View Full Version : Weapon help

08-26-2008, 04:49 AM
I have a 31 bard, not sure if in the LONG run that it would be better to go with sonic OHE or if I should pick up a high enchant ecw OHE that I can get my hands on.

If someone has done the math, or has some logs I would appreciate it.


09-02-2008, 08:58 AM
I have a 31 bard, not sure if in the LONG run that it would be better to go with sonic OHE or if I should pick up a high enchant ecw OHE that I can get my hands on.

If someone has done the math, or has some logs I would appreciate it.


Save the silvers for armor or a shield, and sing up an auction quality weapon using 1012. ECW is quite nice, but probably overpriced as all hell. You'll lose out on a few insta-kills but gain a lot more damage over time with the double sonic flares.