then me (if not more). The other one was my age.
01-13-2004, 11:57 AM
its the underage stuff im talking about. not the fact that they are 30 something. i dont know, maybe i shouldnt care but I was just wondering how other people felt about this.
01-13-2004, 12:00 PM
Girls and guys are alot different. it wouldnt be good for a girl but probably more common as most women like older types you see 18-20 year olds with 30+ males all the time.
01-13-2004, 12:07 PM
18-20... as opposed to 15-17. Big difference.
01-13-2004, 12:11 PM
Perhaps ages aren't asked in the beginning, or girls are looking for a guy they can mold.
I remember when I first got on AOL (9 years ago I think) I went into a VA chat room and was told to "Find a teen room" when I told them my age. Pissed me off to no end. I made another screen name, never mentioned my age. When I met these people at parties they thought I would be in my 30's by the speed of my typing and words that I used. I was 17.
I can definately see why an older woman (or woman at all) would be appealing to a boy. Perhaps the woman is looking for more excitement then usual. Or she has no clue about the age of the boy, they just seem interesting.
This is common in Gemstone probably more so than people think.
01-13-2004, 12:16 PM
To me, the distinction lies in whether there is in-game sex involved. If there is not, then the age of the players is really not relevant. I do, however, find it disturbing for adults (regardless of gender) to engage in cyber-sex with minors. To my mind, it is irresponsible on the part of the adult.
01-13-2004, 12:16 PM
20+ is ok with me. Only made one exception for an 18 year old, but that's cuz he's a friend of mine and real cool, so we dated IG. Other than that, I try to stear away from you teenagers, heh.
01-13-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
20+ is ok with me. Only made one exception for an 18 year old, but that's cuz he's a friend of mine and real cool, so we dated IG. Other than that, I try to stear away from you teenagers, heh.
What about 70+
>glance Tsa`ah
01-13-2004, 12:21 PM
No, she knows he's only 16. Thats the thing, thats why Im puzzled. They have had in game sex more than once.
I agree with harmnone, if there is no out of game stuff going on and no in game sex, then age is irrelevant. But when that comes into play, havent we just took it to the next level.
She is married with kids, he is 16 and in high school. She told him she has feelings for him also and he does for her apparently.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-13-2004, 12:21 PM
I've never dated anyone outside of 4 years my own age. I personally don't think age makes much of a difference, particularly as I get older... HOWEVER who you date usually is directly related to who you hang with... they older you get, the more diverse your crowd.
For instance, in college, I obviously hung out with folks my own age, the occasional person who was older/younger did come in, but mostly folks group together with like folks.
Dating in game? I've done it, twice, and I think its a bad idea, if it spills into RL. Underages kids, is just wrong (though even "adults" can be convinced/tricked into believing they are older, so blame might not be so easy to place).
01-13-2004, 12:23 PM
LOLz!!!!! You guys are so rough. Tsa'ah's married, in some way I'd feel guilty. He doesn't look that old, he's like 30ish man. Give the old coot a break! Plus he's still a hottie, mmkay :P
It's all RPing anyway, I could care less if he was 70+. Actually I would, but atleast he's mature? Other than that, I try not to take things OOG.
01-13-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by GSPlaya
She is married with kids, he is 16 and in high school. She told him she has feelings for him also and he does for her apparently.
That's when it gets scary and spills into real life. Lady leaves her family to be with a kid. Plenty of hurt to go around.
01-13-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by GSPlaya
No, she knows he's only 16. Thats the thing, thats why Im puzzled. They have had in game sex more than once.
I agree with harmnone, if there is no out of game stuff going on and no in game sex, then age is irrelevant. But when that comes into play, havent we just took it to the next level.
She is married with kids, he is 16 and in high school. She told him she has feelings for him also and he does for her apparently.
Harmnone is right. If your going to have sex in anyway shape or form, atleast let it be between two consenting adults.
And WTF? She's falling for him IRL? She needs good lovin' at home, seriously.
01-13-2004, 12:26 PM
What normally happens in these cases is that the young person gets hurt. That pisses me off to no end! When an adult plays with the emotions of a young person, it is irresponsible in the extreme. In fact, as I see it, it is downright selfish and cruel. :mad:
01-13-2004, 12:31 PM
Thats what Im saying, its not just the game aspect any more. My friend is all hurt about the in game part, but her character will find another man Im so sure.
I talked to him about this as well, there is so much chance for him to be hurt out of this. He even told her he doesnt date girls in real life because he loves her. Im like WTF is wrong with you. She is not leaving her husband cause she has freakin' kids.
01-13-2004, 12:34 PM
GS is evil.
- Me
01-13-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by GSPlaya
Thats what Im saying, its not just the game aspect any more. My friend is all hurt about the in game part, but her character will find another man Im so sure.
I talked to him about this as well, there is so much chance for him to be hurt out of this. He even told her he doesnt date girls in real life because he loves her. Im like WTF is wrong with you. She is not leaving her husband cause she has freakin' kids.
That is disgusting! This broad knows exactly what she is doing. She just doesn't care a whit for the feelings of this boy.
This is not the first time this has happened in-game. Sadly, it will probably not be the last. The poor kid is in for a world of hurt, and there is little anyone can do, now, to prevent it.
I feel really, really badly for your friend, Playa. I wish he would listen to you. :(
01-13-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
What normally happens in these cases is that the young person gets hurt. That pisses me off to no end! When an adult plays with the emotions of a young person, it is irresponsible in the extreme. In fact, as I see it, it is downright selfish and cruel. :mad:
I so agree with this. Alot of times the young person gets really attached and sometimes its that first love thing so they fall head over heels. Then when the relationship goes bad its just awful. I started playing when I was 16 and I admit I had that happen to me.
I have the self esteem of roadkill and I met this guy in game. He was telling me everything I wanted to hear. I got really attached to him. He gave me his number told me to call him. Well one day he had been gone for most of the day and I got worried so I called. His wife answered the phone, I just sat there like oh my god. I hung up didnt even say a word to her.
But come to find out the guy had a wife and 3 kids with 1 on the way. It broke my heart, but I sort of got my revenge. I called his wife and told her everything. She actually apologized and sat and talked to me for hours and told me how sad she was that I had to get my heart broke so young. I learned my lesson after that.
But really I can't understand what does a 30 + woman see sexy in a 16 year old boy? That has to be a warped way of thinkin. I don't even like to date anyone unless they are 20+ let alone younger.
01-13-2004, 12:54 PM
Aww Amber, well atleast you learned a valuable lesson. People lie, that sucks. Now things are better for you.
As far as that lady with the family. That's just insane. I wonder how old her kids are? I mean, doesn't she see that as disgusting? What if that happened to one of her kids. Obviously she doesn't care about her family if she's going to lead a CHILD on. What ever happened to morals and her vows? Golly. Being a mother and an adult, you'd think she'd know better.
Weedmage Princess
01-13-2004, 01:08 PM
Yeah, whenever one of my characters get involved with someone, I usually am friends with the person somewhat first, and I'll talk to them via IMs to determine their age. I won't deal with anyone under 20...reason for that being is that "USUALLY" (and I stress usually, there are instances when this isn't the case) is A) Someone 20 plus will understand the difference between the game and IRL, and B) I don't know, I'd feel like Michael Jackson or something if I found out someone one of my characters was dating was that young. I had someone make an argument once that it shouldn't matter if he was under 20 IRL, and I contradicted myself cause I was all about keeping the two separate..but I don't's just..different.
Im not even gonna touch this one except to say this...
Some women do not get the love/attention/affection they need and desire at home, so they look for other outlets i.e. Gemstone. They may meet and start dating another character, which can transfer into having feelings for player. If the male player lied about his age in the beginning which can happen I would not be surprised if she stayed with him despite knowing his age at that point if that is the only affection/love she feels from a male in her life, despite having kids and being married and the male being underaged. I feel for the woman and the guy in this case.
I have been involved in a similiar situation as this (in Gemstone) so I cannot judge because I know there are certain situations that would make someone do something like this.
It still disgusts me to see an adult invoved with an underage minor (male or female) in any aspect of a sexual relationship or one that is crossing the lines of friendship.
01-13-2004, 01:22 PM
As an adult, we learn that we cannot necessarily go through life just doing what makes us feel good at the time. We make responsible decisions. Sometimes, those decisions may result in losing something we enjoy, or something we think we "need", for one reason or another. Making those decisions and learning to live with them are part and parcel of maturity.
Any adult who finds that they are involved with a minor in a sexual relationship on the internet needs to step back and take a good, long look at themselves. The picture they see is not apt to be pretty. If that adult is married, with children of his/her own, the picture is going to be downright hideous.
HarmNone, with her opinion on one of her major pet peeves with GS
01-13-2004, 01:23 PM
I feel really, really badly for your friend, Playa. I wish he would listen to you. :(
He told me they spend alot of time in game. They e-mail each other every day and she tells him she has feelings for him (that pisses me off) cause I know nothing could come of it. But, he is blind by what he thinks is love and male hormones.
She has 2 kids.. her daughter is 15 and a son who's 10 plus a hubby.
Who do you think will be crushed in the end?
01-13-2004, 01:28 PM
The only feelings this woman has for this poor kid cannot be mentioned here. He is her victim.
HarmNone thinks this broad needs to be placed UNDER the jail
01-13-2004, 01:28 PM
God he's her daughter's age?!?!??!??!?! Ugh, no comment. What I wanna say is a whole bunch of cusses. O(&*&*&U*U&*)U(*IHJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited to add that he's my nephew's age. Even my nephew knows better. Even if he didn't, I'd tell him how I feel, if I found out. Then I'd personally hunt that 30+ year old down and rip her head off. :flamed:
[Edited on 1-13-2004 by Lalana]
The similarites of this situation and the one I was apart of are scary. Too close.. and I dont want to hurt anyone by discussing it but I know exactly what your dealing with GsPlaya.
Moist Happenings
01-13-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
30 isn't dead you know.
Go back to hitting on Jessa you old perv.
Also, I remember a similar problem some number of years back in which the 30+ year old woman actually was sending the 16 year old guy presents IRL. He broke it off, and she is scary.
I think her name started with A...
...and ended with dyria.
some years back?... I thought that was recent Neff.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-13-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Neff
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
30 isn't dead you know.
Go back to hitting on Jessa you old perv.
For the record, I do not deny the perv part. I'm not old or hitting on Jessa though ;)
Hmmm, Jessa... how you doin?
Moist Happenings
01-13-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
some years back?... I thought that was recent Neff.
Probably recent too. But the instance i'm thinking of happened about 4 years ago.
01-13-2004, 02:06 PM
I know it is possible for people to lie to each other, my character had that problem a few years ago. I was dating a guy in game and thank GOD we only went out a few times but we were friends beforehand. He lied to me and told me he was 22 and in all reality he was 17. He said that he had a job as an electrician and was at work all day and actually he was in school. It never bled over into RL though as far as the relationship and no in game sex was involved so that part I was very thankful for. However, finally one night he slipped up and said something about his mom making him get offline so he had to go. I was flabergasted and felt like a fool. I of course immediately shut it down with him in game because even though I didn't have in game sex with him, I felt dirty somehow. Point is, it is very possible to be fooled by someone as in my case however in this case with your friend playa, she is a damned idiot and should be punished for what she is doing to this kid. There will probably not be anything coming of that relationship but a lot of hurt for your friend and the aspect of sex, even just cyber sex with a teenager when she is my age is just sickening.
On a side note, James (who is Stunseed's player) is 22 and I just turned 30 a few months ago and we are in a RL relationship and I have children. However, there is no husband and we have both thought everything out completely and talked about it. We are incredibly happy but there is definately a difference between a 16-18 year old and a 22 year old in my opinion maturity wise.
I hope your friend comes to his senses soon and leaves that woman alone. It's just..sad.
01-13-2004, 02:23 PM
He told me that he lied to her at first, saying he was older around 22 or so, but she found out he was 16. She was upset at first cause they had in game sex a couple times at that point. But after he told her his age, she continued to see him in game and talk to him everday on IM for hours sometimes. He told me she said there was just something about him therefore she didnt want to end things. I want to pound it into him so hard that this is much bigger than just a game now, this is real life stuff. She has a career, family, and a marriage. He has high school, no girlfriend and his friends. Im not posting names because he has entrusted me with all this information but I had to share it cause its overwhelming to me. Plus my other friend, the one he used to date is also a friend, so its an added strain. Its hard not to see her in game and not have dislike. Her husband also plays which is even weirder cause he has no idea about his and their characters dont even interact in game. Ok and GET THIS>>> she also has another character who is dating another character. This is the reason he got away with for so long dating my other friend and this woman. But here is the kicker, the other character she is dating is freaking 17. But she has been with my friend longer so she spends most of her time with him. This is sickening. Thanks for sharing your feedback though, I really needed a release.
01-13-2004, 02:26 PM
In game dating and one of them is under 18 years of age I gauge depending on the individual in question.
One of my favorite people to ever roleplay with was father to my empath. I was in my late 20's and he was in his early to mid teens. He also played an empath, and he roleplayed a very caring, nurturing, loving father VERY convincingly. Actually I think I was shocked the day he told me how old he was because I swore he was older. He has always been very mature for his age. This is probably the only player that I would have gladly involved my other characters with in some way because he was that good of a roleplayer.
Eventually he rolled up a rogue and we decided to try out the rogue and empath having a love interest. It was strange at first, only because we were used to playing the father/daughter role, so switching to a couple was something to get used to. I think only once did we attempt a physical act, but the thing was that it was part of the roleplaying. It wasn't this lustful thing that people do because the players wanted some action. We were roleplaying the love between two characters. I let him lead and allowed him to go as far as he wanted to and didn't push or try anything that he would feel uncomfortable with. It wasn't even an act of those cybersex sessions you've seen before. It was really sweet and loving.
This player never took anything that happened in the game personally. He was probably the one who spoiled me into never accepting anything less when roleplaying and me now never wanting to get involved in any kind of relationship in the game if they took anything personally.
He and I still keep in touch. He left the lands when he started going to college and didn't have the time to dedicate to the game. We still talk on occasion and he told me rather recently that he really wants to start playing again. I nearly squealed with delight and told him that I really want to roleplay with him again and he was happy to hear that too. Some of my most fondest memories in the game have been with him and I'd love to have him back.
All of my rambling aside, I truly think it depends on the individuals, and if they don't take the character relationship OOG, then the age shouldn't even be a factor.
01-13-2004, 02:42 PM
Here an easy solution to all these issues:
Don't date in gemstone.
01-13-2004, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Rastaman
Here an easy solution to all these issues:
Don't date in gemstone.
Ugh, my God I'm so with you Rasta! After I read this thread, I've decided. No dating in GS if I ever plan on coming back. I swear this whole thing just gave me an ulcer.
01-13-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Bewitchindryad25
[quote]Originally posted by HarmNone
It broke my heart, but I sort of got my revenge. I called his wife and told her everything. She actually apologized and sat and talked to me for hours and told me how sad she was that I had to get my heart broke so young.
Cell phones people, ever heard of cell phones? Vibrate works especially nice if you know the area code they're calling from.
::mutters:: Amateur!
Moist Happenings
01-13-2004, 02:46 PM
Your gemstone ex is a 50 year old man that hides fried chicken in his huge manboobs Lalana.
01-13-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Neff
Your gemstone ex is a 50 year old man that hides fried chicken in his huge manboobs Lalana.
LOLz!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which one are you talking about? ROFLMAO!!!
Moist Happenings
01-13-2004, 02:49 PM
You've dated more than one 50 year old with manboobs?
01-13-2004, 02:51 PM
Like I really know how all my IG ex's look like. Plus they was all friends and I remained friends with them. You talking about Tijay? *cackles*
01-13-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
30 isn't dead you know.
Neither is 39 you sons o bitches.
01-13-2004, 03:04 PM
The older the berry the sweeter the juice, mmkay. I know I switched that around, haha. I'm hitting 25 you jerks!
I'm with Rasta. alot of people are unable to differienate between RL and IG. Its not worth the effort and it only leads to trouble. I had something similar happen when i was 12, and well i refuse to even consider an IG relationship.
01-13-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
What can i say, i usually just type and don' t proofread my posts here. Shoot me ;)
01-13-2004, 03:14 PM
Crystal Tears I mean no disrespect.. but you say some of the very same things that she tells him. He is a really excellent roleplayer (he is), but if your underage your underage. Plain and simple. Just the fact that he was in his early to mid teens, not even late teens should have stopped any type of in game physical act.
01-13-2004, 03:16 PM
You know, I'm not really a big fan of dating in GS. Out of my nine main is being courted by two guys, and then my favorite character is in love with someone, and the player of that character happens to be my SO.
But I will say main really adores one of her suitors, because OOG we talk and I know his thoughts on dating IG and such. He is very much in love with his gal(RL), and is in and out a lot. Which is fine, I appreciate that our characters have seperate lives from one another. His player happens to be in his young fourties, and I am twenty. This doesn't bother me because the relationship between our characters is nothing but sweet and innocent. I have noticed, for the most part, any time I have tried an IG relationship in the past, and the player has been close to my age, they either cannot seperate what is going on, or they just want to spend all their time in a locked room, which I'm not down with.
I'm not trying to say that RL older men don't care about this...when I first started playing I had a certain bard, who was married and had a child IG, try to molest one of my little elves. Yet a lot of them are more mature and just care about playing, not just using GS as a sex chat.
And lastly, as far as RL romance coming from one in GS...I say, meet the person and spend lots of time with them before even thinking that you care about them in such a way. Gs being fantasy, you are only getting to know the fantastic side of them, not the real them. And you could be in for a very shocking surprise.
01-13-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by GSPlaya
Crystal Tears I mean no disrespect.. but you say some of the very same things that she tells him. He is a really excellent roleplayer (he is), but if your underage your underage. Plain and simple. Just the fact that he was in his early to mid teens, not even late teens should have stopped any type of in game physical act.
No disrespect at all. I understand what you're saying. I'm not saying that what I did was right, however personal feelings were never involved.
I let him introduce the situation and control it. I found no harm in that. I believe he even asked me questions OOC because it was basically a young man just learning with someone he trusted. As soon as he felt strange with it, we stopped and it didn't interfere with the roleplaying or with our friendship
We never lied to each other about ages, I felt he was mature enough to handle it, and it was an interesting learning experience.
::shrugs:: Maybe I was wrong in doing so, but if he's going to be experimenting, I'd rather he do that with someone older, who is mature, knows what they are doing and are trusted, and who aren't going to take it out of game and try to start up something real.
We're friends, so I took it as an older friend giving a younger friend pointers. ::cackles:: Okay that doesn't sound right either. I personally didn't see the harm in what we were doing, especially since it was only once and not raunchy in the slightest (no sense in explaining what I mean, I'm already a perv here), but now seeing it from another perspective, I can understand the problem in doing so.
[Edited on 1/13/2004 by CrystalTears]
01-13-2004, 04:01 PM
Heh, this is what I get for sharing my story. Bad me, BAD! ::blushes::
I just want to re-emphasize that what went on with me and him have NO similarity at all to what was mentioned in this thread. I just thought (wrongly, apprently) explaining a scenario that didn't involve personal feelings would be a good one to share. Boy was I wrong! I talk too damn much sometimes! TMI!
[Edited on 1/13/2004 by CrystalTears]
01-13-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
The older the berry the sweeter the juice, mmkay. I know I switched that around, haha. I'm hitting 25 you jerks!
Lalana wants my berry juice.
Moist Happenings
01-13-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Lalana wants my berry juice.
Yeah well apparently mine's bitter and ill-tasting, but at least i'm young enough to still find someone to swallow it. Go get a tissue old man.
01-13-2004, 04:10 PM
Heh. Not bad, CT. I know you well enough to know you meant no harm. I am also aware that there are differences in maturity at different ages, and can see where you were coming from with your train of thought at the time. Thankfully, the young man was able to cope and suffered no ill effects. :)
The problem, as I see it, is that young people have not completely learned to control their emotions yet. They think they have, but they have not encountered many situations that we who are older have experienced. They may enter into a relationship being convinced that they can maintain the separation between fantasy and reality, only to have their emotions betray them somewhere along the way. I have seen it far too often, and spent way too many hours trying to comfort those who did not make it through without damage. Oddly enough, my mother spent far more time than I did doing the same thing.
Major changes take place between the ages of 15 and 25. It's only ten years, but a lot of life-learning is packed into those few years. Then again, there are always this broad that is taking advantage of Playa's friend...who never seem to learn anything at all. Perhaps, it is because they do not wish to learn. They simply wish to use others for their own sick pleasures. May the ground open up and swallow them! :mad:
HarmNone hates this shit!
[Edited on 1-13-2004 by HarmNone]
01-13-2004, 04:21 PM
Bandit and Neff is way off subject! Pervs! I wouldn't know about swallowing. ;)
Lalana..even if you spit I doubt he'd reject?
Harmnone.. you make too much sense, you definitely need to start a Gemstone Counseling Clinic. Bet you'd get alot of business.
01-13-2004, 04:43 PM
The reason I don't date in gemstone is not because I'm afraid of being hurt or because I can't be sure who is behind the character. The reason is because ITS TEXT. If I was going to date something imaginary it would be Rikku from Final Fantasy X and X2.
01-13-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Lalana..even if you spit I doubt he'd reject?
Harmnone.. you make too much sense, you definitely need to start a Gemstone Counseling Clinic. Bet you'd get alot of business.
Gah! What a horrible thought! Besides, I cannot afford the hours and hours of psychotherapy I would need if I did such a thing! ;)
HarmNone does enough of that sort of thing...and they pay me for it!
01-13-2004, 05:25 PM
For the love of god i want to know the girls name in Playas story. I have a feeling i know her....
PLEASE!! at least some hints. Maybe what her name begins with? or if she is in a certain group, like maybe Mentors? or Voln? or a PRO? please give me some info.
01-13-2004, 05:40 PM
Sheesh! If a creature like THAT is a Mentor...well, I will probably be sick!
01-13-2004, 05:40 PM
Im very hesitant to drop any names as Im sure you would if you were in my position. Im just hoping he doesn't come here and read this. He was a member here but that was a while back. I know he cares about this woman alot and thats what stops me from totally exposing her.
01-13-2004, 05:41 PM
She is not a mentor, nor in any PRO's that im aware of.
01-13-2004, 05:42 PM
Hon, he might care about her a lot, but it is patently obvious that she does not give a tinker's damned for him!
01-13-2004, 05:56 PM
Your right, but I cant get that through his thick skull but I know in the end he will be the one hurting and Ill be there as a friend. I just thought that people were OK with this type of stuff and Im so relieved that I am not alone in my thinking that its wrong.
01-13-2004, 05:58 PM
<<When I met these people at parties they thought I would be in my 30's by the speed of my typing and words that I used. I was 17.
I can definately see why an older woman (or woman at all) would be appealing to a boy.>>
Wouldn't have fooled me. You can't spell definitely.
01-13-2004, 06:00 PM
<<If I was going to date something imaginary it would be Rikku from Final Fantasy X and X2.>>
Rikku is dumb.
Tifa is not. Date her.
01-13-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by GSPlaya
Im very hesitant to drop any names as Im sure you would if you were in my position. Im just hoping he doesn't come here and read this. He was a member here but that was a while back. I know he cares about this woman alot and thats what stops me from totally exposing her.
OMG it's Klaive!
01-13-2004, 07:22 PM
Nice. I do believe that the person starting this thread asked that it not be mentioned who the person is and was concerned. *stares*
01-13-2004, 08:11 PM
I knew a couple. A 17 year old boy and a 30 year old woman who met in the game and ended up meeting outside of the game. They have a kid together now.
Not sure if they still play. true story.
Originally posted by Halfsilver
I knew a couple. A 17 year old boy and a 30 year old woman who met in the game and ended up meeting outside of the game. They have a kid together now.
Not sure if they still play. true story.
The question is: was he only 17 when they met in real life? Cause are there not laws against that? Internet trolling for juveniles is a crime I thought.
01-13-2004, 08:16 PM
They sure were, Mint.
Was a while ago,, it's not really an issue any more. Their kid has to be a couple of years old by now. Just struck me as very odd when they told me about it.
01-13-2004, 09:42 PM
Rikku is dumb
You go to hell!
01-13-2004, 10:00 PM
Tayre I dont know either of the players you mentioned. They are not who I am talking about. I will not mention their names so that I DO NOT HURT anyone (including my friends). Tayre I thought it rude that you assumed int he first place who I was referring to. Anyway, I just wish this thread would die so no other people get hurt by any names being mentioned.
01-13-2004, 10:18 PM
This sounds oh-so-familiar..... reminds me of a troll I know.
As for the subject, I think it's pretty sick, and yes I see a problem with it. Of course, I see a problem with a lot of the GS dating (not all) who can't keep the game and real life separate.
01-14-2004, 03:40 AM
Tayre, I am going to pull the posts in which you mentioned names. The names you mentioned are only YOUR guess, and the originator of this thread did not wish names mentioned.
There is no need to start something here that can needlessly hurt others, whether you like those others or not.
01-14-2004, 03:48 AM
If anyone would like to know the names of those invovled, IM me or U2U me.
I dislike your decision on this HarmNone. I don't know if I agree with it or not yet, but I know I dislike it.
01-14-2004, 03:53 AM
You are certainly entitled to dislike it, Tayre. I disliked the posting of names; especially, names based on guesses, however you might believe them to be correct. :)
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