View Full Version : Girls Suck

Red Devil
07-15-2003, 04:25 AM
Girls do such stupid stuff to guys all the time. It's a well known fact that if the girl has a chance to make a male feel bad, sad, or mad, she will do so without remorse. Many girls will go out of their way to do so to as many males as possible. Some girls keep track of who they have hurt.

The reason girls do this is simple, modern America is punishing it's pussy sons. In present times, males have become pussies, becoming too emotional, living in bread-winning families. Modern America, Uncle Sam we'll call it, has allowed women into all types of careers and even into military service(even gays are allowed in now, but that is another topic). This was supposed to punish males and to make them strive harder to succeed over girls. Unfortunately, males have not reacted the way that Uncle Sam has wanted them to. Instead, males in today's society have become emotional, willing to give up, and overall pussies.
Girls see this as a weakness and are subconsciously happy about it and wish to keep the males down. This is why they are out to make males feel bad, sad, or mad. The feminist movement has succeeded. They've bread a whole generation of pussy males and those pussy males are now CEO's, Military and Police Officers, and government officials.

How did girls come to such a powerful level. The baby-boom. No time in history have women been willing to have such big families. So when the last batch of strong, powerful, and confident males arrived from World War II, they wanted sex. Unfortunately, the females who were working during the war did not want so much sex. This took toll on the males and they eventually broke to do anything to have sex, essentially giving the females the pants.(The baby-boom officially started in 1953, but most soldiers didn't get back home until 1949. It is sad to see the last generation of powerful men to only take 4 years to break. Obviously women were a much fiercer enemy than the Nazis or Japanese.)

This in turn led women to have a lot of young males inside their household. The males were off working to supply their family with the necessities while the female teachers and the moms were busy brainwashing the young males 24 hours a day.

Males need to stand up and slap the bitches. We can no longer afford to be pussies. If the bitch hurts you, don't feel guilty in hurting her back, in fact, become creative. Revenge your grandfathers that failed to instill courage and power into your fathers. Bring back the power of the MALES!

[Edited on 7-15-2003 by Red Devil]

07-15-2003, 05:35 AM
Obviously you just got dissed by a girl, or had your heart broken. How very sad. No need to take it out on an entire gender though. I've known many women in my lifetime. Nice ones, mean ones, etc.

Women are a beautiful thing to behold. Maybe my fiance is one in a million (and I know all men say this), but I've known her since I was in elementary school and she has never intentionally hurt anyone's feelings. She is the most genuine, honest, hard-working, faithful, dependable person I've ever met. Keep in mind, she is also absolutely gorgeous by any standards. She's my lover and my best friend. I'm a lucky guy, but not all of women are bad.

Finding a good woman is hard a task: one you can trust, love, find attractive everyday, who will take care of you, bear you healthy children, etc. But then again, finding a handsome, compassionate, intelligent man who will work his butt off to provide for his family isn't also easy to come by these days either. Don't diss the ladies... The love of a woman is what makes it all worth it at the end of the day.

07-15-2003, 06:34 AM
Well, from what you said in your post, I think you should change the title from "girls suck" to "boys are wimps". :P And note the words, "girl" and "boy".

Thankfully once you grow past the drama stage in life, things tend to not phase you as they used to and they end up not really being real big deals when you think about it.

- N

07-15-2003, 09:32 AM
Puberty can be a very tough time in a young male's life, Red Devil. The only advice I can give you is that you will grow out of it. It's especially hard when you seem to have lost your first little girlfriend. Esh. Sorry.

There are other fish in the sea little fella.. go fishing. :)

07-15-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Puberty can be a very tough time in a young male's life, Red Devil.

You mean pre-puberty in his case heh.

07-15-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Red Devil
Bring back the power of the MALES!


- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 01:54 PM
Red Devil,
Obviously you have a lot of insecurity issues and have a lot of problems with women in general. This however, is no excuse for your behavior. No man, for no reason whatsoever, has the excuse to hit a woman. Men by far, are much stronger physically than women. Can you blame us for trying to get whatever advantage we can? Because of men like you, women have grown distrustful jaded and indifferent towards men. Congradulate yourself. And while you're at it, kick yourself in the ass 'cause any woman that sees this post by you, will never want to be with you, in any capacity.

Thank you, you've done the women of the world a huge favor by taking yourself out of the gene pool.:thumbsup:

[Edited on 7-15-2003 by Captain Amby]

07-15-2003, 02:30 PM
I tried typing out about 3 posts but none could convey my disgust for this thread. The guy must have no mother or something because I know mine would cut off my fingers for even thinking about typing such a load of male superiority bull. Blah I should be dignifying this thread with a response, so this is all it gets from me.


Lord Deprav
07-15-2003, 03:23 PM
Proof that girls(women) are evil:

First, we state that girls (G) require time (T) and money (M).

Thus, G = T x M

We also know that "time is money."

T = M

Therefore, G = M x M, or M^2

And because "money is the root of all evil (E)";

M = E^(1/2)

We get G = (E^(1/2))^2

Which simplifies to: G = E.

Thus, girls are, in fact, evil.

Lord Deprav
Had to throw my 2 cents in. (Plus I found this a while ago and thought it was hilarious)

07-15-2003, 03:51 PM
Okay, so I'm not supposed to give the little boy seeking attention any time, but I figured, he spent a great deal of time expressing his opinion, I should acknowledge that.

So, first, let me say I'm really tired of the mindless anti-female drivel most boys of little brain and talent can scrounge up these days. If you're going to be a misogynist, at least put a little effort into it. At least you will have that effort to remember when over half the human race stops acknowledging your existence.

Secondly, allow me to explain how absurd you are. Did you get dumped in junior high history class? Who ever said the last batch of strong, powerful, confident males was in WWII? And I won't even touch you're little diatribe into the feminist movement. Next time someone tries to teach you something worthwhile about history, fight through your little pre-pubescent hormones and actually listen. Next time you may not come off as a completely uneducated child.


Until then I encourage you to change your attitude. The only place a mindset like that will get you is prison when the "bitch" you just "slapped" puts your "powerful, confident" ass there to rot for assuming you were allowed to touch her.

07-15-2003, 03:59 PM
Actually... he's getting exactly what he craves the most.


At this young stage in his life, he hasn't quite figured out that negative attention is worse than positive attention.

Take a look at 98% of his posts.. you will see no actual thought or reasoning for the post other than merely bringing attention to himself.

I used to belittle him.. now I merely pity him and hope he quickly outgrows this phase in his life.

Ok.. I still belittle him.. that's a character flaw of mine.

07-15-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Lord Deprav
Proof that girls(women) are evil:

First, we state that girls (G) require time (T) and money (M).

Thus, G = T x M

We also know that "time is money."

T = M

Therefore, G = M x M, or M^2

And because "money is the root of all evil (E)";

M = E^(1/2)

We get G = (E^(1/2))^2

Which simplifies to: G = E.

Thus, girls are, in fact, evil.

Lord Deprav
Had to throw my 2 cents in. (Plus I found this a while ago and thought it was hilarious)

ROFL!!!! Now that is hilarious! At least you have a formula to back it up!!!

07-15-2003, 04:30 PM
<<No man, for no reason whatsoever, has the excuse to hit a woman.>>

Die. Die die die die die.

You must be stupid.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 05:11 PM
I'll gladly kill you, Bob. Where's that screwdriver?

07-15-2003, 05:15 PM
I threw it away.

07-15-2003, 05:29 PM
I'm just curious what all you women think a man should do if a woman attacks him...

I myself would probably never raise a fist to bust a woman's ass... but I also know a few women that use the phrase "If you put yourself in a man's position, you get treated like one." Which, coming from women, deserves a little merit.

So what does a man do?


07-15-2003, 05:35 PM
He should give back equally what she dishes out. If she punches him, he should be able to punch her, if she throws something at him, he should be able to throw something at her. I don't respect women who stand behind their gender to get away with things, it's demeaning to the rest of us who don't resort to that.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 05:35 PM
be a man, remember you're much stronger than women in general, and walk away. Takes a real man to walk away rather than use his brute neandrathal strength.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 05:39 PM
Let me say this. I've seen first hand what's been done to women by men. And what men have done to *children* by physically abusing them.

I've worked as a child advocate, in a domestic violence shelter for women. I've seen a seven year old girl, regressed back to still wearing diapers because she could not handle the attacks she seen her daddy due to her mommy.

My comment to men who hit women is just this: Shame on you.

07-15-2003, 05:40 PM
Try bringing that argument into court. Someone did before, in fact. They said, "He's a man, he can't hit me. Yes, I punched him in the head." The judge dismissed the case, pretty much saying the woman was an idiot.

07-15-2003, 05:46 PM
There's a difference between abuse and standing up for yourself. We will never know the true statistics of how many women beat on their spouse because they know they can, and it sickens me that they get away with it. We're babying society with allowing it, just like Gemstone babying the game with warns, player friendly spells and so forth. If you're going to screw with someone knowing they can hurt you, then it's your problem to deal with. You don't have to respect the person, just the power they hold over you. Once men smack back, the woman won't do it anymore. Not the smart ones anyway. :D

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 05:52 PM
statistically speaking and logically speaking. Women are *not* stronger than men. Therefore, there will always be more men hitting women than women hitting men. For a long time, our society allowed this abuse to continue. Only recently have women come forth and tried to get away from the problem. I dont think we "baby" these women. I wish I could tell you more of what I've seen and also the women that *cant* be seen or heard of anymore.
I think that you have a misconstrued perception of abused women. Perhaps if you did my line of work (and no I dont work for a domestic violence shelter, and yes I always work with kids) You would see that society does not baby these women.
where I'm from, in NYS, a woman to get into the shelter must pretty much say they got nothing and apply for social services. Social services will look for excuses to not take these women and pay for them. Women must tell in graphic detail, their experiences. I've seen women sent up to 'investigation'. All that is.. is pretty much more degradation of their privacy. Do men get abused? yes.. but more than women? No. And do women get 'babied'? no.. just go through this system yourself one day and find out. As a single woman, you get from social services 310 bucks a month. That's for your rent and bills/expenses (ya get about 120 a month for food). Try to live on that. I dont think any woman would call that being babied.

07-15-2003, 05:56 PM
I wasn't talking about abused women. I'm talking about those that hit a man, get hit back then bitch when it does. Do I really condone men beating them to a pulp because of a little slap? Hell no. The babying I'm referring to is to those who are not abused but just crying wolf because they didn't like the outcome of their own brute force.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 05:59 PM
well if I push a man back 'cause he's doing something unacceptable in my opinion. and I get punched back. Will I bitch? sure I will. Will I get him arrested? Most likely because a punch thrown by an adult male will probably break something in my body.

07-15-2003, 06:03 PM
Don't go hitting men then. Again, that's about battling abuse, but I'll stop because I don't think we're seeing eye to eye on this so we'll agree to disagree.

07-15-2003, 06:04 PM
You're going to cry and moan because someone displayed self-defense?

07-15-2003, 06:08 PM
Exactly my point. The man is defending himself, but society is saying he's not "allowed" to because he's stronger and can hurt her. Would you pick a fight with a female bodybuilder? No. Why? Because she can hurt you. But she can beat you cause she's a girl. Seems like a double standard to me.

07-15-2003, 06:10 PM
The gender argument won't get you anywhere. Look at my previous post. "He's a man. He punched me. Arrest him." "I'm sorry, but you're too damn stupid for me to listen to you."

07-15-2003, 06:19 PM
So, how long before someone brings Martha Burke into this thread?

Oops. Just did. Thoughts on her, anyone?

07-15-2003, 06:34 PM
After my mother divorced him, my step-father forced his way past her into our house, took her by the neck, forced her to the ground, and beat her until almost her entire face was black and blue, then ran.

The police didn't do a damn thing. Tell me about babying.


07-15-2003, 06:53 PM
The argument that a man can’t defend himself from a woman is logically inconsistent. Unless there’s some aura that women encapsulate that prevent them from picking up a gun, or driving over their husband with a car, or using a bat, then I don’t see why a man can’t defend himself.

The logically consistent argument is to not be an aggressor, only use force to defend yourself. If that means you’re a man forcefully defending yourself from a woman with a knife, then do it. If that means you’re a woman forcefully defending yourself from a man, then do it.

Don’t ever allow yourself to be a victim.

[Edited on 7-15-2003 by Kranar]

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 07:03 PM
I'm very glad you have not had the misfortune of being in the woman's shoe's Kranar. As a worker, in the mental health field, and knowing first hand the psychological control men have over these women, its not a question of 'allowing' yourself to become a victim.

And as for self-defense, I think anyone, man woman or child has the right to defend themselves. As for punch for punch? That's ridiculous. If a grown man punched an infant, do I expect the infant to retaliate? no.. he or she cannot.
I expect more out of men but maybe that's a lost hope there. Apparently from what I've seen here, it is.

07-15-2003, 07:22 PM
<< And as for self-defense, I think anyone, man woman or child has the right to defend themselves. >>

And yet you've argued the complete opposite.

Is a man more likely to attack a woman? Yes. Do more women get abused by men? Yes. But like CrystalTears said, this has nothing to do with an abused woman. Where they come into this is totally tangential to the point being made.

The point is simply, if a woman is attacking you, not threatening to attack you, but has the means to attack you, then you defend yourself using any reasonable means.

If the woman isn't attacking you, then you shouldn't attack her.

Your argument is inconsistent because what your saying is "If a woman who can't attack you, attacks you, you should do nothing."

I mean, it's very unlikely someone would get attacked in the first place, but if some woman comes into my house with a bat or knife and starts going berzerk, she can expect a fight.

Only a naive fool would allow a woman to use her gender to get away with assault.

[Edited on 7-15-2003 by Kranar]

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 07:33 PM
I could make the arguement that only someone who hasnt seen abuse, could say such things. But I see that you wont get the point. And if you read carefully, you'll see that I didnt say punch for punch any gender should hit any gender, but rather in self defenses. There are and should be limitations.

07-15-2003, 08:06 PM
Kranar is not Red Devilette so please do not confuse the two in error.

All Kranar was saying as I saw it was that we should **all** feel we have the right to defend ourselves.

As an advocate for abused women and children I'm sure you have experience with the emotional trauma that is inflicted when such abuse occurs. The one thing I hear often that makes my blood boil is how some women will come to feel they somehow deserve such treatment for failing their mate in some way.

No one deserves to be abused or feel they cannot fight back. Not the many women who are and not the much smaller number of men who suffer in a similar manner.

07-15-2003, 08:29 PM
Well, I had a friend get hit in the face by a glass ash-tray swung by his wife. He grabbed her to keep her from hitting him again, in the process tearing her shirt a little. Guess who got arrested? My boy with a 4 inch gash\welt on his face. He displayed more self-constraint than I can ever hope to have, yet got probation for it. Awesome.


Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 09:24 PM
You and I both know that's more the exception to the cases.

I realize everyone has a right to defend themselves, I am not questioning that.

I am however saying, that 'a punch for a punch' philosophy is just plain dumb. No child can go against an adult. And there's very few women I can think of, that can go against men.

That said, I just believe that women should be honored and respected. I didnt hear that in the beginning comment here. Which is why I got upset to begin with.

No one has the right to say a woman should be bitch slapped. I hope that Red Devil will only learn the error of his ways before he's a *very* lonely adult. I feel sorry for angry children like him. His mother probably neglected him. Enough of the psychobabble.

My main point: Respect women, honor them for where would we be without our mothers? And shame on you Red Devil. Your mama would spank you if she read this.

07-15-2003, 09:27 PM
Amby, the thing is that you keep bringing abuse into this when the points that are being made have nothing to do with abuse, as in one person beating another senseless for no reason except for control. This was just about asking if it's acceptable for a male to strike a female who struck first. If you don't agree with that, just say that men shouldn't strike any woman no matter how brutal or physically harmful she is to the male. But don't come into this about abuse because that's not what this is about.

Honor and respect should be received if deserved. I'm not going to respect a woman just because she's a woman if she's being a complete idiot and going after men with a knife or claws and then bitch and moan when he strikes back, just as a child I won't respect my mother who beats me. But I sure as hell respect the power that person would have over me and what she could do to me. There's a difference.

[Edited on 7/16/2003 by CrystalTears]

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 09:30 PM
why dont you re-read the beginning post that started this all off? If I remember correctly, the last few lines could be construed as abuse.

07-15-2003, 09:32 PM
Yes but then a question was asked afterwards which is what we were discussing now. Yes we strayed a bit from the original post, but can you really blame us? :P

07-15-2003, 09:34 PM
Third sentence. I wouldn't call it abuse.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 09:35 PM
heh I'm trying to point out, where my original protests were comin' from ;) hehe. On the topic of women and children, I definitely am on the side to protect them. After all, that is what I do. What I've been trained to do, and what I love to protect and cherish. If I came off too strong, that's my fault.
I just dont like how this thread was going.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 09:37 PM
Bob, you're an idiot. Do us all a favor and go fall on that screwdriver again.

07-15-2003, 09:40 PM
<< I am however saying, that 'a punch for a punch' philosophy is just plain dumb. No child can go against an adult. And there's very few women I can think of, that can go against men. >>

A punch for a punch sounds correct to me.

What you're arguing isn't against a punch for a punch, you're arguing something totally different. Child abuse and violence against women, has nothing to do with this.

Since when was you attack me, so I tackle you to the ground and disable you from attacking me further, considered abuse? Abuse is when someone beats the living crap out of another for no justifiable reason. When you return someones attack back at them, it's called self-defence.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 09:47 PM
oh I give up. obviously some folks will never see how I do.

07-15-2003, 09:48 PM
I never fell on a screwdriver. Falling on a screwdriver would cause me to laugh at how lucky I was to not break my skull on something worse.

07-15-2003, 09:53 PM
<< oh I give up. obviously some folks will never see how I do. >>

That's a cop-out argument. I could just as easily say the same to you and it would make no difference. I'll even word it better than you did :P

Ah I just give up... you know... some people will never understand no matter what you tell them... ah well, continue believing what you want.

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 09:59 PM
its far from a cop-out. I just refuse to say more on this topic to someone who has obviously

1 not had the same experiences I have
2. has not had the training I have
3. has not first-hand seen these acts.

Did I cop out? No..
Did I graciously accept that for some, there can never be a change? Yes.

If that's cop'ing out.. then fine. Call it that. I call it being the wiser.

Red Devil
07-15-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby

~~Before you criticize a man... walk a mile in his shoes. By then- you'll be a mile away and he'll be barefoot.~~

Captain Amby
07-15-2003, 10:54 PM
I can give you a few other's RD if your interested. They'd find your juvenille tastes.

Lord Deprav
07-15-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Gokkem

ROFL!!!! Now that is hilarious! At least you have a formula to back it up!!!

Thanks Gokkem. I found it extremely humorous also. Yet I like some women, so I can't say its true for all!

Lord Deprav

07-16-2003, 12:44 AM
I don't think I'd ever hit a woman, but you better be damned sure I'll hold her down if she's trying to beat the crap outta me.

If she gets hurt, it will be because of her own struggling, not because of my fist.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 01:13 AM
Thanks for understanding Caels. to restrain her I dont mind.. or walking away. but physically punching her I draw the line. there's other ways.

07-16-2003, 09:13 AM

Are you saying women are typically less strong than a man and too stupid to realize that if they hit the big man, they may get a smack back?

I've never hit a woman in my life.. but I have to say if I was hit by a girl for something that I felt wasn't my fault... it would take ALOT of restraint on my part not to pop her one in the eye.

To use the excuse that you shouldn't hit women as an 'in' to hit the guy is foolish and will likely get you a black eye.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 12:36 PM
actually, I think we're the more intelligent of the two sexes.

And yes, I do believe men are stronger than women.

Men should realize this and use some restraint.

And if some man slugged me, would I defend myself? Of course I would. And I have. I've knocked a man out for an hour for such.

Do I think men should have honor and think that hitting women in general is bad? yes. If *I* hit a man, there's a damn good reason for it. I've hit a man twice in my life. Once was above, the other was when I found my friend's boyfriend beating her into a pulp against the wall. He had his back to me so I leapt on him and cracked his skull against the cement wall a few times. Well deserved.

I think what is missing is a sense of old-fashioned honor and respect. Maybe that makes me old fashioned. I dont care. I dont like the idea that men think its okay to hit women just 'cause she might have hit him. There's no thought given that the woman might have had a valid reason behind the slap or whatever. If I slapped a man for touching me when I didnt want him to. Do I deserve a slug back for it? I dont think so. The idea that this is "Okay" sickens me.

07-16-2003, 01:35 PM
<< I've knocked a man out for an hour for such. >>

Oh! But that's impossible! You're a woman and too weak to do such a thing...

<< I think what is missing is a sense of old-fashioned honor and respect. >>

You want to talk about "old-fashion" honor and respect? Old fashion is shoving the woman into a kitchen and keeping her there as a house-hold tool.

Quit stereotyping women as weak, vulnerable, house-hold tools that are too naive to do anything bad and are just ignorant pets that men have to take extremely good care of.

[Edited on 7-16-2003 by Kranar]

07-16-2003, 02:14 PM
Again, you are bringing in issues of dealing with abuse and of a man who starting it. Geez I don't know how else I have to explain this. My argument has been about the response a man should be allowed to have if he was struck first. Yes, if you struck a man first, not because he hit you, not because he was molesting or abusing you, but because you took it upon yourself to strike first, then yes I think it's fair of him to smack you back. Using your gender as a shield is just wrong, IMHO.

I think what is missing is a sense of old-fashioned honor and respect. Maybe that makes me old fashioned. I dont care. I dont like the idea that men think its okay to hit women just 'cause she might have hit him.

And I don't think it's okay that a woman be able to hit a man without repercussions strickly on the knowledge that he's a man and shouldn't do it. It's a double standard that I don't agree with. "Old fashioned" women didn't have too many personal rights, didn't leave their home to work on their own, weren't as independant, and would never dare raise their hand to their husband because of that respect between spouses. Now that they have been "set free", so to speak, they should be a little more mindful of swatting at a guy because they got their panties in a bunch. I see way too many women who smack their mates around and because he doesn't want to hurt he puts up with it, and then I call her a tremendous bitch for being abusive and them going off on me saying "he won't dare hit me cause I'll take him to court". Nice attitude.

[Edited on 7/16/2003 by CrystalTears]

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 02:32 PM
look, I said I'd graciously bow out. but someone said that was a 'cop out'. I dont feel that I'm wrong in my opinion and I dont like being told that I'm a coward for not repeating it over and over. I feel that I must speak for what appears to be the minority here. But I will.

07-16-2003, 02:40 PM
Well, guess I should share my story. In high school, on New Years, bunch of us were partying in a hotel room. My best friends' girlfriend showed up about 1 am, drunk off her ass (she had partied with a bunch of other guys, she was a real bitch). Well, she showed up was all loud we got kicked out of hotel room. So my friend and I go to take her home; as I'm tryin to get her in the truck and she knees me right in the balls. After a bit of pain, I got her and her friend in the extended cab truck and go on our way (she was in the back). Well, she was pissed she didn't want to go home so she decided to take it out on me. She eventually grabbed my hair, turned my head around and punched me right in the nose. To this day I cannot believe it, but reflexes kicked in and I popped her right in the forehead. I think she still has an indentation of my class ring in her forehead. I was shocked, ashamed, embarrased that I had done that. So there we are, taking this teenage girl home to her dad as she's bleeding from the forehead. I got to explain to dad what happened and luckily he liked me. Told me she probably deserved it.

So...am I proud of this? Hell no. Would I do it again? Hard to say it was reactionary. But for all you women out there.....if you decide to punch a man in the nose don't be surprised to get punched back.

07-16-2003, 03:08 PM
Good story. You were in a very difficult position and no one should hold your reaction against you.

07-16-2003, 03:12 PM
<< I dont feel that I'm wrong in my opinion and I dont like being told that I'm a coward for not repeating it over and over. >>

You're a coward only for attempting to prove your point by bowing out.

There's a difference between "Let's agree to disagree, since we can't come to a conclusion." and "I'm too good to argue with you, so believe what you want."

One is a cop-out argument, the other is a respectable way of illustrating disagreement.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 04:00 PM
I'm not cop'ing out. I was told before in here by Crystaltears I think that we'll just agree to disagree. That's fine. By me not pressing my point over and over because I feel that I am right? that's being a coward? I think that's being wise and knowing when to be quiet because obviously my point will not be gotten by this group.
This is not some competition. I'm simply saying I wont say more, because the population of folks in here, will not get what I do. They havent had the same experiences nor the training I have. So I'd rather just not say anymore.
End of discussion.

07-16-2003, 04:06 PM
<<And I don't think it's okay that a woman be able to hit a man without repercussions strickly on the knowledge that he's a man and shouldn't do it.>>

Don't you just hate those words that aren't spelled like they sound?

<<actually, I think we're the more intelligent of the two sexes.>>

Actually, you aren't. Men, in general, have been scientifically proven to be smarter than women in mathematics, logic, and reasoning. And, naturally, although it hasn't been proven, men are smarter than women in every other possible way.

07-16-2003, 04:07 PM
You keep telling us you're going to stop talking, but you never shut up, Captain Amby. I recommend you stop while you're almost ahead.

07-16-2003, 04:34 PM
Sexist pigs.

07-16-2003, 04:36 PM
Re-read my post Amby, specifically this part:

<< There's a difference between "Let's agree to disagree, since we can't come to a conclusion." and "I'm too good to argue with you, so believe what you want." >>

It is a cop-out, whether you wish to admit it or not, to try and say you're right, so everyone can go screw themselves because you're too good to post any further.

The fact that you said you're too good to argue this anymore, and continue to argue it, illustrates that you are trying to compete and trying to get people to accept your position simply for the sake of accepting it, instead of accepting it because it makes sense. If you *really* didn't care, you wouldn't continue responding over and over telling us that you didn't care.

I do care, and I'm not too good to argue sitting high up on my throne where I can just sit back watching all the ignoramuses walk about... so I continue to respond, to be critical of what others believe, and to learn using the oldest philosophical method... debate.

Furthermore, you're invoking an appeal-to-authority argument. It is a valid invocation, but it requires merit. You wish for us to accept your position because you consider yourself an authority on the subject. However, the appeal-to-authority argument requires a higher standard of argumentation. Put it this way...

I should be more inclined to accept information from a psychologist about the human mind, than I would from a garbage man; however, the psychologist is also required to provide a higher standard of information than the garbage man.

Putting this in context... you have done two things. You have stated your an authority on this subject, yet the standard of information you use to justify your claim is on the same level as the garbage man. Therefore your claim that we should accept your position because of your job or status is of no merit and can not be considered as a justified argument.

We trust an authority because we expect that the authority will provide us with a good explanation for their argument. We do not trust an authority simply for the sake of trusting an authority.

So I'll make it plain and simple... do you have an actual argument to back up your claim that when a woman assaults a man, the man has no right to self-defence, but when a man assaults a woman, the woman has a right to "knock a man out for an hour"? Or do you want us to simply accept your argument because you're better than us and are too good to argue? Because if you really are too good to argue, then here's a suggestion... don't argue.

[Edited on 7-16-2003 by Kranar]

07-16-2003, 04:47 PM
Heck I just wanted the conversation to veer off abuse since that's not what most of us were talking about.

So are you telling women that they are free and clear to use whatever tactics they can to get a point across to a man, including physical threats, but if a man chooses to retaliate or defend himself he's now the antagonist and deserves what he gets? Knocking a man out for an hour is okay but him backhanding you isn't? Somehow that way of thinking just seems flawed to me.

Bah, and it's strictly. I can spell, I just made a booboo. I'm human damnit! :P

[Edited on 7/16/2003 by CrystalTears]

Lord Deprav
07-16-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by vigilante
Sexist pigs.

Enough said.

If I ever see a man strike a women...They better hope I just knock them unconscious.

Lord Deprav
Who digs ditches for fun.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 06:29 PM
Okay, I am an authority on abuse in general. But if I go into psychobabble here, do I expect everyone to understand it? No.. Do I think I'll come off looking like a name-throwing snert intellectual that's trying to impress people with big names and bigger theories? yes.

I think that by my keeping it within the realm of understanding for everyone here, I've not done a bad thing but a good thing. If this makes me a 'garbage man' so be it. Rather a hard honest worker than someone who goes around saying 'cop-out' whenever things arent looking good.

And another point, why do you keep insisting that I agree men should not even self-defend themselves? I already said so. I just disagree with the idea of a punch for a punch. Its my opinion. And I'm entitled to it.

Oh.. And Bobmuthol? Keep that picture of that cheerleader by your bedside. That's as close as you're ever going to get to her. I bet if by some miracle, a girl (not I'm not saying woman) wrote you a love letter, you'd return it to her with many red circles around her spelling and grammatical errors. Get real. We're all human. oh.. and might I say it again...
Go fall on a screwdriver.

07-16-2003, 06:52 PM
<< And another point, why do you keep insisting that I agree men should not even self-defend themselves? >>


<< No man, for no reason whatsoever, has the excuse to hit a woman. Can you blame us for trying to get whatever advantage we can? >>

<< be a man, remember you're much stronger than women in general, and walk away >>

You've contradicted yourself several times, the biggest contradiction being that in one post you value the old-fashion view of the woman, and in a follow-up post, you reject the old fashion view and favor the modern view.

Afterwards, you simply decide that instead of debating, you will focus on insulting Bobmuthol with pointless rhetoric, in an attempt to stir the conversation away, and then throw around how you're an authority on the issue so we should all accept your baseless opinion.

I will offer you a chance to wipe out your prior contradictions and ask you one last time:

If a woman is assaulting a man, does that man have the same right to defend himself, as a woman does to defend herself from a male assault?

No more cop-outs, no more insults at Bobmuthol, no more trying to dodge the question by saying how you're too high and mighty to debate this issue. Just stick to the point at hand with a clear, well thought out response.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 07:08 PM
it would matter on the situation, dear. I will modify my original statement to say that in cases of self-defense, I believe that men can defend themselves. But in most cases? No. I dont agree with men hitting women punch for punch.
And no, if you re-read above, I am not being high and mighty. You expected me to, being what I do and feel passionate about. But not everyone can understand all the terminology. I keep that in mind.

And why do you keep insisting this is a cop-out? I've explained so many many many times, why I've tried to stamp down this issue. But you keep jerking me back by saying I'm coping out aka being a coward. I wont rest with that.

And as for clear, well thought out reponses. I think I've been fairly clear. I *have* ammended my earlier responses. But as far as I can tell, that is not a crime.

07-16-2003, 07:26 PM
How hard does a man have to get hit before it's okay for him to strike back? Until he's bleeding? Unconscious and comes to eventually? Has a dent in his forehead from something she threw at him? Breaks his nose? Just curious so I know how hard I can smack a guy around and get away with it. :D

07-16-2003, 07:38 PM
<< it would matter on the situation, dear. >>

Is the answer yes or no? Does a man have the right to defend himself in an equal manner as a woman does? The situation is defined in the question, simply answer it. If a woman has the right to defend herself given a situation, does a man also have a right to defend himself given the same situation? If a woman has the right to "knock a man out for an hour" because a man hit her... then given the vice-versa situation, does the man have the right to knock a woman out for an hour? Take the EXACT same situation, just reverse the genders.

What's so hard about that? Why do I get the impression that you're too scared to give that a simple and honest answer.

You're cop out is a result of the fact that all you've done is made a point, and when that point was countered, you decided to bail out and throw your job and your experience in my face as if somehow that validates your position.

So to see how absurd that is... you're basically saying that because you work with abused people, abusing people is wrong, and if you didn't work with abused people, then abusing people would be okay.

And finally, the reason I'm pressing you on this is because this entire debate has rested on your work with abused people, and as a result, your argument is simply that somehow disagreeing with you is the cause of abuse against women and children. Well you're wrong and worse than that, it's delusional to believe that.

[Edited on 7-16-2003 by Kranar]

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 07:51 PM
This is my last post on here, I'll rather skip this topic because its plain to see I'm not being heard. Rather being ridiculed for my work and passion. Do I have more of an informed opinion on what I'm talking about? yes.. Do I state it in a way that makes "you look dumb. I am smart. Listen to me. And shut up" No.

I just stated that men should in general, not consider hitting women. I'm very troubled with this notion of a punch for a punch.

Like I stated, if a woman physically pushes a man off of her. Does that give him the right to slug her? I dont think so. There are limits in society placed for a reason. I dont think its healthy to give the impression of a punch for a punch.

End of discussion.

07-16-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
Like I stated, if a woman physically pushes a man off of her. Does that give him the right to slug her? I dont think so. There are limits in society placed for a reason. I dont think its healthy to give the impression of a punch for a punch.

End of discussion.

A push for a push, a slug for a slug... that's what we're discussing here. Of equal force? Perhaps not. I'm sure most men when defending themselves from a woman, or even a smaller, weaker male, would have some restaint and not pull back and hit as hard as he could. The part of it being alright to strike the smaller male and not the woman strictly (see I spelled it right!) because she's a woman is, to me, a double standard. If she doesn't want to get in a physical fight with a male, she shouldn't throw the first swing and not be alarmed when it hurt in return.

End of discussion for you maybe, but I'd like to keep talking about it.

And just for the record, just because you didn't state your medical jargon to prove your point to not make people look stupid or bad, your insinuation that you have that ability was implied.

07-16-2003, 08:08 PM
This isn't the first time you've said you would be making no further posts, and it won't be the last time either.

Answer the question please:

If a woman has the right to defend herself given a situation, does a man also have a right to defend himself given the SAME situation?

You will notice the question states nothing about pushing, punching, or shooting, therefore the answer shouldn't either. It's very simple and straightforward question when you think about it.

07-16-2003, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
Let me say this. I've seen first hand what's been done to women by men. And what men have done to *children* by physically abusing them.

I've worked as a child advocate, in a domestic violence shelter for women. I've seen a seven year old girl, regressed back to still wearing diapers because she could not handle the attacks she seen her daddy due to her mommy.

My comment to men who hit women is just this: Shame on you.

Damn, how'd you do all that before your 13th birthday? When do you go to school?

Happy 13th by the way! (It was on the 11th right?)

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-16-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
its far from a cop-out. I just refuse to say more on this topic to someone who has obviously

1 not had the same experiences I have
2. has not had the training I have
3. has not first-hand seen these acts.

Did I cop out? No..
Did I graciously accept that for some, there can never be a change? Yes.

If that's cop'ing out.. then fine. Call it that. I call it being the wiser.

LoL! You're 13!

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-16-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
I'm not cop'ing out. I was told before in here by Crystaltears I think that we'll just agree to disagree. That's fine. By me not pressing my point over and over because I feel that I am right? that's being a coward? I think that's being wise and knowing when to be quiet because obviously my point will not be gotten by this group.
This is not some competition. I'm simply saying I wont say more, because the population of folks in here, will not get what I do. They havent had the same experiences nor the training I have. So I'd rather just not say anymore.
End of discussion.

I know where you can go to discuss this with those who share your level of experience and training!


The Social Boards are full of mature, educated and experienced people just like you.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-16-2003, 08:18 PM
That's a pretty cool site in general.

07-16-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
Okay, I am an authority on abuse in general. But if I go into psychobabble here, do I expect everyone to understand it? No.. Do I think I'll come off looking like a name-throwing snert intellectual that's trying to impress people with big names and bigger theories? yes.

I think that by my keeping it within the realm of understanding for everyone here, I've not done a bad thing but a good thing. If this makes me a 'garbage man' so be it. Rather a hard honest worker than someone who goes around saying 'cop-out' whenever things arent looking good.

And another point, why do you keep insisting that I agree men should not even self-defend themselves? I already said so. I just disagree with the idea of a punch for a punch. Its my opinion. And I'm entitled to it.

Oh.. And Bobmuthol? Keep that picture of that cheerleader by your bedside. That's as close as you're ever going to get to her. I bet if by some miracle, a girl (not I'm not saying woman) wrote you a love letter, you'd return it to her with many red circles around her spelling and grammatical errors. Get real. We're all human. oh.. and might I say it again...
Go fall on a screwdriver.

Is Captain Amby full of crap? Yes. Does anyone care what he has to say? No. Is Captain Amby more annoying thean Klaive? God I hope not. Is me answering my own questions getting very, very old? Yes.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-16-2003, 08:23 PM
um...I realize I came in a little late, but...

gender bashing--or the battle of the sexual ego-- is so passive. It takes a real man and woman to stand up and take responsibility for their actions no matter what instead of trying to point out some sort of inferiority of the opposite sex. Not to mention that it is immature, lame and guaranteed to block you from ever getting laid (outside of Gemstone, that is).

No one is perfect, everyone has their faults and men and women can be equally manipulating, cold-hearted and emotionally terrorizing. They can also be equally witty, charming and wonderful.

07-16-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
This is my last post on here, I'll rather skip this topic because its plain to see I'm not being heard. Rather being ridiculed for my work and passion. Do I have more of an informed opinion on what I'm talking about? yes.. Do I state it in a way that makes "you look dumb. I am smart. Listen to me. And shut up" No.

I just stated that men should in general, not consider hitting women. I'm very troubled with this notion of a punch for a punch.

Like I stated, if a woman physically pushes a man off of her. Does that give him the right to slug her? I dont think so. There are limits in society placed for a reason. I dont think its healthy to give the impression of a punch for a punch.

End of discussion.

Your work and passion? Collecting "The Hulk" action figures doesn't qualify as work and passion.

Also... how many times are you gonna announce the end of the discussion? Obviously it's not, or you woulda only had to say it once!

13 year old boys can be so silly.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-16-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
That's a pretty cool site in general.

GameFAQs.com? Yeah, I actually do like it alot. I'm a Gamer and I enjoy the polls and reading/writing reviews and discussing things on the boards, even though most people are 13.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Weedmage Princess
07-16-2003, 09:19 PM
I hit my husband because I love him.

07-17-2003, 02:59 AM
I'd give my opinion but with my education and experience in this field all you simpletons couldnt possibly understand. I'll just keep quiet and know inside if you somehow gained intelligence you would agree with me.

Honestly though i think Amby's point is just that an all out punch for a typical woman is far less than an all out punch for a typical male. And so a punch for a punch wouldnt always be fair. She just is a tad biased from working with the abused so much she isnt putting it very well in my opinion.

Do i think a man should just stand there and get beat? Heck no they should defend themselves,no one deserves to be abused.

The first paragraph was all in fun i have no education or experience i just made that all up :)

07-17-2003, 03:20 AM
<< I'd give my opinion but with my education and experience in this field all you simpletons couldnt possibly understand. I'll just keep quiet and know inside if you somehow gained intelligence you would agree with me. >>

Hehehe... tongue in cheek eh?

07-17-2003, 04:27 AM
[The Players Corner, Off-Topic Vista]
Posts wrap around this corner for players, making it a fun and frustrating place to discuss the various events of the day.
Also here: Captain Amby, Chickadee
Obvious exits: none
>punch chick
You punch Chickadee!
Chickadee just left.
Amby's jaw drops.
Amby exclaims, "did she attack you? no! was it wrong to hit her? yes!"
>get rod
You get a thick rod from your fitted lizard skin trousers.
Amby exclaims, "i am a doctor and a layer and my work and pashun is battered wemen. i love battered wemen, their just aren't enuff of them. how dare you punch a woman, your a man!"
>ignore amby
You pointedly ignore Amby.
Amby exclaims, "fine but no that i am right and you're not understanding me shows a lack of intelligents. my experience and training show me what is right!"
>wave rod at amb
You wave your thick rod at Amby.
A pall of silence falls over Amby.
Amby gets a social worker's siminar certificate from her jock strap.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby waves a social worker's siminar certificate around.
Amby shows you a social worker's siminar certificate. The thick paper of the certificate has a festive greenish color and certifies that "Captain Amby" attended a siminar on social working and aiding battered women. The certificate seems to have been drawn up using a large red crayon.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-17-2003, 12:39 PM
Oh.. And Bobmuthol? Keep that picture of that cheerleader by your bedside. That's as close as you're ever going to get to her.

She's a teacher. Idiot.

GameFAQs represent! Cloud better win the Summer Contest.

[Edited on 7-17-2003 by Bobmuhthol]

07-17-2003, 10:37 PM
Red Devil? Prostitution is legal in Nevada (outside of Vegas). Get a summer job, get another summer job, save your money, hit the age of consent and you can finally release that pent up hatred. You too can even get laid.

07-17-2003, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Red Devil? Prostitution is legal in Nevada (outside of Vegas). Get a summer job, get another summer job, save your money, hit the age of consent and you can finally release that pent up hatred. You too can even get laid.

Not legal in Washoe County (Reno) either.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-17-2003, 11:25 PM
Prostitution is only legal in Nevada districts with less than 100000 people.

Red Devil
07-18-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Red Devil? Prostitution is legal in Nevada (outside of Vegas). Get a summer job, get another summer job, save your money, hit the age of consent and you can finally release that pent up hatred. You too can even get laid.

or i could have textsex in gsiii JUST LIKE YOU!!

07-18-2003, 07:18 AM
Me? Nah. Haven't cybered in a fairly long while. Was sometimes an amusing past time while looking at porn though, back while I was younger.


07-18-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Oh.. And Bobmuthol? Keep that picture of that cheerleader by your bedside. That's as close as you're ever going to get to her.

She's a teacher. Idiot.

GameFAQs represent! Cloud better win the Summer Contest.

[Edited on 7-17-2003 by Bobmuhthol]

I'm pulling for Magus. Okay, I know he probably won't win... but he's SO damn cool. Sephiroth is my second choice and I'm pretty confident he will win. :)

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Red Devil
07-19-2003, 03:32 AM
I started the second largest thread!

Red Devil
07-19-2003, 03:43 AM
obviously...obviously ... puberty pre-puberty...i'm so great and old and wise.

07-19-2003, 03:48 AM
Red Devil owns these boards.
Look at all you people.... "I'm responding all seriously to what is 'obviously' a joke."

And i'm sitting here laughing my ass off at you. You all are immature and ridiculous.
I do have to thank ya'll though.
Havn't laughed this hard in some time.


[Edited on 7-19-2003 by Halfsilver]

Red Devil
07-19-2003, 03:56 AM
Damn straight

07-19-2003, 11:07 AM
and another thought---

isn't Amby just as bad as any chauvinistic muscle-head who think's it's alright to slap his bitch around?

yes, it's ok for me to beat the hell out of you because you're male, but if you so much as lay a finger on me, i'll have your ass thrown in prison, because i'm female!

Um, no...that's not how it works.

besides, from the wording of her posts, i seriously doubt that she is what she says she is. She can't even write that clearly.


07-19-2003, 11:09 AM

and yes, i realized i dismissed the thread and now i'm posting, but it was irresistable...heh
i guess i'm immature and ridiculous too.
oh well!


07-26-2003, 02:07 AM
nas ne dogonyat

Red Devil
07-27-2003, 04:57 PM
You bumped a very old thread and didn't even use english.