View Full Version : Companion to the Rescue!

08-31-2008, 02:13 PM
I had hidden to catch up on some news articles after Rathmond decided to break is Warn interaction with me. I had no spells on so he was able to find me and point me out. This is what happened afterwards.

Rathmond leaps from hiding to attack!
Rathmond swings a battered old mattock at you!
By amazing chance, you evade the attack!
Runze accepts Nutmegg's iron coffer.
Runze just opened an enruned iron coffer.
>[Leaving rest mode.]
Rathmond comes out of hiding.
Rathmond swings a battered old mattock at you!
AS: +493 vs DS: +149 with AvD: +40 + 20 + d80 roll: +75 = +479
... and hits for 114 points of damage!
Blow ruptures the stomach!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
The guiding force leaves Rathmond.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's left arm faster than he can yank it out of the way. Scratches abound as claws meet skin!
... 25 points of damage!
Deep slash to Rathmond's left forearm!
He is stunned!
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Runze gathers the remaining coins from inside his iron coffer.
You notice Haalen moving stealthily into the area.
The ochre chameleon stares blankly at a timber jaguar.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's left leg faster than he can yank it out of the way. Scratches abound as claws meet skin!
... 15 points of damage!
Downward slash across Rathmond's left thigh!
Gouges bone!
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is rolled back to permit an unobstructed view of the starry night sky. You also see some manna bread, an ochre chameleon, a sleek sooty owl, a timber jaguar that is sleeping, some manna bread, an emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar, a medicinal donations bin, a glaesine arch, a richly finished wooden bench with some stuff on it and a large faenor-chased barrel.
Also here: Haalen, Auriolus, Great Lord Rathmond, Hecates, Runze, Guineveire, High Lord Nutmegg
Obvious paths: out
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's right leg faster than he can yank it out of the way. Deep furrows are torn in the leg!
... 25 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to Rathmond's right knee!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Haalen says, "Companion to the rescue."
Auriolus gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
The scintillating light fades from Nutmegg's hands.
You hear someone giggling.
Auriolus gestures at you.
Nothing happens.
You chortle.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's right hand faster than he can yank it out of the way. Skin shreds as claws rip deep into the hand!
... 10 points of damage!
Wild slash bounces off the back of Rathmond's hand.
!>607 rath
Voodoo '607 rath' to 'PREPARE 607', 'CAST AT rath'.
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Sounds spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Rathmond.
Rathmond seems to be distracted by something.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!>cman feint rath
[Roll result: 189 (open d100: 10) Penalties: 13]
You feint low, Rathmond buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar pounces on Rathmond!
... 5 points of damage!
Chest hit causes Rathmond to spin around like a halfling after a fresh tart.
The golden brown jaguar takes the opportunity to slash her claws at Rathmond's chest!
... 20 points of damage!
Slashing blow to chest knocks Rathmond back a few paces!
You feel fully energetic again.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's left arm faster than he can yank it out of the way. Scratches abound as claws meet skin!
... 10 points of damage!
Slash to Rathmond's shield arm!
Shears off a thin layer of skin!
Haalen chuckles.
!>cman feint rath
[Roll result: 233 (open d100: 64) Penalties: 23]
You feint to the left, Rathmond buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's left arm faster than he can yank it out of the way. The golden brown jaguar's paws rip at the arm!
... 20 points of damage!
Powerful slash just cracks Rathmond's shield arm!
He is stunned!
!>cman feint rath
[Roll result: 272 (open d100: 93) Penalties: 13]
You feint high, Rathmond buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar slashes her claws at Rathmond's right leg faster than he can yank it out of the way. Skin shreds as claws rip deep into the leg!
... 25 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to Rathmond's right knee!
He is stunned!
Rathmond just left.
You hear someone cackle.
Nutmegg laughs!
Runze laughs!

also I cleaned up the log of useless information

08-31-2008, 03:45 PM
Rathmond needs to lrn2aim. And not to slam. I'm pretty surprised though, my companion is useless in any kind of combat.

08-31-2008, 03:47 PM
If your companion kills someone, do you get arrested?

08-31-2008, 04:40 PM

08-31-2008, 04:50 PM
If your companion kills someone, do you get arrested?


08-31-2008, 06:15 PM
He is stunned!
Rathmond just left.
You hear someone cackle.
Nutmegg laughs!
Runze laughs!

Rathmond is a neverending source of idiocy.

09-08-2008, 05:11 PM
Yeah that fight was nothing short of awesome on Drakam's part (well and his companion's). :D HARRRRRR

09-08-2008, 06:02 PM
< I had hidden to catch up on some news articles after Rathmond decided to break is Warn interaction with me. I had no spells on so he was able to find me and point me out. This is what happened afterwards. >

I wonder how bad that would have hit me. You took quite a hit, champ. Thumbs up.