View Full Version : Bleeding Bob
01-06-2004, 11:16 PM
How long do you think it took Bob to get healed with comments like this?
Bobmuhthol says, "Heal me or be crushed."
Bobmuhthol says, "Stop healing other sissy empaths, and start healing me."
Bobmuhthol says, "Someone heal me."
Bobmuhthol frowns.
Speaking softly in broken common, Lelanya says, "Say please."
Lelanya nods to Bobmuhthol.
Bobmuhthol says, "I'd rather punch myself in the face."
Bobmuhthol nods to Lelanya.
01-06-2004, 11:20 PM
Congratulations on starting a new thread to point out that Bobmuhthol isn't nice to empaths, elves, aelotoi.
Also, I had over 5k in my pocket to tip whoever healed me. I don't like them, but that doesn't mean what they do doesn't deserve a reward.
01-06-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Congratulations on starting a new thread to point out that Bobmuhthol isn't nice to empaths, elves, aelotoi.
Also, I had over 5k in my pocket to tip whoever healed me. I don't like them, but that doesn't mean what they do doesn't deserve a reward.
I have a character that hates empaths and elves and certainly wouldn't pay them any kind of tip.
01-06-2004, 11:24 PM
I have a character that knows you're a thief. You also got killed by Warclaidhm hahahahaha. I still tipped you for picking two boxes.
Of course, you didn't accept, but I still did it.
01-06-2004, 11:24 PM
I have no issue about RPing it that way. Just don't bitch if you bleed to death with that attitude. I suggest carrying herbs :)
01-06-2004, 11:25 PM
1. Sign of staunching.
2. 245 HP.
3. I'm not retarded.
4. I got healed anyway.
01-06-2004, 11:26 PM
WTF is up with all the generic Lalana's out there! I'm kidding of course. But with manner's like that, I'd let you bleed to death Bob. I don't have an empath, even if I did, I wouldn't care how much you gave me. But, if you offered me a million, maybe I would, hehe. :P
01-06-2004, 11:27 PM
"Also, I had over 5k in my pocket to tip whoever healed me." Some people could care less if your going to give them money or not and demand a certain level of mutual respect to treat another being regardless of their occupation, and if you dont like someone merely for their occupation, one would think you would natuaurly learn how to live without needing them to survive now wouldnt you? -Pierat
01-06-2004, 11:29 PM
Okay. Let me clarify. You guys can not read something without actually thinking about it. "I had 5k in my pocket.." "WELL OBVIOUSLY HE IS STUPID AND THINKS MONEY SOLVES EVERYTHING."
I was supporting the fact that I hate empaths, but don't think they're useless or underappreciate them.
Grammar error.
[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Bobmuhthol]
01-06-2004, 11:30 PM
There's only one Lalana!
Oh and Bob makes me laugh but he still sucks.
Weedmage Princess
01-07-2004, 07:41 AM
Initially posted by Bobmuhthol
Speaking softly in broken common, Lelanya says, "Say please."
Lelanya nods to Bobmuhthol.
Bobmuhthol says, "I'd rather punch myself in the face."
Bobmuhthol nods to Lelanya.
LOL That was classic.
01-07-2004, 09:03 AM
Personally, were I playing an empath when you demanded (rudely, I might add) to be healed, I would have pointedly ignored you. If you hate all empaths without regard to who they are or how they heal, those empaths may, in turn, not care a whit if you bleed to death in front of them. In that case, having a high HP is a very good thing. Use it and herbs, not the empaths you hate so very much.
The fact that you got healed anyway speaks volumes about the game as it is today. There was a time when you would have used herbs or died. I preferred that time. :)
01-07-2004, 09:08 AM
Yah, I am totally ok with you wanting to rp a pompous jerk as there surely are those in life but there just should be some repercusions for such behavior is all.
Poor roleplaying on the part of the empaths who heal anyone acting in such a manner without extracting dear payment indeed.
01-07-2004, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I have a character that knows you're a thief. You also got killed by Warclaidhm hahahahaha. I still tipped you for picking two boxes.
Of course, you didn't accept, but I still did it.
Ok.. I'm now on the "I hate Bob too" bandwagon. Let's kill him.
01-07-2004, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Yah, I am totally ok with you wanting to rp a pompous jerk as there surely are those in life but there just should be some repercusions for such behavior is all.
Poor roleplaying on the part of the empaths who heal anyone acting in such a manner without extracting dear payment indeed.
I have seen empaths who play pacifists who would heal anyone and never raise a hand. I would think it would be very much in their character to heal even the most arrogant of people.
And Bob.. the best thing to do when they refuse to heal you is to kneel down and eat the herbs off the bench that they made, bundled and placed there.
Then say "At least herbs know their role... you could take a lesson from them."
01-07-2004, 09:36 AM
What I dont understand is why someone who hates empaths would even bother coming to ask for healing anyway.. doesn't that seem to be a bit ooc? Regardless of the fact that he was rude, if he hates them so much, why go there just to be a jerk?
As far as should he have been healed or not.. not sure if there are any Sovyn house members out there, but part of the Soyvn rules is that you heal those in need basically regardless of their rudeness.
Being a member of Soyvn house myself, I might or might not have healed him...I may have just found something pressing to do afk ::chuckles::
01-07-2004, 09:41 AM
My one character hates empaths that believe they offer some purpose other than healing him when he is hurt. Like they deserve any respect or special attention. He believes they are nothing more than blood sucking, fat assed lazy creatures who's sole purpose is to serve.
It's a tough roleplay sometimes.. especially if you knew me the player. I'm not naturally mean.. just misunderstood :)
01-07-2004, 09:54 AM
My one character hates empaths that believe they offer some purpose other than healing him when he is hurt. Like they deserve any respect or special attention. He believes they are nothing more than blood sucking, fat assed lazy creatures who's sole purpose is to serve.
::cough:: speaking as one of "those empaths" your comments make me wanna kick you in the head LOL.
Especially since I pride myself as being a very valuable character.. empath or no, I hunt, heal, rescue, help young characters as well as older ones, and I'm not the only empath like that, matter of fact.. I know very few healers that actually just sit on their "fat asses" waiting to serve jerk ass punks that decide to come bleed on them as their sole purpose in life.
[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Silversi]
[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Silversi]
01-07-2004, 09:58 AM
Having spoken at length about this topic with an ex-Sovyn member of my acquaintance, I was told that Sovyn members are not REQUIRED to heal anyone, particularly not those who are rude. :)
*edited because "length" got out of hand*
[Edited on 1-7-2004 by HarmNone]
01-07-2004, 10:00 AM
<cylla gazes fondly at her Mother, who is in her opinion, the greatest healer in the lands>
01-07-2004, 10:02 AM
Being an empath if you'd said that to me I would have picked you clean.
Wezas (who missed pickpocketing so much he reallocated to pick up a nice chunk of it again)
01-07-2004, 10:15 AM
First of all.. this is one of my characters opinions and not mine or Falgrin's. Sure, he'll make fun of empaths but he makes fun of everyone.
And I DO realize that this will cause conflict... it's the reason I have chosen this particular role. Surprisingly enough though.. it's only caused one conflict so far and he's only been refused healing once. The one conflict was short lived though when it was quickly determined that the empath was clueless in the roleplaying department.
Moist Happenings
01-07-2004, 01:41 PM
Well done Bob. That's 200 percent more RP than I see out of most people these days.
01-07-2004, 04:09 PM
Eh that isn't RP. Bob rp bob as he is here, on amulet and surely on that psinet.
Bobmuhthol says, "I'd rather punch myself in the face."
I'd rather shot myself in the face, et cetera.. tsk tsk
01-07-2004, 04:14 PM
K.. in the Landing, empaths = whores.
They whore themselves out for EXP.
Maybe not all of them, but if you walk into TSC I guarantee you that EXP whores are what you get.
01-07-2004, 04:18 PM
Cylla heals in TSC. I'll try not to take that personally.
01-07-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Maybe not all of them, but if you walk into TSC I guarantee you that EXP whores are what you get.
Does a decent healer have a chance in TSC vs. the hoardes of EXP whores there? No. That's what I meant.
01-07-2004, 04:21 PM
Actually, I've seen it just as you describe, but lately there have been a lot of young empaths there. I've been doing my best to encourage learning methods, ettiquette, manners, and community.
01-07-2004, 04:22 PM
For the record, I'd gladly be an exp whore in tsc. People that don'T want to be healed by whore can go elsewhere, but vulturing is good
good for exp
good for money
good in general
Miss X
01-07-2004, 05:39 PM
Heh, I don't heal in TSC for that reason, 9/10 of the emapths there are exp whores. There are a few exceptions that I've met, and I'm sure a few more that I havnt, but for the most part I can't stand the average TSC empath.
Edited to add: No offense to Cylla's player, I'm sure your one of the exceptions! :D
[Edited on 7-1-04 by Miss X]
01-07-2004, 05:40 PM
Understandable, historically. So where, aside from Voln, do you like to heal?
Cylla enjoys N Market in Solhaven sometimes.
Weedmage Princess
01-07-2004, 05:41 PM
My characters have never begrudged an empath healing them immediately even if they never were asked. If my characters are in pain, they are happy to have their suffering eased. The quicker, the better. The exception to this is, of course if the empath is someone my character dislikes for some reason.
That being said, though, it IS rude to another empath if they're about to heal me or tend to me...and someone else barges in and just starts healing me. Same with being raised by a cleric. But as far as getting immediately healed when I walked into TSC...that's something I've never had a beef with.
However my more stand-offish character (I only played one like that) wouldn't ask for healing anyway, except for from certain she didn't want to "mix blood with the infidels" as she called them. So she wouldn't have gone to an area heavily populated by empaths who would heal on sight.
[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Weedmage Princess]
Miss X
01-07-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
Understandable, historically. So where, aside from Voln, do you like to heal?
Cylla enjoys N Market in Solhaven sometimes.
I heal in the Dais in Ta'Illistim. I love it there! If I'm in Landing for some reason I don't really sit and heal. I'll heal if someone asks me to but other than that I don't bother.
I'm more of a hunter than healer though to be honest. :roll:
01-07-2004, 11:01 PM
I remember playing a Khanshael...
"Heal me."
"Did you not hear me, or should I use smaller words? Get to work"
"You there, get to healing."
No tips, either. Still got healed fairly quickly...those TC empaths love exp.
I dont let human or halflins puffs heal me. They touch me I kill them dont like the small hands. But the only time I demand being healed is if a Giantkin of the same clan is there, I pull rank tis all.
Miss X
01-07-2004, 11:25 PM
Healers meditate over you, their hands don't actually have to touch you. Chica is a halfling, and RP wise she isnt too keen on healing Dhe'nar. She makes the odd exception though
01-08-2004, 04:26 AM
I've healed Rowi.
Nakiro = Human.
I'm sure all those whore hunters out there roleplay all their kills too. Comm'on. There are definately times when you (general you) would rather just get experience than roleplay everything. That's what TSC is for for healers.
01-08-2004, 08:59 AM
I would of found Bob's RP pretty weak until I read one key response of his:
I think this is grand Rp in that many people actually believe they can treat anyone and everyone like dirt, and as long as they throw alot of money at the servant they are actually doing them a favor.
Though five thousand silvers is a bit low, Bob. You should carefully examine the healed wound with an ACT verb, drop like 20k on the ground, and say something like "Shabby work indeed, though I suppose it is the best I could hope to expect from a sorry lot such as this."
01-08-2004, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
For the record, I'd gladly be an exp whore in tsc. People that don'T want to be healed by whore can go elsewhere, but vulturing is good
good for exp
good for money
good in general
I'm sick of people doing this....After bout 10 hunts in phantasms i decided to return to the landing to attend to various little poking wounds. I whisper directly to one empath and after two of my wounds have been taken..........two other empaths chime in healing wounds. I mean why? Suddenly they find themselves blacklisted and tipless.
Besides thats why we go to the courtyard and pester Silversi *whistle*
01-08-2004, 09:35 AM
I'll keep that in mind when Silv's on Teras and you need healed. You know how to reach me, Overlord :-p
01-08-2004, 10:03 AM
The way empaths heal reminds me of how some creatures used to be hunted before the old treasure system was replaced. As soon as a rare and rich creature spawned, everyone would just start swinging. Think Dark Orcs at the AI
I dont hate or not hate empaths.. they serve their purpose and sometimes they don't. If I were to create an empath character--which i never would--I would not hunt AT ALL... Would that make my empath a whore for EXP.. who gives a fuck. I say to each his own...just fucking heal me. I never ask for healing though, i just say 'need some healing' and that usually works. If not, HERBS baby.. and im not talking the kidn you smoke.
oh and I cant stand people who RP hating
01-08-2004, 02:03 PM
RP hating what? Empaths?
no.. just haters plain and simple. hate this, hate that and have no good RP reason.
01-08-2004, 11:57 PM
<<Though five thousand silvers is a bit low, Bob. You should carefully examine the healed wound with an ACT verb, drop like 20k on the ground>>
I get healed ~3-5 times a day when I do hunt. The amount of times I get healed is identical to the amount of times I hunt.
I'm not spending 100k a day for some bitch to get experience off me constantly.
^^Bitch was not aimed at anyone.
20k for a heal? You must be out of your mind.
01-09-2004, 04:03 AM
I will say this, I have a younger empath and she started out in the landing. She is now moving to Mule however I think because it's true..there are some very exp. hungry empaths in the Landing and they flat out don't care. My empath loves to rp her experiences out with her patients and has tried to talk to several of the scripting empaths who dont' participate in etiquette..but it doesnt' seem to be working. In fact.. one elder empath who has been playing for a long time really told my little one that it has always been this way in the landing and she loves it that way. That if she wanted to go by the nodding, touching, system, she would be in Mule or Haven.. or maybe the Dais in Illistim.. I was flabbergasted. each their own. I will say this, I have met several young and old empaths in TSC in teh Landing who do enjoy the RP of empaths and participate in etiquette..its the few there every day who don't and make the rest of us have a bad name.
On a side not, my empath does not hunt. She doesn't believe in giving pain to others so she doesn't kill or attack anyone and never will. She only takes pain from others. But she reserves the right to not heal someone rude to her. However, she will take some blood if they are dying.. it's in her nature to keep them alive but that's all she do is give them blood.
01-09-2004, 09:23 AM
20k for a heal? You must be out of your mind. >>
I cant imagine allowing an empath who was not acting as my personal healer to touch me with their magics in the first place. On the very few instances it did happen, I tried to RP the most out of it.
Empaths are disgusting creatures that feed off the failures of those that erred in battle.
[Edited on 1-9-2004 by Fallen]
01-09-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
Empaths are disgusting creatures that feed off the failures of those that erred in battle.
That's quite a statement. That's like saying doctors are disgusting creatures that feed off the failures of those that erred in life.
Wait a minute.. some doctors ARE disgusting. Nevermind. :D
Up until GS4, empaths were primarily healers and couldn't hunt well, unlike clerics that can raise and hunt very effectively. Granted that their reputation has diminished with the way they practice their profession, but healing was still their main source of experience. It's a dog eat dog job, one that I couldn't do after a while because I grew tired of competing among my own peers.
They should eliminate empaths and have healing as a skill that can be learned by all professions. That way there wouldn't be a "vulturing" profession because anyone would be capable of doing it.
01-09-2004, 09:57 AM
They should eliminate empaths and have healing as a skill that can be learned by all professions. That way there wouldn't be a "vulturing" profession because anyone would be capable of doing it. >>
Healing should be far more complex than its current simplistic state. Differing types of weapons and attacks should leave widely varying injuries that must be individually treated. I could go on at length with my thoughts on my subjects, but I will spare you my ramblings.
The healing class should be much MUCH more involved, and in turn more intellectually rewarding.
Miss X
01-09-2004, 11:25 AM
I'd love them to make healing a bit more interesting, at the moment its pathetic, if you use stormfront all you have to do is type app <name> and you get a box come up with all the wounds, you click on each wound and its transferred to you. Its faster than scripting, but I cant bring myself to stop using wizard!
For me, healing is something I do inbetween hunts, or when I'm really not in the hunting mood. I don't tend to sit and heal all day anymore. I think a lot of empaths stop doing that once they get to a certain train, it just gets too boring.
01-09-2004, 03:03 PM
Ick. Little clicky boxes for healing? That sounds horribly boring.
When I played, I did play an empath once in awhile. I loved playing her, although she was rather difficult to play. She was strictly a healing empath, and did not hunt or wish to hunt. To me, a lot of the fun of empathing was interacting with the other players and knowing what one needed to know to heal quickly and efficiently while maintaining a flow of conversation. It is rather sad to think that things are so different now.
01-09-2004, 03:57 PM
<<Its faster than scripting>>
01-09-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Empaths are disgusting creatures that feed off the failures of those that erred in battle.
[Edited on 1-9-2004 by Fallen]
Maybe if you didn't suck so bad, and stopped failing we wouldn't have to set you straight. :p
It's true, there are a lot of empaths that really just...make me ashamed that my main character has empathic abilities. But if they are defining that character by just being a healer, then that is all they are; a healing machine. I think that characters are a lot more than the professional abilities they roll-up with, or at least I would hope they are.
01-09-2004, 06:52 PM
Tejita sux
Tejita is an empath
Empaths sux
End of the story
p.s. foraging give you EXPERIENCES!!!
01-09-2004, 06:53 PM
T3jita is t3h kewlest.
01-09-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Tejita sux
Tejita is an empath
Empaths sux
End of the story
p.s. foraging give you EXPERIENCES!!!
Mad Cow sux
Mad Cow came from Canada
Canada sux
Xcalibur is in Canada
Xcalibur sux
01-09-2004, 07:00 PM
Sorry Wezas, but you're wrong on one part of your logic.
I'll still come kick your ass in WET though ;)
[Edited on 9-1-04 by Xcalibur]
01-09-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Sorry Wezas, but you're wrong on one part of your logic.
I'll still come kick your ass in WET though ;)
Please spell it out next time, you saying "your ass" and "WET" in the same sentance just seems wrong.
01-09-2004, 07:03 PM
sentence ;)
hehehehe, and i did that "mistake" on purpose.
01-09-2004, 09:37 PM
Maybe if you didn't suck so bad, and stopped failing we wouldn't have to set you straight. :p >>
Even among my characters own kind, we call you people what you really are, Painstealers. Those not reduced to pining after favor from those who once served have means of dealing with their wounds.
I never used the services of empaths (sans my shira'qa), herbs worked just as well. A simple plant held more value than the sum of your entire existence.
01-10-2004, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Fallen[/i
Even among my characters own kind, we call you people what you really are, Painstealers.
A simple plant held more value than the sum of your entire existence.
Yes, give me the pain. Yummy.
And that second statement sounds like something a person who is a dendrophiliac would say.
But in all honesty, I'm not going to try and defend idiots of a certain profession. Because in all truth there are idiots in every profession. People who choose to have empaths or play empaths become easy targets for people who have something to prove with their self-reliance. It's not that I think that they are the greatest shit since sliced bread. Most of my other characters don't even go to empaths, they go to the local healer or get tinctures. Ah well, you and your characters are entitled to whatever opinion you wish, as I said it isn't worth arguing over, but I will state my thoughts in hope that you see characters are more than just your ideal of their profession.
01-10-2004, 12:35 PM
The best empath I have met to date has been Shakrean. If ever I were to hold the empathic profession to a standard, it would be his. didnt like dendrophiliac, that may be an improper use of the word.
denˇdrolˇoˇgy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dn-drl-j)
The botanical study of trees and other woody plants.
My character is no sylph. Herbs you can carry around with you, are relatively cheap, and up until a short time ago able to be mass produced by magic. They require no stroke of their ego to earn their services, nor do they place you under the debt of whatever Arkati they worship to gain their small scraps of power from.
I the player dont like the profession because of the spell Bone Shatter. Instead of developing original ideas for hunting they looked to pure profession and their manner of magic to steal their ideas from.
01-10-2004, 12:42 PM
I hated Shakrean with a passion. Everytime I had problems with Selanbradfort (aka the imaginary french valkyrie) he cames and bullied me.
Back then, the oldest monsters was level 33, spectral warrior. I choosed to hunt em because she was hunting warferers and was a bad hunter, got killed regulary and was expecting people to rescue her.
I did not, laughed of her pathetic french accent (moi, toi, nous, that is french in my opinion). He even tried to "vote" me out of the town. What a stupid imbecile.
And once, he threatened me to hurt me if i didn't prepared 402 so he could steal it from me. I told him to scram, of course.
[Edited on 10-1-04 by Xcalibur]
01-10-2004, 04:51 PM
She was actually told she cant use that accent anymore by the GM's as it was out of Genre, heh. Once she dropped it my character didnt mind her.
01-10-2004, 05:51 PM
You know what's out of genre? The following names:
Beauxyeux (Beautiful Eyes)
Mange (Eat)
Rubytears L'Heureux (Rubytears The Happy One)
I'm sure there are more but those are the ones I remember for being stupid.
01-10-2004, 06:58 PM
Mange is also a disease animals can get.
Hence, you mangy dog.
01-11-2004, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
The best empath I have met to date has been Shakrean. If ever I were to hold the empathic profession to a standard, it would be his. didnt like dendrophiliac, that may be an improper use of the word.
denˇdrolˇoˇgy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dn-drl-j)
The botanical study of trees and other woody plants.
My character is no sylph. Herbs you can carry around with you, are relatively cheap, and up until a short time ago able to be mass produced by magic. They require no stroke of their ego to earn their services, nor do they place you under the debt of whatever Arkati they worship to gain their small scraps of power from.
I the player dont like the profession because of the spell Bone Shatter. Instead of developing original ideas for hunting they looked to pure profession and their manner of magic to steal their ideas from.
Dendrophilia: arousal from tree or fertility worship of them
Have you humped a tree today?
Weedmage Princess
01-11-2004, 02:31 AM
Whoa gives new meaning to the term tree hugger :o
01-11-2004, 02:34 AM
Hey! Leave my trees alone you perverted weirdos! :D
HarmNone, protector of trees
01-11-2004, 11:27 AM
Dendrophilia: arousal from tree or fertility worship of them
Have you humped a tree today? >>
How did you manage to come across such a word? I doubt that is something usually brought about in the course of a normal conversation.
01-11-2004, 04:53 PM
Basically, you take the latin name for something, then add -philia.
ex: Necrophilia. Arousal from dead people.
01-11-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Dendrophilia: >>
How did you manage to come across such a word? I doubt that is something usually brought about in the course of a normal conversation.
It's called college. Now bend over, your foliage is getting lonely.
01-12-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
She was actually told she cant use that accent anymore by the GM's as it was out of Genre, heh. Once she dropped it my character didnt mind her.
serisously? then I won.. HAHAHAHA
Everytime, EVERYTIME she used something like:
Moi sword is not blessed, could tu blessed it for nous? ..
Ahh... the pain...
I won! WOWOOWOW (i told her it was french, stupid idiot...)
thanks man for the head up
01-12-2004, 12:06 AM
<<Moi sword is not blessed, could tu blessed it for nous?>>
Okay, it might be my inexperience with French, but isn't that completely incorrect?
01-12-2004, 12:09 AM
That is the point, she used bad pronoms everytimes. It just cracked me out
Everytime, I was saying something like? Moi? you mean Mon...
and everytimes she saids it was MOI accent.
and when she was out of arguments, Shakrean was trying to bully me (and failed eventually)
[Edited on 12-1-04 by Xcalibur]
01-12-2004, 01:58 PM
Shakrean... I was there when he got his rogue guild tattoo.
He also used to grab random people, and fear the hell out of me when I was young, and chase me around the Rest for his amusement.
Course he also got me from RR (in the days of the boot) to EN in about 20 minutes.
01-12-2004, 02:38 PM
It's called college. Now bend over, your foliage is getting lonely. >>
Ah, so this is what your parent's hard earned money goes toward? Stand back everyone, he has a college education and knows how to use it.
[Edited on 1-12-2004 by Fallen]
01-12-2004, 02:40 PM
Shakrean... I was there when he got his rogue guild tattoo.
He also used to grab random people, and fear the hell out of me when I was young, and chase me around the Rest for his amusement.
Course he also got me from RR (in the days of the boot) to EN in about 20 minutes.>>
Picking pockets?
01-12-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Shakrean... I was there when he got his rogue guild tattoo.
He also used to grab random people, and fear the hell out of me when I was young, and chase me around the Rest for his amusement.
Course he also got me from RR (in the days of the boot) to EN in about 20 minutes.>>
Picking pockets?
I don't know, I was under the impression he got it 1- cause he opened boxes, and 2 - to piss off rogues.
01-12-2004, 02:43 PM
No no, why did he run you out of town?
01-12-2004, 02:45 PM
Oh... No, not run me out of town. Run me around town. He'd fear me (whatever the hell the spell was) into another room, and chase me there. He'd do it room by room until he got bored.
01-12-2004, 02:47 PM
Ah...Good times.
01-12-2004, 02:48 PM
That and mana bread of fate. Czeska was depressed. It was amusing.
Death x3
01-12-2004, 02:52 PM
They also play the Turban of Doom and Hop the Void.
01-12-2004, 02:55 PM
Boooooooooooooh Sherkrean, the 208ing bad empath
Male empath = problem. Nurses are supposed to be female :lol:
problem = exp whore
01-12-2004, 02:57 PM
Shakrean is more of a rogue with a healing problem.
01-12-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Ah, so this is what your parent's hard earned money goes toward? Stand back everyone, he has a college education and knows how to use it.
[Edited on 1-12-2004 by Fallen]
How rude! My parent's hard earned money goes to booze. Scholarships and a trust fund pay for school.
And actually I am a female, one who has an empath who you said you didn't mind too much and I was welcome in your character's town anytime, if you are who I think you are.
I do hope you know what I said was only in joking, and simply defending a few healers who are not "painstealing vultures."
01-13-2004, 01:27 AM
I used to play Dighn Darkbeam of Sharath, the Dhe'nari Sorcerer. Dighn Darkbeam is still in the game, but he is now pakra'i, played by a friend who enjoys hunting as a sorcerer.
What I posted here was also in jest, sorry to have come off as overly defensive.
[Edited on 1-13-2004 by Fallen]
01-13-2004, 03:33 PM
It's all good, let's have a drink, on my parents.
01-13-2004, 03:37 PM
As long as you bring the blood wine, im game.
[Edited on 1-13-2004 by Fallen]
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