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07-31-2008, 10:21 AM
I dunno if this will help anybody, but I love it...
My rogue has 30 mana and about 80 stamina, and I can keep major bane, offense, mending and concentration up pretty much indefinately...

#["Sigil Contact", 9703, 1, 0]
#["Sigil Minor Bane", 9705, 3, 3]
#["Sigil Defense", 9707, 5, 5]
#["Sigil Offense", 9708, 5, 5]
#["Sigil Minor Protection", 9710, 5, 10]
#["Sigil Mending", 9713, 10, 15]
#["Sigil Concentration", 9715, 0, 30]
#["Sigil Major Bane", 9716, 10, 10]
#["Sigil of Power", 0, 0, 50]

checkingonspellsA = ["Sigil Contact", 9703, 1, 0]
checkingonspellsH = [["Sigil Concentration", 9715, 0, 30], ["Sigil Mending", 9713, 10, 15], ["Sigil Offense", 9708, 5, 5], ["Sigil Major Bane", 9716, 10, 10]]

loop {
while !checkdead
if lefthand == "bow" or lefthand == "longbow"
checkingonspellsH.each do |checkit|
if !checkspell(checkit[1]) and checkmana(checkit[2]) and checkstamina(checkit[3])
put checkit[0]
if !checkspell(checkingonspellsA[1]) and checkmana(checkingonspellsA[2]) and checkstamina(checkingonspellsA[3])
put checkingonspellsA[0]
if !checkmana(16) and checkstamina(65)
put "Sigil of Power"

It's probably dumb coding, but it works for me. It has a couple of sigils that the spell-list.txt doesn't have so i'd sugguest adding them...

9703:Sigil of Contact
You concentrate on your sigil\.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased\.
9705:Sigil of Minor Bane
As you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of your foes and the weakest spots in their defenses\.
Your heightened awareness of your foes fades away\.
9707:Sigil of Defense
A shimmering aura surrounds you\.
The shimmering aura fades from around you\.
9708:Sigil of Offense
A faint blue glow surrounds your hands, subtly guiding your movements\.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands\.
9710:Sigil of Minor Prot
As you concentrate on your sigil, you become slightly more aware of weak spots in your defenses\.
Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away\.
9713:Sigil of Mending
Your heart begins to beat faster as your entire body becomes awash with a pleasantly warm sensation\.
The pleasantly warm sensation fades as your heart beat begins to return to normal\.
9715:Sigil of Concntrn
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel more attuned to the flows of mana\.
Your heightened attunement to the flows of mana begins to fade\.
9716:Sigil of Major Bane
As you concentrate on your sigil, you become much more aware of your foes and the most vulnerable portions of their bodies\.
Your heightened awareness of your foes fades away\.

You can just change the checkingonspellsH to your needs, and rem out power if you don't need it. It uses it if you have 15 or less mana and 65 or more stamina.
It's not instant, because I've found if it's too fast, it screws up. But It'll just insert a sigil major bane between attacks or between kills. I usually hit sigil concen and sigi mend before I hunt then let my Mana come back. Since it only fires the offensive ones if I have my bow out, I can just keep it up all the time. keeps me from forgetting them.

Sometimes it freaks me out, because I'll be screwing around with my 4 spells and get low on MP and it pops a sigil power... It's like, well THANK you mr sigils script for letting me screw around more.