View Full Version : The 7x Greater Iasha Maul

08-27-2008, 12:48 PM
A dented white ora maul with a silver-veined black iron haft:

+35, sanctified, plasma flares (five different types of them - one of which does an automatic knockdown).
Very heavily zested.
Once per day teleport to your deity's local temple.
+3 to WIS enhancement (permanent)

It's the only 7x tier three Iasha weapon that exists, as well as the only Iasha maul that exists. It was won as a 6x tier three weapon on the Wavedancer, it eventually came into my hands, and then I found a merchant enchanter and paid a hefty price to have it taken to 7x.

You can see the scripts and get some more info on Iasha weapons at http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Iasha_white_ora_weapons.

Great weapon for clerics and paladins (and monks, too, if they're going to be able to use sanctified weapons). I use it with my paladin and the Iasha flares beat out Guiding Light flares hands down. They can do up to 75 damage, they do knockdowns, and they occur more frequently.


PM or IM me at GS4Nuadjha if you want to chat.

08-27-2008, 10:09 PM

08-27-2008, 10:59 PM
Sold to Khariz.

08-27-2008, 11:43 PM
If anyone else feels the ultra need to own this between now and when the paladin I'm currently creating can use it...lemme know.

Until then!