View Full Version : mastering Fletching Script

07-28-2008, 09:16 PM
For Sorav via Psinet Help!

put glance
Match GETdagger You glance down at your empty hands
Match GETSHAFT1 You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a dagger in your left hand.
Match GETSHAFT2 You glance down to see a dagger in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
Match HAVEBOTH You glance down to see a single arrow shaft in your right hand and a dagger in your left hand

put get my dagger from my pack
Match GOTdagger You remove

pause 1
put swap
Match GETSHAFT1 you swap

pause 1
put get 1 shaft from my pack
Match CUTSHAFT1 You remove
Match PUTdagger get what?

pause 1
put swap
pause 1
put get 1 shaft from my pack
Match CUTSHAFT1 You remove
Match PUTdagger get what?

pause 1
put drop my shaft
pause 1
put clean table
Match START A busboy appears

pause 1
put cut my shaft with my dagger
pause 1
put glance
Match CUTSHAFT1-OK You glance down to see a single arrow shaft in your right hand
Match START You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a dagger in your left hand.

pause 1
put cut nock in my shaft with my dagger
pause 1
put cut nock in my shaft with my dagger
Match CUTSHAFT2-OK You carefully cut a nock
Match START might as well toss it

pause 1
put drop my shaft
pause 1
put clean table
goto START

pause 1
put put my dagger in my pack

pause 1
put look log in my pack
Match GETAXE You see nothing unusual

pause 1
put get handaxe from my pack
Match GETWOOD You remove

pause 1
put get log from my pack
Match CUTSHAFT You remove

put cut arrow shafts
pause 3
put put my shafts in my pack
pause 3
put look log in my pack
Match WOODGONE I could not find
Match GETWOOD You see nothing unusual

pause 1
put put my handaxe in my pack
pause 1

Just edit the containers to ones you own. Script works at a table. I set up a macro to collect logs as well, from the Mine Road Cave in the Landing if you want that as well.

09-11-2008, 12:01 AM
oh yeah, thanks again. Rank 434 and counting. ::cackles madly::

09-11-2008, 05:36 AM
here is one that I use... it will go a bit farther down the line making the full arrow, however this will buy wood,glue,and fletchings for you. just make sure you have about 2-3k on you when you run this script.


put get my drake dagger
pause 2
put get 1 shaft from my backpack
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match pass1 You pare away the excess wood

pause 2
put get my drake dagger
pause 2
put get 1 shaft from my backpack
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match pass1 You pare away the excess wood

pause 2
put cut nocks in my shaft with my drake dagger
put cut nocks in my shaft with my drake dagger
match fail2 might as well toss it.
match pass2 You carefully cut a nock into

pause 2
put put my drake dagger in my backpack
put remove my bow
pause 2
put swap
put measure my shaft
pause 7
put wear bow
pause 2
put get my drake dagger
pause 2
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
pause 2
goto next

waitfor has dried.
put put my fletch in my backpack
put get my drake dagger
pause 2
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
match done you whittle the end
match fail4 so you discard it.

pause 2
echo One arrow done!
put put my arrow in my backpack
goto start

pause 2
put put my drake dagger in my backpack
goto glue

pause 2
put get my glue
match gotglue fletching glue
match noglue get what?

pause 2
put put glue on my shaft
pause 2
put put my glue in my backpack
pause 2
goto fletch

put get my fletch
match newfletch get what?
match nofletch3 a single fletching
match gotfletch you remove a bundle of fletch

pause 2
put put my fletch on my shaft
match nofletch You don't have enough fletchings
match oops you are able to salvage the shaft
match fail3 the glue is now too dry to remove them
match pass3 securely glued.

goto start

goto start

put put fletch in my backpack
goto start

put swap
goto start

put drop fletch
put get my fletching
match nofletch2 get what?
put put my fletch on my shaft
match fail3 the glue is now too dry to remove them
match pass3 securely glued.

put drop my shaft
goto fletch

put put my arrow in my backpack
put swap
goto start

put put drake dagger in my backpack
goto buyarrows

put put my fletch in my backpack
goto next

put drop my shaft
goto buyglue

put put my shaft in my cloak
pause 2
put put my dagger in my backpack
pause 2
put put my handaxe in my backpack
pause 2
move out
move s
move out
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
put go door
put order 15
pause 2
put buy
put put glue in backpack
pause 2
move out
move s
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go inn
move n
put go table
goto start

put put my shaft in my cloak
pause 2
put put my dagger in my backpack
pause 2
put put my handaxe in my backpack
pause 2
move out
move s
move o
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
put go door
put order 9 of 40
pause 2
put buy
pause 2
move out
move s
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go inn
move n
put go table
pause 2
put open package
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put get wood from pack
pause 2
put put wood in backpack
pause 2
put drop pack
put get handaxe
pause 2
put get wood from my backpack
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put get wood from my backpack
pause 2
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my backpack
put put my handaxe in my backpack
pause 2
goto start

put put my shaft in my cloak
pause 2
put put my dagger in my backpack
pause 2
put put my handaxe in my backpack
pause 2
move out
move s
move o
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
put go door
put order 9 of 16
pause 2
put buy
put open package
put get fletch from pack
pause 2
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
pause 2
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in backpack
put drop pack
move out
move s
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go inn
move n
put go table
goto start

09-10-2010, 11:29 PM
See the first script here bugs up on me. sometimes it will glance and have the dagger but not a shaft and it just sits there. All I have done is copy and paste. Does this need a specific way to be run? I'm at a thrak table. I've tried it with wizard and stormfront same deal. it bugs up on me.

09-10-2010, 11:36 PM
Ok ok I think I fixed it. My problem was that I was using a feras dagger. not just a plain dagger. That was my bad. I didn't understand that was going to be an issue.