View Full Version : Falgrin's Lightening Services

01-09-2004, 09:53 PM
You [subdued]: "offerin my lightenin services at the steps of 'arthstone. Coins an gems only.. no notes."

[Private (Silverona - subdued)]: "what lightening services?"

Silverona's group just arrived.

Vorpos chuckles.

Silverona leans on you.

You quietly whisper to Vorpos, "Silver."

Silverona asks, "What's this about then?"

Silverona grins impishly.

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a crystal amulet.

Kodiakc deeply says, "Aye , i am curious about the service."

You nod to Silverona.

Silverona smiles at you.

You say, "Ok, yer firs."

You nod to Silverona.

You reach into Silverona's pockets and pull out 103 silvers.

Silverona asks, "Me? first for what?"

Silverona giggles.

You say, "Fer lightenin.."

Silverona cocks her head at you.

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a crystal amulet.

Silverona asks, "Ok, what does that mean?"

Silverona asks, "Gonna cast lightning at me?"

You say, "Ok, firs we need ta figger ou ifn yer o'erloaded or not."

Silverona grins impishly.

Kodiakc deeply says, "Wondering that myself."

You say, "No no no.. it's painless."

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a crystal amulet.

Silverona exclaims, "Of course I'm overloaded, I'm a sorceress!"

Silverona giggles.

Silverona whistles tunelessly to herself.

You reach into Silverona's pockets and pull out 82 silvers.

Silverona checks her equipment, adjusting and rearranging her gear.

Vorpos chuckles.

You say, "Each takes time."

You cock your head at Silverona.

Vorpos whispers, "Does she got coins?"

Silverona whispers, "I can barely trudge around town."

You ask, "Feel a lil be'er?"

Silverona appears to be trying hard not to grin.

You quietly whisper to Vorpos, "Clean her!"

You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "Clean her!"

You reach into Silverona's pockets and pull out 156 silvers.

Silverona checks her equipment, adjusting and rearranging her gear.

You nod.

Silverona says, "Oh a bit better."

Silverona grins.

You say, "One momen.. let me do my magic."

You quietly whisper to Vorpos, "Oh my god.. I can't take it."

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a blue crystal.

Vorpos starts chuckling at you!

Silverona whispers, "What are you doing?"

Silverona smiles at you.

You quietly whisper to Silverona, "'elpin you out.."

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out an iron wand.

You waggle your fingers mystically at Silverona!

Silverona whispers, "Well that's great, but how?"

Silverona giggles.

You gaze up into the heavens.

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a crystal amulet.

A thread of brackish blue magic suddenly appears and coils about Vorpos's body. It whirls malevolently around him for a moment and then disappears within him.
Vorpos shakes slightly and looks very vulnerable!

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a crystal amulet.

Silverona leans on you.

You reach into Silverona's pockets and pull out 87 silvers.

You ask, "Ow's dat?"

Silverona checks her equipment, adjusting and rearranging her gear.

You reach into Silverona's clasped longcloak and pull out a blue crystal.

Silverona says, "I can't dodge anything."

Silverona giggles.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Silverona asks, "But it's better, what did you do?"

You ask, "BUT it's be'er no?"

You couldn't find anything worth taking. Maybe you should offer Silverona a donation instead.

Silverona nods to you.

You nod.

You say, "Yer all set."

You bow to Silverona.

Silverona whispers, "What did you do! please tell me?"

You quietly whisper to Silverona, "I can't.. it's a gift."

You exclaim, "NEXT!"

Silverona whispers, "Well thank you!"

You bow to Silverona.

You say, "Mos welcome."
Silverona asks, "Didn't you want coins or gems?"

Silverona smiles at you.

You say, "Gems."

You say, "Dey always bes."

Silverona whispers, "Did you just steal me clean?"

Silverona grins at you.

You gasp.

You look at Silverona and shake your head.

Silverona whispers, "Well how'd you do it!"

You quietly whisper to Silverona, "I lightened your load is all."

Silverona begs and pleads with you!

You look at Silverona and shake your head.

Silverona whines at you!

Edaarin whispers, "She find out yet."

You quietly whisper to Silverona, "It's a gift doll.. I cannot give it away."

You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "NO!"

Kodiakc whispers, "Am i lighted now sir how does it work please?"

Silverona catches your eye, smiles slowly, and begins flirting with you.

You reach into Kodiakc's pockets and pull out nothing.

You quietly whisper to Kodiakc, "You are as light as I can make you."

Silverona whispers, "But I wanna know."

Kodiakc bows to you.

You bow to Kodiakc.

Silverona says, "He made me less encumbered, somehow."

01-09-2004, 09:55 PM
Mind numbing.

01-09-2004, 09:56 PM
Silverona whispers, "I have no clue what he did, I visited the gemshop and bank earlier, and I have my herbs, weird."

01-09-2004, 10:01 PM
That made my eyes water. Too funny.

01-09-2004, 10:01 PM
You guys are mean!!!!!!!!! Big ol' meanies!

01-09-2004, 10:12 PM
THAT was hilarious.

If I were a thief I'd idolize you, but I'm not so I'll consider you a very talented scoundrel.

01-09-2004, 10:23 PM
Falgrin = My new hero.

01-09-2004, 10:34 PM
Thats funny as hell!!!!1111

01-09-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Falgrin = My new hero.

OK, Mine too. That was priceless. :lol: I cannot believe she did not have a clue.. Was she pretending to not know? I mean nobody can be that stupid on purpose.

This was a bonus.

Kodiakc whispers, "Am i lighted now sir how does it work please?"

You reach into Kodiakc's pockets and pull out nothing.

You quietly whisper to Kodiakc, "You are as light as I can make you."

Kodiakc bows to you.

You bow to Kodiakc.

01-09-2004, 10:53 PM
Ok, that is really funny! Even if I am the goof in it, hehe.

01-09-2004, 10:56 PM
That was a masterpiece. I wish I thought something like that up. Kudos to you!!

01-09-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Silverona
Ok, that is really funny! Even if I am the goof in it, hehe.


01-09-2004, 11:46 PM

Just awesome.

01-10-2004, 12:11 AM
Hilarious, I really have to get my rogue down to landing sometime soon...

01-10-2004, 12:14 AM
Silverona catches your eye, smiles slowly, and begins flirting with you.

There will be no flirting with Falgrin!

01-10-2004, 12:46 AM
That was very funny. One of your personal best.


01-10-2004, 12:13 PM
I love yah Silverona but that was creative... Very slick Falgrin! Good thing yer mear presence always reminds me to visit my local teller!

The Cat In The Hat
03-15-2004, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla

Originally posted by Artha
Falgrin = My new hero.

OK, Mine too. That was priceless. :lol: I cannot believe she did not have a clue.. Was she pretending to not know? I mean nobody can be that stupid on purpose.

This was a bonus.

Kodiakc whispers, "Am i lighted now sir how does it work please?"

You reach into Kodiakc's pockets and pull out nothing.

You quietly whisper to Kodiakc, "You are as light as I can make you."

Kodiakc bows to you.

You bow to Kodiakc.

Yes, she can be. Sorry to bump an old thread but I just found this and I laughed my ass off the whole time I read it, so I had to thank Falgrin!


[Edited on 3-15-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

03-15-2004, 02:46 AM
I'm glad it got bumped. Almost as funny the second time around.

03-15-2004, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Silverona
Ok, that is really funny! Even if I am the goof in it, hehe.

Even better when the mark has a sense of humor about it.

Makes me not feel bad about laughing.:thumbsup:

03-15-2004, 09:45 AM
I don't know.. it's sometimes just as fun when they DON'T have a sense of humor :)

03-15-2004, 12:03 PM
OK, my unglamorous moment is being discussed again? Hehe, well, better say why I was confused about it then. I'd forgotten that I had opened a box since visiting the bank, so I thought I was broke, and I never put anything in my cloak or other containers unless it's junk gem or wands, the good ones go in my neckpouch. I figured he was gonna lighten that way, but I kept looking in my neckpouch and everything was still there.. haha, found out later, and it's definitely worth the lightening service to find this out, so really, I owe ya one... neckpouches are unstealable! woo hooo! I love it, and mine holds a lot!

By the way, I don't read here, but I wanted to reply since friends send this to me ;)

03-15-2004, 12:41 PM
Cursed neck pouches.. the real bane of the game. ;)

03-15-2004, 12:58 PM
How were you putting all that stuff into your pockets without people seeing? Is that something new in GS4?

03-15-2004, 01:22 PM
That rocks the world ..... and hey, Silverona, yer a good sport. :>

03-15-2004, 01:24 PM
It's a rogue skill, Umpyr.

03-15-2004, 01:50 PM
Yea, god I love my neckpouch! Need to find some for my other girls, but when everyone finds out you can't stal from them, they're probably gonna get more pricey, haha.

03-15-2004, 03:24 PM
Is it automatic or is it something you need to train in?

03-15-2004, 03:38 PM
What's with the arbitrary decision to make neckpouches unstealable?

I hate that, the one thing you would never find ANY of my characters wearing, too. I mean, who the fuck would wear a POUCH, around their NECK.


03-15-2004, 03:43 PM
Neckpouches are unstealable? I have like three that hold 30 pounds each.

03-15-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
What's with the arbitrary decision to make neckpouches unstealable?

I hate that, the one thing you would never find ANY of my characters wearing, too. I mean, who the fuck would wear a POUCH, around their NECK.


Probably the same decision to make TSC a permanent sanctuary that you can hide in but not steal or attack.

Probably the same decision to allow a 13 level empath to impose his/her will upon an entire room full of characters.

Probably the same decision that makes every single merchant tent a sanctuary where you cannot steal stuff off the tables.

PS - I'm in the market to purchase, rent, lease... an old sorcerer. Their entire roleplay will be to dispell any sanctuaries put up in the park. :rolleyes:

03-15-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Neckpouches are unstealable? I have like three that hold 30 pounds each.

Great.. now that the cat's out of the bag.. I can only imagine what I will hear on the thought net:

"For sale, a neck pouch. Unstealable and holds a fair amount"


03-15-2004, 03:48 PM
What's the rationalization? That because it's right under your neck, no way someone could reach their hand in there?

Yet, if you store something in your boots, that can be snagged?


03-15-2004, 03:52 PM
I'm not worried about the neck pouches.. if 93.7% of the people are already too stupid to use a bank and close their backpack.. what makes you think they will all of a sudden grow a brain and put their gems, wands, amulets and box found jewelry in their neckpouch?

03-15-2004, 06:08 PM
Haha! I die laughing everytime I re-read that log, too funny. :heart: Falgrin

03-15-2004, 06:13 PM
There's a few areas that are unstealable, TheE.

Hats, belts (not belt worn items, but belts), sashes, I'd guess boots, and I'm fairly sure about gloves, too.

03-20-2004, 01:26 AM
sorry to bump the old thread again, but really how did you keep pocketing the amulets and such without her noticing, or does that just add to the great comedy of it all because she didn't notice you constantly putting amulets in your cloak.....personally the greatest funniest scam i've seen for a long time, although once i had a guy who offered to pay me 100 silvers for every hug i gave him...needless to say i was carryin like 5k on me and came out with i think 100 silvers. LOL we all fall victims at times, best to just sit back and laugh your ass off.

03-20-2004, 01:31 AM

03-20-2004, 01:41 AM
there are rogue gambits to auto pocket things? hmmm very cool....i think i'll start my rogue now :devil:

Some Rogue
03-20-2004, 09:19 AM
>rgam get silent dagger
You remove a black-bladed dagger pommeled with a gleaming silver half moon from your snakeskin boots and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>rgam vanish silent dagger in my boot
You secretly place your black-bladed dagger into your snakeskin boots.
Roundtime: 2 sec.


03-20-2004, 07:24 PM
evil...yet so tantalizing a thought...hmmmm gotta get my rogue going soon!!!