View Full Version : 90+ warrior and rogue

07-25-2008, 04:42 PM
No longer selling.

07-26-2008, 06:39 AM
So um.... tell me a little about them? Then mayhaps? Send me a private if trying to keep identity secret.

07-26-2008, 09:21 AM
Updated info

07-26-2008, 09:22 AM
Wow thats the highest level warrior I've seen sell in a while. Hum if the high level warriors are selling....

07-26-2008, 09:59 PM
Read into it what ever you'd like. However that 1965 convertible corvair that I saw for sale has been a dream car of mine for years. I'm making every effort to put myself into a position to buy it, even if it means selling everything I got in GS.

07-26-2008, 10:02 PM
I wouldn't hold your breath. Capped warriors don't even sell for $800, much less ones without fixskills or items.

Lord Orbstar
07-27-2008, 05:20 AM
well I am interested. PM was sent..waiting for a response.

07-28-2008, 09:33 AM

Orb I responded to your PM, did you get it?

07-28-2008, 09:50 AM

You have a nigh-capped warrior that isn't a master of berserk?

WTF that's like the easiest guild skill to master, and arguably the most important one for a warrior!

07-28-2008, 09:51 AM
Now it is. Before.. it wasn't so hot.

Lord Orbstar
07-28-2008, 12:53 PM
I was blind..I did get your PM and then looked at your post. I am somewhat in Izzy's camp on the price though with such a naked character. sorry

07-30-2008, 07:28 AM
Thats one thing I hated when selling characters. People like Izzy who say wooo that price is high I wouldn't buy it or you won't sell that the price is much to steep. The thing is no one really asked your opinion, why are you trying to block this guy from selling his character? Do you have something against him?

07-30-2008, 08:57 AM
Thats one thing I hated when selling characters. People like Izzy who say wooo that price is high I wouldn't buy it or you won't sell that the price is much to steep. The thing is no one really asked your opinion, why are you trying to block this guy from selling his character? Do you have something against him?

I'm not trying to block anything. I'm telling him that his price isn't all that realistic. That's not to say that someone won't pay it (and if they do, all the more power to him), but character prices are definitely not what they used to be. Hell, I paid less for a capped ranger.

Also, how often do people wait for a request before offering their opinion? Especially on the internet. That's what a forum is for, sharing your opinion.

07-30-2008, 06:45 PM
I'm not trying to block anything. I'm telling him that his price isn't all that realistic. That's not to say that someone won't pay it (and if they do, all the more power to him), but character prices are definitely not what they used to be. Hell, I paid less for a capped ranger.

Also, how often do people wait for a request before offering their opinion? Especially on the internet. That's what a forum is for, sharing your opinion.

Why would you write it for everyone to see it then? Why wouldn't you just PM him and be like "Hey man that price is a bit high you should concider lowering it" instead of writing it for the whole forum to see. It's just not a nice gesture to undermine his price for everyone to see.

Lord Orbstar
07-30-2008, 07:26 PM
Maybe to make sure someone new to character buying doesnt get screwed. Or is that not a part of YOUR equation? Is it purely caveat emptor or is there a bit of self-governance and ethics in sales required too? I guess it boils down to if you are a human being or a piece of shit thief in your heart.

Honest businessmen do not worry if honest questions or concerns are raised in a public manner. It is the shysters and scammers that prefer to work in the shadows and flourish in ignorance. It is called "taking advantage of people".

I am all for profits, but profits are made from offering a needed good or service at a competitive price. Profits made using an ethical business model guarantee repeat business and a good reputation, both in the real world and our little text-based world.

I bought and sold and traded characters and high end items. I usually come out ahead (in my opinion). As long as the other guy feels they got a fair deal and I didn't mislead or exaggerate the product, it will be thought of as a "good deal". Now having someone think they got a good deal and me KNOWING I just screwed them, is not a "good deal". That gets you the reputation some text-world "merchants" have... and, in my belief system, a place in Hell when you die with other thieves.

I do not think our illustrious seller is trying to fuck anyone price wise. I think he may believe that account is worth that much. It truly is not, but he may find a buyer that has been seeking a warrior all this time and money isn't an issue. For the rest of us though, we will wait until the price is a few hundred dollars less. And being good citizens and pointing that out is not "screwing" the seller; it is taking care of the Gemstone IV community.

So, spin down cowboy.

Edit: Oh ya, I am right and you are wrong. I had to end this with good message board logic in case the above does't make you think.

07-30-2008, 07:29 PM
Sometimes prices are so overdone that it needs to be said in public.

However, I don't think these prices are inflated that much. They are close to what I would ask if I were selling them. More then likely I would ask around $800 each, and have room to drop to $700ish if someone offered it.

Stats aren't hot on either of them IMO, but I assume they are placed for TPs or something. I always look for growth oriented stats.

The warrior... hard to tell what it is really worth. I don't think much of warriors, only a step above paladins which no one seems to like. But there is someone every now and then asking for a capped or near capped, and they never come up for sale. So if you find the right person you could probably get more then $800.

Missing the fixskills hurts though. Almost a year until the next free one. That is a $80-100 hit for someone not liking the current set up.

07-30-2008, 07:36 PM
I appreciate the comments made thus far. I encourage opinions as long as they are constructive, which I think they have been thus far. Thank you.

07-31-2008, 01:57 AM
Maybe to make sure someone new to character buying doesnt get screwed. Or is that not a part of YOUR equation? Is it purely caveat emptor or is there a bit of self-governance and ethics in sales required too? I guess it boils down to if you are a human being or a piece of shit thief in your heart.

Honest businessmen do not worry if honest questions or concerns are raised in a public manner. It is the shysters and scammers that prefer to work in the shadows and flourish in ignorance. It is called "taking advantage of people".

I am all for profits, but profits are made from offering a needed good or service at a competitive price. Profits made using an ethical business model guarantee repeat business and a good reputation, both in the real world and our little text-based world.

I bought and sold and traded characters and high end items. I usually come out ahead (in my opinion). As long as the other guy feels they got a fair deal and I didn't mislead or exaggerate the product, it will be thought of as a "good deal". Now having someone think they got a good deal and me KNOWING I just screwed them, is not a "good deal". That gets you the reputation some text-world "merchants" have... and, in my belief system, a place in Hell when you die with other thieves.

I do not think our illustrious seller is trying to fuck anyone price wise. I think he may believe that account is worth that much. It truly is not, but he may find a buyer that has been seeking a warrior all this time and money isn't an issue. For the rest of us though, we will wait until the price is a few hundred dollars less. And being good citizens and pointing that out is not "screwing" the seller; it is taking care of the Gemstone IV community.

So, spin down cowboy.

Edit: Oh ya, I am right and you are wrong. I had to end this with good message board logic in case the above does't make you think.

You came so close to me taking what what you said into consideration. You lost it when you became a douche bag. The I'm right your wrong thing makes you sound like egoistic idiot.

First off.. Where to begin ha! I don't even know if I have to dignify your response with an answer, after all I am wrong and you sir, on your throne up there, all knowing, is right.

No. I shant argue with a self appreciating ass. Just tell me when you have a thread you are selling things in. I shall come over and tell YOU what YOUR prices should be, because after all I am just looking out for the GS Community.

Lord Orbstar
07-31-2008, 03:19 PM
I am actually the most self-deprecating, humble, good looking, educated, wealthy and superior person you could ever be priveleged to meet. That last part was just internet humor..as was the "I am right.."sentence.

I will give you loves and hump your leg in game if we meet. That will smooth things over.

07-31-2008, 04:57 PM

07-31-2008, 06:09 PM
No longer selling.
