View Full Version : selling premie account with several characters

09-03-2008, 10:29 AM
Name: Xxxxx Race: Forest Gnome Profession: Ranger (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 393330 Level: 18
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 86 (8) ... 86 (8)
Constitution (CON): 59 (14) ... 59 (14)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Agility (AGI): 86 (28) ... 86 (28)
Discipline (DIS): 68 (14) ... 68 (14)
Aura (AUR): 56 (3) ... 56 (3)
Logic (LOG): 64 (12) ... 64 (12)
Intuition (INT): 78 (14) ... 78 (14)
Wisdom (WIS): 96 (28) ... 96 (28)
Influence (INF): 29 (-15) ... 29 (-15)
Mana: 8 Silver: 0

Xxxxxx (at level 18), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 90 20
Ranged Weapons.....................| 140 40
Ambush.............................| 90 20
Physical Fitness...................| 90 20
Dodging............................| 86 19
Arcane Symbols.....................| 58 12
Magic Item Use.....................| 58 12
Harness Power......................| 90 20
Spirit Mana Control................| 90 20

Ranger Base:
Natural Colors
Resist Elements
Whispering Willow
Phoen's Strength
Sun Burst
Mass Colors
Self Control
Call Swarm
Spike Thorn

The FIXSKILLS command will allow you to instantly set your skills to match your goals. Use the GOALS command to set your skills to your desired values FIRST!

You may view FIXSKILLS HELP for more information on this option.

To use FIXSKILLS, you must type FIXSKILL CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.

*** No additional options will be granted outside of normal parameters for misuse. ***

** Make sure your skills are set how you want them with GOALS before using FIXSKILLS CONFIRM **

You study your current bank balances...

Wehnimer's Landing: 8229 silvers
Icemule Trace: 612 silvers
United City-States: 1442 silvers
Isle of the Four Winds Bank: 6031 silvers
Your total silvers: 16314

Locker contents of Xxxxx, the Forest Gnome, as recorded in Wehnimer's Landing:
In a magical item bin:
a heavy quartz orb
a heavy quartz orb

On a weapon rack:
an indigo carmiln long bow
a deringo long bow
a light crossbow

Obvious items: 5

You are holding a slender locker manifest in your right hand and an ivory-nocked ruic long bow in your left hand.
You are wearing a roan cloth cloak, an exquisite viper skin quiver,
a shiny gold ring, some silvery vultite cufflinks, a crystal amulet,
a fang-fringed bronze leather pouch, an alexandrite wolf's head medal,
a pair of fur-lined boots, a bristly boarhide pack, and some sigil-tooled russet double leather.
Click INVENTORY HELP for more options.
>look in my pac
In the boarhide pack you see a blackened leather bankbook,
a heavy wand, a thin wand, a small wand, a twisted wand,
a thick wand, a stained wand, a pointed wand, a thin wand, a slender wand,
a short wand, a fuzzy hide coat, a wiregrass anklet, a wiregrass anklet,
a wiregrass bracelet, a charred scroll, a silver lockpick, some basal moss
, some calamia fruit, some aloeas stem, a skinning knife, a travel guide token,
a rations kit, a white flask, a tanik-handled ora mace, a white flask
, some ephlox moss, a white crystal, a small statue, a feras tiger-claw,
a sheet of smeared vellum, a cloudy blue potion, an arcane parchment,
a white crystal, a serpent-shaped knife, a sorrel brocade armband,
a chiseled blue starstone earcuff, some ephlox moss, a wiregrass bracelet,
a wiregrass bracelet, a short rod, a sturdy rod, a bundle of slender black arrows
, a bundle of wooden arrows, a bundle of vultite-tipped arrows and a bundle of wooden arrows.

Name: Xxxxx Xxxxxx Race: Dark Elf Profession: Cleric (shown as: Cleric)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 833443 Level: 26
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 58 (4) ... 58 (4)
Constitution (CON): 53 (-4) ... 53 (-4)
Dexterity (DEX): 94 (32) ... 94 (32)
Agility (AGI): 78 (19) ... 78 (19)
Discipline (DIS): 78 (4) ... 78 (4)
Aura (AUR): 99 (34) ... 99 (34)
Logic (LOG): 63 (6) ... 63 (6)
Intuition (INT): 98 (29) ... 98 (29)
Wisdom (WIS): 98 (29) ... 98 (29)
Influence (INF): 43 (-8) ... 43 (-8)
Mana: 107 Silver: 0

Xxxxx (at level 26), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Physical Fitness...................| 90 20
Harness Power......................| 152 52
Spirit Mana Control................| 102 24
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 50 10
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 120 30
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 74 16
Climbing...........................| 25 5

Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 25

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 17

Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 25
Training Points: 109 Phy 0 Mnt (902 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

Minor Spiritual:
Spirit Warding I
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Defense
Disease Resistance
Poison Resistance
Spirit Fog
Spirit Warding II
Stun Relief
Dispel Invisibility
Fire Spirit
Water Walking
Fasthr's Reward
Locate Person
Spirit Strike

Major Spiritual:
Spirit Shield
Purify Air
Living Spell
Minor Sanctuary
Mass Interference
Spirit Servant
Spell Shield
Major Sanctuary

Cleric Base:
Prayer of Holding
Prayer of Protection
Bless Item
Holy Bolt
Well of Life
Neutralize Curse
Warding Sphere
Fervent Reproach
Remove Curse
Divine Fury
Raise Dead
Divine Wrath
Holy Receptacle

The FIXSKILLS command will allow you to instantly set your skills to match your goals. Use the GOALS command to set your skills to your desired values FIRST!
You may view FIXSKILLS HELP for more information on this option.
To use FIXSKILLS, you must type FIXSKILL CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.
*** No additional options will be granted outside of normal parameters for misuse. ***
** Make sure your skills are set how you want them with GOALS before using FIXSKILLS CONFIRM **

You study your current bank balances...
Wehnimer's Landing: 6740 silvers
United City-States: 21090 silvers
Isle of the Four Winds Bank: 1442 silvers
Your total silvers: 29272

Locker contents of Xxxx Xxxxxxx, the Dark Elf, as recorded in Ta'Vaalor:

On an armor stand:
a golden dwarf-sized vultite greatshield
a silk-lined red snakeskin tunic

On a weapon rack:
a steel mesh throwing net

In a clothing wardrobe:
a ragged vermilion cloak
some imflass augmented chain
a ruby-hilted ceremonial dagger
a dark rod
a ruddy crimson sack
a tincture of acantha
some wolifrew lichen
some wolifrew lichen
some wolifrew lichen
some ambrominas leaf
some ambrominas leaf
a wooden coin
a shadowy black runestone
a small glaes vial of rune ink
a scarred brown runestone
a jade-hilted mithril kris
a pair of steel-studded boots
a fine monir-handled vultite forging-hammer

In a deep chest:
a tooled black leather pack
some scorched brigandine armor
some brigandine armor
a bright silvery glaes blade
a silver-hilted veniom-wrapped longsword
a piece of citrine quartz
an oaken wand
a holy broadsword
a drake crowbill
a cloudy blue potion
a blue crystal
a blue crystal
a ruby amulet
a red spinel inset copper crown
a white flask
a rations kit
a mug of beetroot beer
a bacon-lined parsley pie
a slice of boiled salt duck
a travel guide token
some acantha leaf
a fresh cinnamon doughnut
a white flask
an iron-ringed vultite backsword with weathered black leather wound about its hilt
a gleaming black vultite longsword

Obvious items: 46

You are holding a gold-capped orase runestaff in your right hand and a slender locker manifest in your left hand.
You are wearing some polished crimson hunting leathers,
some blackened veniom cufflinks, a large sack, a crystal amulet,
a triangular silver-threaded pouch, a pair of narrow leather shoes,
some flowing silk gauze pants, a blackened silver filigree headband,
a braided gold ring, a twining rose vine anklet, a long-stalked sunflower,
a gold-banded ruic long bow slung over your shoulder,
and a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
Click INVENTORY HELP for more options.
>look in my bac
In the rune-stitched backpack you see a blackened leather bankbook
a crystal amulet, an old scroll, a silver wand,
some musty midnight blue socks,
some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf,
a dark chocolate mint, some bubbling Eldreth death-rum,
an obscure parchment, a crystal amulet, a shiny gold ring,
a white flask, a white flask, a cloudy blue potion, a white flask,
a rations kit, a travel guide token, a white flask, an ornate gold ring,
a braided gold ring, a crumpled scroll, a white flask, a silver lockpick,
a braided gold ring, a wiregrass bracelet, a burnt scroll, a luminous scroll,
a grey web-entwined moonstone, a crystal amulet, a shimmering scroll,
a charred scroll, a crystal amulet, a slender blue wand, an iron wand,
a glowing scroll, a green sapphire, some polished pink coral,
a piece of citrine quartz, a pale green moonstone,
a shard of rainbow quartz and a heavy quartz orb.
In the silver-threaded pouch you see a tiny white pearl.

and several more.... 3 other characters over lvl 10 w/ 4x gear... all have fixskills

make offer... will sell account cheap, but inconveinient for me to split them up as I do not want to activate account... you pay, I give you account info...

09-03-2008, 10:31 AM
You missed a name :P

Edit: Several.

09-03-2008, 10:33 AM
yeah, I fixed it

09-04-2008, 10:59 AM
I haven't gotten any offers on this yet... I'm willing to sell the account pretty cheap. Someone must be interested...

09-04-2008, 05:18 PM
You didn't list any PP's that I saw, any with the account? Might help your sale.

09-06-2008, 11:21 AM
to be honest, I don't remember how many PPs... it's been awhile since I've played. I know there are atleast a few hundred.

09-06-2008, 12:18 PM
I can't believe you've sold everything :( It's sad

09-11-2008, 04:37 PM
I haven't sold EVERYTHING yet... still have this account, and it's still for sale...