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07-10-2003, 11:52 PM
Pirates' Simon will not face charges after hitting mascot

By Juliet Williams, Associated Press, 7/10/2003

MILWAUKEE Pittsburgh first baseman Randall Simon will not face charges for hitting one of the Milwaukee Brewers' sausage mascots with his bat during a game.

Prosecutors said Thursday they made the decision after reviewing tape of Wednesday night's game.

The women "were not interested in having him charged criminally" and did not believe Simon meant to hurt them, Deputy District Attorney Jon Reddin said

Simon was cited by the sheriff's department for disorderly conduct and fined $432. He can contest the citation at a Sept. 3 hearing.

Simon maintains he did not deliberately try to knock down the female mascot.

"That wasn't my intention in my heart for that to happen," he said before Thursday's Brewers-Pirates game. "I was just trying to get a tap at the costume and for her to finish the race."

Simon said he hopes to apologize to the woman before he leaves Milwaukee.

"I thought at the moment they were trying to play with us. They were running right next to the players," he said. "I'm a fun player, and I've never hurt anyone in my life."

Simon was taken to the Milwaukee County Jail after the game, won 2-1 by the Brewers in 12 innings. He was booked, released and ordered to appear in the district attorney's office.

Simon had been handcuffed in what is standard procedure for those taken to jail, Deputy Inspector Sherry Warichak of the sheriff's department said. She said he was "totally cooperative."

Four people in sausage costumes race around the infield warning track between the sixth and seventh innings at Brewers' games to entertain fans.

When the group went past the Pirates' dugout, Simon took a half swing at the Italian sausage character, hitting her from behind and causing her to tumble. When she fell, she knocked over the woman dressed as the hot dog.

"They both were treated at the scene for scraped knees, but at this point I don't think they have any other complaints," Warichak said.

Warichak identified the person in the Italian sausage costume as an 18-year-old woman from South Milwaukee whose first name is Mandy, and the person in the hot dog costume as a 21-year-old woman whose first name is Veronica.

The deputy inspector and Brewers spokesman Jon Greenberg declined to identify them further.

"The Pittsburgh Pirates apologize to the Milwaukee Brewers organization and to the Brewers' fans for this unfortunate incident," the team said.

Rick Schlessinger, Brewers' executive vice president for business operations, called Simon's conduct "one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen inside a ballpark or outside a ballpark. It sickened me to see it."

Greenberg said the racing sausages were scheduled to compete against racing pierogies (dumplings) at a series with the Pirates in Pittsburgh Aug. 15-17 and then again during a series between the teams Aug. 22-24 at Milwaukee.

Associated Press writer Tim Cigelske in Milwaukee contributed to this report.


Absolutely hysterical. That the guy from baseball operations is getting all bent out of shape even made it more funny.

:grin: The part that killed me most? When the sausage knocked over the hot dog..lol


07-11-2003, 01:21 AM
Lemme get this straight... baseball player beats sausage... sausage knocks wiener... and they put this in news?!!

07-11-2003, 02:18 AM
What could be more important then a baseball player hitting a sausage with a bat?

07-11-2003, 04:42 PM
That's enough Black Jesus.

Black Jesus
07-11-2003, 05:18 PM
but they started it

Black Jesus
07-11-2003, 06:02 PM
the content is irrelevant, it is what is perceived that matters. that's a flawed explanation if i've ever heard one

Captain Amby
07-11-2003, 06:23 PM
heh BJ's whining.

07-11-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Black Jesus
the content is irrelevant, it is what is perceived that matters. that's a flawed explanation if i've ever heard one

I have to comment on this, because one thing I've learned in sales is that 'Perception is Reality'. What that means is that everyone's perception of something is different. I perceive GS to be boring, but many others do not. That doesn't make either of us wrong.

If you are tryin to sell someone widgets, but they think you're widgets suck compared to your competitors, there isn't much you can do to convince them otherwise. The widgets may come from the same manufacturer, but your customer doesn't care. They just think your widgets SUCK! In this case, his perception is his reality and there's not much that can be done to change it.

Heh that's when you end that call and make another sales call.

Black Jesus
07-11-2003, 06:32 PM
it makes you wrong for wanting to censor me for being 'mean' but no one else.

07-11-2003, 06:37 PM
Sounds like you're all picking and choosing to me.


07-11-2003, 06:41 PM
Well, maybe I'm being naive, but I didn't see anyone say 'mean' things about you, other than wanting to see you dressed up in a sausage costume; and as I said I didn't take that as being mean or a personal attack. Obviously our perceptions are different.......

BJ I value your posts. You are obviously intelligent and I've read some great posts written by you.

07-11-2003, 07:46 PM
There's also a difference between between your posts and those of the others in that yours are outright disgusting and personally insulting.

Black Jesus
07-11-2003, 08:37 PM
not really, they are both intended on upsetting the target. i just choose to be more direct about it.

07-11-2003, 09:56 PM
Your comments had nothing to do with the topic, and were extremely sexist and vulgar. Now you tell me how you can possibly justify that against their mild comments?

It didn't seem like they were trying to upset you in any way, it seemed more like a joke to me.

Black Jesus
07-11-2003, 11:14 PM
i bet my comments got more chuckles than theirs.

07-12-2003, 06:19 AM
HOUSTON (AP) -- Randall Simon was suspended for three games and fined $2,000 by major league baseball Friday for hitting one of the Milwaukee Brewers' sausage mascots with his bat.

The Pittsburgh Pirates first baseman did not play Thursday against Milwaukee, so that game will count as one of the three games, a club spokesman said.

Simon chose not to appeal the fine or suspension, which he continued serving Friday night against the Houston Astros.

"I'm certainly not happy with the suspension," Pirates manager Lloyd McClendon said. "We are playing a first-place club. We've gotten ourselves back into the race. I would like to have my first baseman in there against this team.

"It's very difficult to swallow. I guess baseball thinks they need to make a statement to show they care and this is their way of doing it."

Simon hit a 19-year-old woman in an Italian sausage costume during the Brewers' popular costume race Wednesday night at Miller Park. A 21-year-old woman in a hot dog costume also fell, and both women were treated for scraped knees.

After the game, Simon was arrested and booked for misdemeanor battery, and told to show up at the district attorney's office the next day.

Simon and one of the women met with prosecutors, but Simon was not charged with a crime. He said he did not mean to knock the women down.

Still, Simon was cited by the sheriff's department for disorderly conduct and fined $432.

The 19-year-old woman, Mandy Block, was among four team employees dressed as an oversized bratwurst, a hot dog and Italian and Polish sausages racing past the Pirates' dugout between the sixth and seventh innings at Miller Park when Simon hit Block with a half-swing.

Block and Veronica Piech, the 21-year-old woman, asked for an apology and an autographed bat from Simon. He gave the Brewers two autographed bats for the women.

Simon said Thursday attempts were made to contact the two women and messages of apology were left for both.

"His agent called and left a message," Block said Friday. "He hasn't called yet. I understand that. He's traveling, he has games. I'm sure I'll talk to him."

A Brewers spokesman said the women would be given their bats after Friday night's game against Cincinnati.

Block did not want to have Simon charged with a crime.

"It was just a few scratches," she said Friday. "I'm fine. I think the whole thing is funny."

07-12-2003, 06:38 AM
>>>>i bet my comments got more chuckles than theirs.<<<<<,

Not chuckles, but rather thoughts of pity.

It's cool to be against someone, talk trash about them.. but at least do so in a more tasteful, more original, manner.

The insults coming from some people are so predictable. I can tell you what some will say before even saying it. Comebacks and the like are supposed to be witty and original.. not something out of a yo mama snaps book.

- N

07-12-2003, 09:39 AM
I'm glad with the way it turned out. The guy was an idiot to do what he did even if he wasnt really looking to hurt anyone.

Hey, look at me, I can knock someone over! Hey, thats a nice attitude. Its one thing to do it among friends, another to do so in front of however many thousand people were there. Thus the reason for the big deal made.

No one to blame but himself. Glad it over now to move on.

Originally posted by Black Jesus
i bet my comments got more chuckles than theirs.

Don't bet too much.

Captain Amby
07-12-2003, 10:19 AM
I thought the comments from BJ were tasteless and crude.. but if that's what he thinks gets laughs.. whatever.

Captain Amby
07-12-2003, 01:16 PM
heh.. its pretty sad that that baseball guy just got basically a slap on the wrist. Apparently these girls were in awe of him or something. If that was me, I'd be really pissed off.

07-12-2003, 05:06 PM
I don't keep up with the news, but I think that if it was an accident, things could have been forgiven without even a slap on the wrist.

07-12-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
heh.. its pretty sad that that baseball guy just got basically a slap on the wrist. Apparently these girls were in awe of him or something. If that was me, I'd be really pissed off.

You got picked on alot as a kid didn't you?

07-12-2003, 05:51 PM
They said it didn't hurt them aside from scraped knees, and they didn't feel the bat, at all. It just made the sausage lose her balance.:grin:

People get way too serious sometimes.


07-12-2003, 06:15 PM
I have finished removing various posts from this thread and do not wish to remove any more.

Here's one tip:

If any of you have issues with one another, take it either to e-mail, or take it up with U2U. We do not moderate or even look at U2Us, so feel free to bash one another and make tasteless comments using it all day long. That's probably all it's good for anyways.

07-12-2003, 07:22 PM
It looks like the guy was just trying to play along and things got a little out of hand.

I read another article where the girl in the hot dog costume was ranting and raving about the player's actions being inexcusable, and she said somethng about bearing great mental stress over the incident.

Lawsuit in 3.. 2...

07-12-2003, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I heard that on Good Morning America, the hot dog said something about a Volleyball scholarship to worry about...Ut oh..here comes the lawsuit!

-A :grin:

07-13-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Yeah, I heard that on Good Morning America, the hot dog said something about a Volleyball scholarship to worry about...Ut oh..here comes the lawsuit!

-A :grin:

They both said they didn't want anything last I heard. The girl that got hit with a bat wanted the bat as a "souvenir" and that was all. They didn't want to press charges or anything. I'm glad that their are people in this world who realized that the guy made a stupid spur of the moment decision and are not going to try to take millions from him.

Red Devil
07-15-2003, 10:47 PM