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01-09-2004, 08:55 AM
1m or 16 dollars each.

an ancient emerald sighted arbalest adorned with razor edged gryphon feathers. Light crossbow 4x.

an urglaes studded enruned bow. Longbow 4x.
The studs on this bow are inscribed with fine detailing that reflects the work of a true craftsman. The handle is wrapped with a bloodstain white cloth for a tight grip. There are tiny battle notches showing that it was probably used to deflect blows. Measuring about six feet in length, this is most definately a long bow. The bow is strung with a n'ecare entrails bowstring. you also notice an enchanter's mark.

a mithril-alloy edged vultite chest-ripper fringed with sleek golden gryphon feathers. 6 pounds, 4x blessable 75/200 I think an awl-pike.

a diamond tipped mithril alloy-hafted warlance. 22 pounds. 4x. 74/195

a silver sighted jade crossbow. Heavy crossbow, 4x.
You see a silver sighted jade crossbow which is cocked and not loaded.
This unique crossbow has been edged with krodera and the handle is made from black-ora wrapped with a bloodstained white cloth for a comfortable grip. Attached to the crossbow is a tiny silver sight to aid in aiming and accuracy You also notice a small enchanter's mark.