View Full Version : Why?

01-13-2004, 11:32 AM
Why is it that I decide to quit smoking and everyone and their mother are trying to frickin call me when I decide to go to bed after the night from hell?

And why does the patch smell like ass?

01-13-2004, 11:35 AM
Be careful with overdose with those patchs.

Why is that everyone that quit alcool believe in jesus and such?

Support man, support!

01-13-2004, 11:48 AM
Do it cold turkey. I've been smoke-free for the last two months, except I had one lapse during mid December for two cigs.

01-13-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Do it cold turkey. I've been smoke-free for the last two months, except I had one lapse during mid December for two cigs.

So you've been smoke free for almost a month. Maybe if you'd patched it you wouldn't have needed those.

01-13-2004, 11:52 AM
Why is that everyone that quit alcool believe in jesus and such? >>

People are weak and believe only a god can help them kick a habit.

01-13-2004, 11:54 AM
Quitting smoking sucks, it's so hard. I did the patch for 3 mo., then relapse, heh. I never realized that it smelled bad. Maybe because I lost my sense of smell long time ago. BTW Tsa'ah, I also gained like 10 lbs. when I tried to quit. I think that's why I relapse, that and drinking, I said forget that man. Hmmm...I should try again. You need a good exercise plan too, that will help you a lot.

P.S. Read your U2U old man!

[edit: opps]

[Edited on 1-13-2004 by Lalana]

The Cat In The Hat
01-13-2004, 12:44 PM
I went cold turkey September 21 2001 and have only touched 1 since, and that was kinda like my "final test" If I could smoke one and not pick up the habit again I knew I was free.


01-13-2004, 12:45 PM
My uncle almost died from lung cancer. Last year they removed a chunk of his lung. Lay off the cigarettes. :thumbsup:

01-13-2004, 12:52 PM
Quitting is so hard. It takes alot of will power. I quit for three months but then last friday before last when my grandmother went into the hospital I picked up again.

I broke down and bought an entire carton So I've decided that after this Im quitting again. Now just to see if it works.

01-13-2004, 04:35 PM
When I drink I smoke cigars, never did got into the cigarette thing. Best of luck man I heard it can be a bitch to quit. Hit the gym alot and make that your new habit, that or underwater basket weaving.

01-13-2004, 04:41 PM
Congrats for making the effort to quit!

My fiance quit cold turkey for the holidays and he didn't say anything to me about even quitting in the first place until 6 hours before the nicotene was completely out of his system, which is about 72 hours.

I was just rather shocked at the suddenness of it and how he wasn't talking about it. He said as long as he doesn't talk about it, which will prevent the inevitable questions from others of "how is it going? kick the habit yet? feeling alright?" Just shut up and didn't let anyone bother him and go through it. The man has a will of steel. And he's all mine! :D

01-13-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
The man has a will of steel. And he's all mine! :D

Don't be selfish, I think you should share :D

01-13-2004, 04:52 PM
I could never smoke. I have the weakest lungs already plus I hate the smell of cigarettes. My mother being a chain smoker ruined them for me.

01-13-2004, 05:23 PM
The TRUTH ads made me not want to smoke. Or made me want to smoke. I forget. Too much orange. And that cheesy asterisk thing.

01-13-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
The TRUTH ads made me not want to smoke. Or made me want to smoke. I forget. Too much orange. And that cheesy asterisk thing.


Anyway, I quit smoking too. I forget when, maybe four or five months ago. I've had one or two since I quit, but that was because I was sitting around with a bunch of smokers and extremely drunk. Haven't bought a pack since I quit, nor have I had any cravings. I just decided I was tired of smoking, and that was that.

01-14-2004, 04:49 AM
I've smoked for 15 years.

The first two years were like sneaking one before and after school with my hoodlum friends.

I started buying cigarettes when I was 17 and by the time I was in college I smoked about one pack a day.

I've had days that I would smoke way more than a pack, and days I would smoke maybe one or two.

Cold turkey with a 15 year habit doesn't work for everyone.

I think my problem right now (aside from the smell of ass when I open the package) is that I'm not totally willing to quit right now. The guilt children can give you is torture though.

I smoke less at home and only outside when I do. I smoke more at work than anywhere. So the real test is Thursday night when I go back on rotation.

01-14-2004, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by Bewitchindryad25
Quitting is so hard. It takes alot of will power. I quit for three months but then last friday before last when my grandmother went into the hospital I picked up again.

I broke down and bought an entire carton So I've decided that after this Im quitting again. Now just to see if it works.
Throw the rest of the carton away. Now.

It's worth the few dollars wasted in money to save your health, even if it's just a couple more packs worth. Also it will start building that willpower. If you can muster the strength to throw them away like that, it will be easier to tell yourself you can stay off them when you quit.

Also, I hate smoking, it stinks, and the guy that sat down next to me on the bus yesterday was probably the most inconsiderate fool alive. He completely reeked of smoke and sat between me and a woman just because he was old. I wanted to stab him. It sucked.

01-14-2004, 06:05 AM
Just remember to be extra aware of how you treat people, especially your family.

I remember being flung face-first into a limo because a certain loved one was having trouble dealing with the absence of nicotine.

Good luck!
Stay positive.

[Edited on 1-14-2004 by longshot]

01-14-2004, 09:37 AM
If you say I just bought a carton and are gonna quit afterwords, that's like saying you're gonna play another month of Gemstone and gonna quit after that.

Point in Case (joke), it's not gonna happen.

01-14-2004, 05:33 PM

Saw this today. Found it midly interesting.

01-14-2004, 05:47 PM
I always ask my mom how she would feel if I got lung cancer due to second hand smoke. My mom smokes where she wants, her bedroom, living room, car. Even if you are trapped next to her she doesn't care as long as she can smoke.

01-14-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
I always ask my mom how she would feel if I got lung cancer due to second hand smoke. My mom smokes where she wants, her bedroom, living room, car. Even if you are trapped next to her she doesn't care as long as she can smoke.

Wow, I don't think I can be that terribly rude. I always try and respect other peoples ways even in my own house. If someone visits who doesn't smoke I always go outside though I do that anyway because of my son and my goddaughter. (Though if I'm lazy I do open my bedroom window and sit by it and smoke one).

Though today I actually haven't had one in five hours, Im chewing the heck out of gum.

Also I've noticed find something to keep your hands busy seriously it really helps alot.

01-14-2004, 06:04 PM
My mother can literally smoke you out of the room. You try to sit in the living room with her, she smokes one, fine you accept it. As soon as she finishes it she takes out another one! I once asked her not to light it cause it was giving me a headache and she said fine, took her stuff, and went to her room. So much for hanging out.

Miss X
01-14-2004, 06:10 PM
My mum started smoking again after five years and we don't let her smoke in the house ever. We were sort of hoping that having to stand out in the garden in mid-winder would encourage her to quit again but it's not working so far!
From a personal point of view, I'm one of those annoying anti-smokers. I don't think I could go out with a guy that smokes, the smell makes me vomit, literally.

01-14-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Cold turkey with a 15 year habit doesn't work for everyone.

I quit March 19, 2002 - part of it health - part of it that I knew my job was being eliminated. My now husband surely would have told me GSIII or cigarettes - choose. I smoked almost solid for 20+ years.

Tsa'ah - I used the patch. I started with the strongest they made, had a little bit of nico gum for the serious fiending moments during the first week. Which lessened every day and when I was bad off I would inhale deeply (funny how that seemed to help.)

After the first week it was all downhill. I bought the patch tho, for the full entire time that they recommend. Like 12 weeks or something - by the time I used my last one I didn't even notice any difference at all.

Goodluck - you'll be amazed at how liberated you'll feel. No more watching the clock at work - no worries if you are landing in a smoke-free airport and your hike to fresh air is 4 football fields away from your next connection. Heh.

And the only time I really really miss it is after :you know what:. That was always the best cigarette ever.


01-14-2004, 06:43 PM
Yeah I couldn't date a guy that smoked. I don't want to kiss him and taste cigarettes or smell it in his clothes and hair... sorry, it's a hygeine issue.

01-14-2004, 06:51 PM
I never noticed how bad smoking bothered me till I didn't live at home anymore. My parents have smoked since the beginning of time... And I never noticed... Once I went to school.. and then moved away..
Now when I go to their house it kills me.
I wish I could get them to quit, but I guess its one
of those things you gotta wanna do for yourself

01-15-2004, 12:55 AM
Tsa my man. I'm with you on this. I promised myself no more smoking this morning. Remember how I told you I gained like 10 lbs. last time I tried. Yeah man, so guess what I'm doing now? Eating!!! I'm going to get my punching bag that I left at my parents tomorrow.

01-15-2004, 01:01 AM
My friends got me a hookah for my birthday/Christmas for shisha, heh.

That aside... I know you can quit, Tsa'ah! Cigs are nasty. :(

01-15-2004, 01:23 AM
I never started smoking and i never will. I tried it once or twice to see what the hoopla was about, but i just couldn't justify it.

Both my parents smoked..heavily. I still have a little bit of asthma from it (and a couple burns from my father cough>) I could never understand why anyone would smoke knowing the effects it can have on your body and healthspan. When i was like 9, i severely limited physical contact (i.e Kissing, hugging, using anything afterwards etc) with my mom because she wouldn't quit. She still smokes today, but in all honestly i can't blame her. All the shit shes been through she deserves at least a little release now and again. I just hope she can realize the only thing she wants left in life: her phd. Hopefully the cigarettes or life in general don't catch up to her until then.

Moral of the story: Good job Tsa'ash keep at it.

01-15-2004, 01:40 PM
I used to smoke, not a lot, maybe 1/2 a pack a day. My ex got me to the point where I only smoked socially. The day I found out I was pregnant, I tossed them out and didn't touch them again for almost 3 years.
Then I left my husband, and decided that I was going to smoke again.
Well with the encouragement of my bf I quite again. I had a couple puffs on New Years Eve, but otherwise I'm pretty good to go.
And yes, taking deep breaths DOES help. Fake smoke a pencil too ;)

01-15-2004, 01:42 PM
Never have smoked cigarettes regularly, and I probably never will. Every single time I've smoked a 'regular' cigarette, I've gotten really, really nauseous.

I will have one of those orange flavored Camels, a nice cigar, or a few puffs on a pipe every now and then with friends, just for kicks.

[Edited on 1-15-2004 by peam]