View Full Version : New Story Game!

01-09-2004, 09:20 PM
Now I am not sure if this has been done or not on these boards... so if it has then just call this version two! Concept is one person begins a story and the next continues it and continues it and so on and so forth. They turn out pretty cool. So here we go..

He stood in the shadow of the alley, the darkness enfolding him as the rain fell from above. The entire city seemed to have vanished and the only sign of life was a single window across from the alley. The light shining from the window seemed alien to the black city. A single figure moved inside the window and as he focused his eyes harder on the figure he noticed....

(Here is where someone continues!)

01-09-2004, 09:21 PM
Falgrin calling my boots crappy. He then punched Falgrin in the face. Then....

01-09-2004, 09:29 PM
his boots suddenly fell apart and he felt incredibly foolish for his actions. With due haste he fled from the scene and ran barefoot on the wet cement until he felt his feet were unable to take the torment. Coming to a quick stop, he leaned against a building and took gasps of breath. Suddenly beneath him the earth seemed to shake and...

01-09-2004, 10:00 PM
out popped Bobmuthol saying "Cobbling, think to me'. He looked at Bobmuthol, thinking what kind of jackass would do nothing but kneel in front of anyone... then he remembered all the stories he had heard about Bobmuthol.

Knowing how Bobmuthol was, he quickly...

01-09-2004, 10:49 PM
Unsheathed his stiletto from his sleeve and went to work. With a few quick strokes, Bobmuhthol was left blinded and reeling. A quick spinning kick sends the poor cobbler teeth first into the cold, wet pavement. The momentum carries him halfway across the street, his face becoming a complete mess in the process.

That bit of grisly business done, he suddenly remembers his job. He strips the unconscious Bubmuthol of his boots and puts them on. They were a bit loose, but they would have to do.

He sprints back down the street, the raining coming down in ferocious torrents now...

01-09-2004, 11:00 PM
And heads straight for his meeting site, an abandoned warehouse on Pier 17. Inside the warehouse is dank and chill but pleasantly dry. He walks silently across the warped wood floor and places himself in a small nook against the wall, with all three sides of himself protected he would only have to defend himself from one other. Leaning back against the wall he waited for...

01-09-2004, 11:39 PM
His nefarious associates were late, as usual. Having a moment out of the rain, he begins to take inventory of his rain-soaked gear. With practiced ease, he tightens and checks the various implements of his trade.

Finally satisified, he lowers his head and begins takes a moment to reflect upon the previous night's bloody exploits but before he gets more than a moment into it...

01-10-2004, 12:12 AM
A sudden bang sends the warehouse doors slamming open. The old rusting hinges give a groan of protest as the doors slam back against the walls, one door nearly falling off before they lie still. A strong wind blew through the doors and as he watched he could feel something coming. This would be it when...

01-10-2004, 12:14 AM
..he realized that this was lame.

01-10-2004, 12:33 AM
In through the doors walked The Ranger. He stood at around 5 foot two, his size making him appear almost laughable. He did not appear to be a threat to anyone and it was this mistake that most people made. Perhaps it was his lack of size that made him fight so hard but whatever it was, The Ranger was a strong opponent for any man. He knew that a mistake with the Ranger meant...

01-10-2004, 01:08 AM
You totally disregarded my addition.

01-10-2004, 01:11 AM
he would forever be called "the man who couldn't win a fight against a transexual". Peering in the steady haze of the warehouse, his palms began to sweat. The Ranger took a few noisy steps forward in his stilettos, and placed a hand on his slender hip. His deep voice echo against the bare walls as he said, "....

[Edited on 1-10-2004 by Lady Satira]

[Edited on 1-10-2004 by Lady Satira]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-10-2004, 01:16 AM
"All your poontang are belong to me!". Realizing he was speaking to a group of men, and that he was barefoot and facedown on the ground the ranger grabbed his clothes and ran from the street, weeping softly...

01-10-2004, 01:20 AM
Tayvin, if i move to DC next year your so dead.

01-10-2004, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
"All your poontang are belong to me!". Realizing he was speaking to a group of men, and that he was barefoot and facedown on the ground the ranger grabbed his clothes and ran from the street, weeping softly...

Tayvin is my hero.

01-10-2004, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
"All your poontang are belong to me!". Realizing he was speaking to a group of men, and that he was barefoot and facedown on the ground the ranger grabbed his clothes and ran from the street, weeping softly...

Tears filling his eyes, he stumbled along the street not knowing or caring where he went. His clothes were torn and dirty. 'How did I end up like this?' he lamented. Wiping his nose on his chiffon and dreading the thought of being in evening clothes when daylight appeared, he rushed on only to turn a corner and find...

01-10-2004, 09:12 AM
A bus was coming right at him! Having no time to think or react, he stood there having memories flash in his mind's eye of how he's wasted his life. With a barely audiable murmur of denial, he threw up his arms in a weak defense for the ten ton bus...

Suddenly, out of no where springs Spiderman! Not the red-blue freaky costume but the hella cool BLACK costume. He swings by just a millisecond before impact and sweeps The Ranger out of harm's way. Left on a secluded roof top, the Ranger begins to take steps for a new life for himself.

Back at the warehouse...

01-10-2004, 09:47 AM
Soulpieced and Edaarin were creating their newest plan for Elanthian domination. Soulpieced confidently says, "Edaarin, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Edaarin replies, "I think so Soulpieced but....

[Edited on 1-10-2004 by Soulpieced]

01-10-2004, 10:20 AM
"...I've come to realize that I prefer ruling the world on my own."

Soulpieced glances at Edaarin with a bit of shock in his eyes. Seeming uncomfortable, he tugs at his collar as beads of sweat begin pouring down his forehead.

With a hint of regret, Edaarin continues, "I'm sorry it had to end this way, old friend. I'll always remember the times we had in that Vegas motel room."

With every ounce of remaining willpower, Soulpieced roars in bitter rage, momentarily shaking the effects of the poison. He grabs a nearby pipe and drives it through Edaarin's gut.

Both manage garbled chuckles at the turn of events, and die in a lovers' embrace.

Watching from above, the rain-soaked Xir takes in the whole scene. He mutters something about reinforcing the main doors when suddenly...

01-10-2004, 10:45 AM
He remembered he had to get back to work. Taking one last look around at what he would never own, he climbed down to the balcony. Shaking off the night air he returned to the bed to await the next one...................

[Edited on 1-10-2004 by theotherjohn]

01-10-2004, 11:43 AM
His dreams were filled of visions of blood and death. He stood alone in a world where nothing truly lived and nothing truly died. The world was painted in the color of blood and the sky turned crimson when it rained. The seas were oceans of evil, where hands reached out to pull you under. He could feel hands gripping his body and and trying to take him to them.

With a gasp he sat up in bed, his breathing ragid as he tried to orrient himself. Outside rain still poured steadily down. A sudden flash of lightning revealed...

01-10-2004, 12:17 PM
A lone figure on a nearby rooftop, watching him and seeming to gaze right into his eyes, even from that distance. She was not a beautiful figure by any means, but comely. Her calm visage was a stark contrast to the raging night. Her dark hair whirled in a frenzy with the wind and water. With one hand extended, she beckoned him toward her...

01-10-2004, 12:21 PM
He began to feel like the world was shifting from beneath him and reality no longer held any weight against him. In a dream like state he walked slowly to the window and placed his hands against it. Something within him warned him back, away from the figure but something else far stronger pulled him towards her...

01-10-2004, 12:37 PM
He hardly recognized his own hands as they unlatched the window. He didn't blink when the rain battered against his skin. He saw, rather than felt movement, barely cognizant they were his own...

01-10-2004, 05:01 PM
Though barely feeling it, the woman took his hand. "I can teach you to walk in high heels properly when the time comes," she whispered. "However, we now need to visit Jimmy Swaggart for some old time gospel healing or to hire a prostitute," she said slowly. "We won't know until we get arrive and see if his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis is there," she said with a wink and a smile. So, off they drifted into the night on their new adventure...

01-10-2004, 08:05 PM
Until they reached the end of the Pier. In he went, her laughter following him as he sank down, down, down. Struggling for a moment, he abruptly became aware of something breaking the surface of the water. Assuming a gentle rain had begun to fall, he swam away from the bizarre stranger and surfaced, gasping for air. Of course, they were not benign raindrops that broke the water, but...

01-10-2004, 08:34 PM
bullets. Even through the sound of rain pelting the pier and thunder crashing in the distance he could clearly make out the sound of a gun firing. A bullet grazed his left arm and snapped him out of his dream like state. He allowed himself a few seconds of pure panic and confusion before he dropped beneath the surface and swam under the pier...

01-10-2004, 09:40 PM
where he promptly became entangled in some seaweed and another substance he couldn't make out. Hearing footsteps on the pier, he tried to stay as quiet as possible. However, slowly he begin to recognize what the other substance that surrounded him was. Choking back panic and revulsion, he tried to remain calm, but alas, he failed. He begin kicking the water wildly when he heard a shout...

01-10-2004, 09:47 PM
from above. A man screamed in pain as he fell into the water and sank as only a dead body can. The other substance in the water he had felt had been chum and he watched in sheer horror as a single fin appear above the surface of the water. Everything seemed to become still for a few moments that felt like eternity. Then there was loud splashing sounds and he could feel the currents pull against his legs as the shark began to rip apart the corpse...

01-11-2004, 12:32 PM
Having seen quite enough, he began to maneuver his way quickly to a way up, taking special care not to look like an injured seal. Unarmed, freezing, tired and soaked in places he hadn't realized existed, he climbed up the pier with admirable grace. Carefully taking in the scene, he notices...

01-11-2004, 01:26 PM
The sky has turned an ominous shade of red. Hearing a chuckle behind him, he whirls about to find nothing. As he stares off into the red haze, a spinning shape of some kind begins to materialize. Walking towards it, he begins to recognize it as a typical children's toy from a playground, with railings for children to hold onto as they spin about at high speeds. Hearing more laughter behind him, he hastily strides towards the metal object, only to find it covered with...

01-11-2004, 03:04 PM
glistening blood. Horrified he backs slowly away unable to tear his gaze from the scene in front of him. Dread rising in his throat like bile he whirls around to run only to find....

The Cat In The Hat
01-11-2004, 03:32 PM
a haggard woman, dressed in flowing white with long red hair. Small children skipping in circles around her as they softly start to sing. In horror he recognizes its something his mother used to sing to him as a child. He turns to run and...

01-11-2004, 04:16 PM
Falls right back off the bloody pier and into the water again. In muted shock, he panics and whips his arms in a frenzy of motion only to have one hand strike a...

01-11-2004, 04:54 PM
large smooth animal. It's Flipper! Chittering the entire time, Flipper drags him to the shore. On the banks of the shore, as he is giving his thanks and saying farewell to Flipper, he notices from the corner of his eye something large burrowing out of the sand. Much to his disbelief he sees...

01-11-2004, 06:56 PM
Another Flipper. This Flipper seems a bit less glad to see him. It also seems to have a bit less skin. Viscera and muscle are highlighted by the red light filtering through the smoke around him. A sickening gurgling sound comes from the new Flipper's throat until at least three knives slip into where its forehead would be. Flipper raises his head and vomits around half a liter of blood before collapsing into a messy pile of bone and sinew. Our hero tries to wipe himself off with shaking hands but is stopped by...

01-11-2004, 06:59 PM
the ghost of keiko the whale! Keiko leaps up from the water and...

01-11-2004, 07:02 PM
The incarnation of a Goddess of Chaos. Obviously, this is the figure that has been toying with his sanity. He grabs his head in disbelief and screams out of frustration, rage, confusion and despair. His fingers begin to tear ragged, red streaks across his face when...

01-11-2004, 07:14 PM
His fingers exploded one by one. Overcome by agony, he succumbed to the lapping tide of blackness that tore at the edges of his vision. He awoke some time later, first noticing that...

01-12-2004, 03:12 AM
He heard singing. Not just any singing. It was cousins Mickey Gilley, Jerry Lee Lewis and the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart singing the greatest hits of Tony Orlando and Dawn. Not daring to open his eyes, he wondered if the goddess of chaos had taken him to heaven or to hell. From where he lay and what he was hearing, it was hard to tell. Suddenly the music stopped and he heard someone standing over him breathing slowly. He began to open his eyes...

01-12-2004, 03:22 AM
and saw, looming over him like a harbinger of death, Strayrogue. He didn't know what was more frightening, the fact that strayrogue was clutching a dogeared issue of Playgirl or the heavy black revolver in his other hand. Scooting back away from Stray he notices that Stray has the tiniest feet he has ever seen on a man. Shaking his head in disbelief he notices over Stray's shoulder a.....