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07-12-2003, 05:02 PM
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Do you have a massive stone mattock, Ardwen?!"
Ardwen [subdued]: "Nope"
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Damn. We're alike, you know, Ardwen. We're both merchants!!"
Snuk [subdued]: "How can you be a warrior and not have a massive stone mattock and a full spellup?"
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Don't forget godly redux!"
Soulpieced [subdued]: "Selling some halfling chain mail. It's 5x and somewhat crit padded hauberk. Looking for 11 million silvers."
Ardwen [subdued]: "Question is how CAN you be a warrior with that crap"
Snuk [subdued]: "Ahh yes and the inability to take rejection!"
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "You're just jealous, Ardwen."
Edaarin [subdued]: "I think I'll start calling myself Legend now."
Ardwen [subdued]: "Yeah I am jealous, I have better redux better gear and I dont need all those spells obviusly I am jealous"
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Damn straight."
Ardwen [subdued]: "And I can spell the word Pretty too"
Edaarin [subdued]: "Legend Smoosh Smoosh?"
Snuk [subdued]: "Should start calling you Ardwenm"
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "What about again?"
Soulpieced [subdued]: "Or Haardwen"
Dimbat [subdued]: "When should I get redux?"
Soroth [subdued]: "I love you, Bobmuhthol."
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Everybody does."
Snuk [subdued]: "Edaarin is Legend squish squash"
Ardwen [subdued]: "Ya do that and yer gonna be called Stuk, as in sword stuck in yer eye"
Ardwen [subdued]: "heh"
Ardwen [subdued]: "yah can be Legend Moob Moob"
Wichurana [subdued]: "How's the family, Edaarin?"
Snuk [subdued]: "Hugs to super Edaarin!!"
Edaarin [subdued]: "Can I get a locate on my super mighty dad high lord soulpieced?"
Soulpieced [subdued]: "I'm warning you for harrassing me from the locates Edaarin"
Ardwen [subdued]: "nono He's supposed to warn you Soupie"
Snuk [subdued]: "Edaarin I'm warning you that you cannot talk to me because you have more wit than me and I'm doing it on the amulet to let everyone know!"
Edaarin [subdued]: "Buying FGB, because unenchanted plate is too expensive."
Edaarin [subdued]: "I'm warning you all because I'm losing an argument that I started and I don't have any witty comebacks."
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Time to go get stoned!"
[Private (Rooster - subdued)]: "what kinda plate?"
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Soroth, do not interact with me again."
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "You're harassing me by taking off your amulet so you can't make fun of me more."
Chains [subdued]: "Shut up already."
Snuk [subdued]: "Dueling on the boulder I will be fully spelled, have redux, and a weapon that knocks you over, please be 15 to 20 trains under me in order to test your skills!"
Snuk [subdued]: "Ohh yeah if I lose I'm reporting."
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Chains, if you don't like it, remove your amulet. You're harassing me."
Edaarin [subdued]: "Also, I won't duel anyone more than half my train."
Edaarin [subdued]: "Beacuse one time I dueled a like trained ranger and got my behind handed to me."
Snuk [subdued]: "Not too mention if you're older than me all I will do is suck up to get gear and protection"
Edaarin [subdued]: "It was preety sad. It won't happen agian, I swear."

07-12-2003, 05:05 PM
ROFL I must say Bob was in top form. And that was hilarious.

07-12-2003, 05:24 PM

07-12-2003, 05:58 PM
That was good. I was snorting Pepsi on my monitor when it started

07-12-2003, 10:25 PM
I liked the private thought you got about the plate Edaarin.
You, Bob, Soul, Snuk, Ardwen, and everyone else that commented on that were hilarious. There were some other good comments too. One about needing a locksmith for a bunch of boxes from critters way to young for me but that's all I can hunt because I'm clueless as to how a warrior should really hunt ttm please thank you. That one was great.

07-12-2003, 10:26 PM
What would the world of GS be without the wit of the locals? God that was great.

-One Enchant

Captain Amby
07-12-2003, 10:40 PM
hahahaha I love that signature, Onex.

07-12-2003, 11:18 PM
Warclaidhm [subdued]: "Are trolls back?"
Rorac [subdued]: "Only your mother Warclaidhm."


07-12-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by longshot
Warclaidhm [subdued]: "Are trolls back?"
Rorac [subdued]: "Only your mother Warclaidhm."



- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-13-2003, 01:13 AM
so this is what happens when one snorts pepsi?