View Full Version : Some Good Stuff

08-20-2008, 12:22 AM
AUCTION OVER.. Please contact me ASAP Rathmond IG on psinet <when its up> RathmondGS4 on AIM or PM me here.. Landing FWI Or later this eve, Nations delievery..

a marbled grey imflass mattock with rich cordovan leather braided about its shaft +12 Very Heavy Crit Weighted. CB: 7.5m Mtenda SOLD

an ivory-hilted steel claidhmore.. 100k

an a jagged invar claidhmore +2.. 500k

a vultite maul, and vultite tetsubo.. 4x 100k

a vultite skull-pommelled badelaire.. falchion equivlent 4x HEAVILY scripted self stunner. CB: 500k Ravashaak SOLD <PM for scripts>


a smooth hoarbeam runestaff.. adds +10 mana while holding it, adds 3 spirit mana control ranks, 2 manipulation lore ranks, 1 blessing lore rank. CB 1mil Burnt Out Priestess SOLD

also +15 enchant a poslished mossbark runestaff.. DEFENDER bonus. +6 elemental mana control ttm wit offers. CB: 600k Fanglor SOLD


some imflass chain mail armor constructed of alternating silver and light-blue links.. 700k

some vultite leg greaves, +3 intuition and temp very heavy crit padded.. MB 500k.

The Rest:

a mithril bracer enameled with a pattern of repeating triskelions. adds agility and strength wit THW use. 550k

a snake-etched silver alloy torc 2 phycial fitness 3 hiding and 2 perception RANKS..MB 800k

Also a HEAP of lockpicks.. want to sell as a set: CB: 1.1mil Softhearted SOLD

an enruned suede lockpick case
a sharp kelyn lockpick with a black pearl-tipped handle
a sharp kelyn lockpick with a black pearl-tipped handle
a sharp glaes lockpick with a spiraled blue coral handle
a sharp glaes lockpick with a spiraled blue coral handle
a bone-handled dark invar lockpick
a hand crafted eonake lockpick
a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick
a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick
a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick
a cerulean-hued wavy glaes lockpick
a rune-etched dark ivory lockpick
a purple rolaren lockpick
a garnet-inset rose gold lockpick
a weathered marble lockpick
a dark grey granite lockpick
a mithril-edged blue wire lockpick
a silver-edged twisted brass lockpick
a thick carved modwir lockpick
a grey alexandrite lockpick
a gold-edged pale ivory lockpick
a dull brushed silver lockpick
an old ivory lockpick
an opal-inlaid tarnished invar lockpick
a bent obsidian lockpick
a jade-handled invar lockpick
a sharp golvern lockpick with a mother-of-pearl handle
a purple marble lockpick
a purple ruby lockpick
a glaes lockpick
a kelyn lockpick
a twisted eonake lockpick
a sturdy black glaes lockpick
a reinforced dark alum lockpick a platinum ora-tipped lockpick,
a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick,
a sleek kelyn lockpick,
a sharp vaalin lockpick,
a vaalin lockpick,
a bent master's lockpick,
a polished golden kelyn lockpick,
an onyx-tipped grey ora lockpick,
a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick,
a kelyn-tipped myklian scale lockpick,
a polished golden kelyn lockpick,
a silver kelyn tipped vaalin lockpick,
a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick,
an alum lockpick,
a laje lockpick,
an alum lockpick,
a sharp alum lockpick,
a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick,
a veniom lockpick,
a kelyn-tipped myklian scale lockpick,
a slim blackened alum lockpick,
a vaalin lockpick,
a sharp vaalin lockpick and
a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick.

08-20-2008, 05:44 AM
800k Lockpicks

08-20-2008, 06:32 AM
Damn... I was hoping it really was good stuff. Sigh...

08-20-2008, 09:30 AM
updated bidz..

08-20-2008, 12:10 PM
a vultite skull-pommelled badelaire.. 400k please

08-20-2008, 05:50 PM
900k picks

08-20-2008, 07:50 PM

08-20-2008, 08:18 PM
Does this mean you're quitting? Please say yes, Rathmond.

08-20-2008, 09:31 PM
500k on the vultite skull-pommelled badelaire

08-21-2008, 09:23 AM

08-21-2008, 09:33 AM
yer auctions all jumbled together mang.

08-21-2008, 10:07 AM
Whats up with the lockpicks? Exact number? Any broken currently, or any been broken/dmged in the past? All new...

08-21-2008, 08:05 PM
wow, it is jumbled.. updated from my phone this morning, lemmie fix this... lockpicks i bought from Stunseed, some new some repaired some still broke..

08-21-2008, 08:12 PM
k fixed, updated bidz.. tryin to end tomorrow night.. 8/22

any items wit no bids will stay in the locker till next time, so snatch them up.


08-22-2008, 08:49 AM
Auction over tonight, 8/22 at 6pm mountain get your bidz in quick.. toss offers for items without bidz, need to open up locker space.

Winners please be ready for exchage ASAP after the auction has ended


08-22-2008, 06:34 PM
last chance ends in one hour.

08-22-2008, 08:10 PM
Auction over, thanks everyone.