View Full Version : variations on roleplay

Captain Amby
07-10-2003, 08:00 PM
Now I know there's lots of folks out there that like to roleplay outside the norm. I myself (if you've ever seen me) am a lil different. I RP an empath that's taken way too many head wounds. I've developed many personalities over the years (been stuck on sea captain amby for a long time now) and wear a nice lil beard though I'm half-elven (half-dwarven in my opinion) the weight of Amby's beard over the years has created a unique lisp that some folks call Ambyism, her own lil language. I'd like to find out how others RP in general and discuss the possibility of RP critters (I also RP a certain kobold... figger it out for yerself.. there's not many)

07-10-2003, 11:00 PM
I'm guessing it's Pattie.