View Full Version : Sorting gems
07-20-2008, 09:51 PM
I'm horrible at scripting and I've tried several times to do this but it's not working.
What I need help with is a script to sort my loose gems into the new jars/bottles.
Something that will get the bottle from my backpack, stuff all the gems I have of that kind from my cloak into it, then put the bottle in my satchel, then grab a new bottle/jar and go onto the next gem.
Any smart scripting people have a few minutes to help me out?
The Ponzzz
07-20-2008, 10:27 PM
put get my %1 from my backpack
put get my %2 %3 from my cloak
pause 1
goto 1
put put my %2 in my %1
put put my %3 in my %1
pause 1
match 2 Get what?
match 1 You remove
put get my %2 %3 from my cloak
Not very big, and you'll need to run it after each gem is done.
The Ponzzz
07-20-2008, 10:27 PM
Oh, usage would be...
.X [bottle name] [color/type] [gem]
The Ponzzz
07-20-2008, 10:29 PM
I fixed it to be smarter.
07-21-2008, 12:24 AM
Thanks Ponzz, anything is better than the gibberish that I came up with.
07-21-2008, 12:38 AM
Tried running it and I get this far..
[Script gem is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>get my jar from my backpack
>get my topaz from my cloak
>put my topaz in my jar
You remove a bronze-rimmed mulberry glass jar from in your heavy backpack.
You remove a clear topaz from in your green elven cloak.
You put your a clear topaz into your empty jar.
Then it hangs up.
The Ponzzz
07-21-2008, 01:02 AM
Sorry man, try that, I edited it. I forgot to add one line there... I also made it slightly more useful. I just ran it and it worked. You can now specify the type of gem (GREEN sapphire or UNCUT diamond).
07-21-2008, 01:18 AM
Sweet. Just ran it, worked great. Appreciate the time and effort.
You can indicate the type with periods as well Mario. As in:
.get blue.sapphire
would use the variable "blue sapphire"
The Ponzzz
07-21-2008, 11:02 AM
Well la de fucking da! I never could get a handle with the period and underscore.
Teras Gem sort 1 of 3
Not gonna post the other two because they can be re-written with this to anything anyway
This one maps these:
bulbous jar = black moonstone
ten jar = golden moonstone
gold jar = red spinel
cerulean jar = morganite stone
amethyst jar = cat moonstone
dove jar = blue moonstone
carnelian jar = red coral
scarlet jar = green dreamstone
indigo jar = violet sapphire
mulberry jar = black opal
spherical jar = malachite stone
cubical jar = black dreamstone
square jar = red dreamstone
triang jar = dragonfire opal
pentag jar = pink sapphire
octag jar = black pearl
hepta jar = pink pearl
If a jar fills you have to manually replace it and the containers are hard coded because I wrote this for myself
put get my black moonstone
match getblackmoonstonejar You remove
match goldenmoonstone Get what?
put get my bulbous jar
put put my moonstone in my jar
put put my jar in my cloak
goto blackmoonstone
put put my jar in my cloak
put get my gold moonstone
match getgoldmoonstonejar You remove
match redspinel Get what?
put get my ten jar
put put my moonstone in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto goldenmoonstone
put get my red spinel
match getredspineljar You remove
match morganitestone Get what?
put get my gold jar
put put my spinel in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto redspinel
put get my morg stone
match getmorgstonejar You remove
match catmoonstone Get what?
put get my cerulean jar
put put my stone in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto morganitestone
put get my cat moonstone
match getcatmoonjar You remove
match bluemoonstone Get what?
put get my amethyst jar
put put my moonstone in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto catmoonstone
put get my blue moonstone
match getbluemoonjar You remove
match redcoral Get what?
put get my dove jar
put put my moonstone in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto bluemoonstone
put get my red coral
match redcoraljar You remove
match greendream Get what?
put get my carnel jar
put put my coral in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto redcoral
put get my green dream
match greendreamjar You remove
match violsapp Get what?
put get my scarlet jar
put put my dream in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto greendream
put get my viol sapp
match violsappjar You remove
match blackopal Get what?
put get my indigo jar
put put my sapp in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto violsapp
put get my blackopal
match blackopaljar You remove
match malastone Get what?
put get my mulberr jar
put put my opal in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto blackopal
put get my mala stone
match malastonejar You remove
match blackdream Get what?
put get my spherical jar
put put my stone in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto malastone
put get my black dream
match blackdreamjar You remove
match reddream Get what?
put get my cubical jar
put put my dream in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto blackdream
put get my red dream
match reddreamjar You remove
match dragopal Get what?
put get my square jar
put put my dream in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto reddream
put get my drag opal
match dragopaljar You remove
match pinksapp Get what?
put get my triang jar
put put my drag opal in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto dragopal
put get my pink sapp
match pinksappjar You remove
match blackpearl Get what?
put get my pentag jar
put put my pink sapp in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto pinksapp
put get my black pearl
match blackpearljar You remove
match pinkpearl Get what?
put get my octag jar
put put my black pearl in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto blackpearl
put get my pink pearl
match pinkpearljar You remove
match exit Get what?
put get my hepta jar
put put my pink pearl in my jar
put put jar in my cloak
goto pinkpearl
This will cherry pick all(or at least most I dont always feel like adding to it) the teras gems out of a container and put it in another useful for pulling gems off a main to give to a locker character, could pretty easily add routines for EN and seashells
put get deathstone from %1
match jasper Get what?
match putDeathstone You remove a
put put death in %2
pause 1
goto deathstone
put get jasper from %1
match amber Get what?
match putJasper You remove a
put put jasper in %2
pause 1
goto jasper
put get amber from %1
match geode Get what?
match putAmber You remove a
put put amber in %2
pause 1
goto amber
put get geode from %1
match agate Get what?
match putGeode You remove a
put put geode in %2
pause 1
goto geode
put get agate from %1
match sapphire Get what?
match putAgate You remove a
put put agate in %2
pause 1
goto agate
put get sapphire from %1
match stone Get what?
match putSapphire You remove a
put put sapp in %2
pause 1
goto sapphire
put get stone from %1
match diamond Get what?
match putStone You remove a
put put stone in %2
pause 1
goto stone
put get diamond from %1
match emerald Get what?
match putDiamond You remove a
put put dia in %2
pause 1
goto diamond
put get emer from %1
match dreamstone Get what?
match putEmerald You remove a
put put emer in %2
pause 1
goto emerald
put get dreamstone from %1
match starstone Get what?
match putDreamstone You remove a
put put dream in %2
pause 1
goto dreamstone
put get starston from %1
match ruby Get what?
match putStarstone You remove a
put put star in %2
pause 1
goto starstone
put get ruby from %1
match topaz Get what?
match putRuby You remove a
put put ruby in %2
pause 1
goto ruby
put get top from %1
match sunstone Get what?
match putTopaz You remove a
put put top in %2
pause 1
goto topaz
put get sun from %1
match spinel Get what?
match putSunstone You remove a
put put sun in %2
pause 1
goto sunstone
put get spinel from %1
match quartz Get what?
match putSpinel You remove a
put put spinel in %2
pause 1
goto spinel
put get quar from %1
match pearl Get what?
match putQuartz You remove
put put qua in %2
pause 1
goto quartz
put get pearl from %1
match peridot Get what?
match putPearl You remove
put put pearl in %2
pause 1
goto pearl
put get peri from %1
match moonstone Get what?
match putPeridot You remove
put put peri in %2
pause 1
goto peridot
put get moon from %1
match opal Get what?
match putMoonstone You remove
put put moon in %2
pause 1
goto moonstone
put get opal from %1
match tourmaline Get what?
match putOpal You remove
put put opal in %2
pause 1
goto opal
put get tour from %1
match lazuli Get what?
match putTourmaline You remove
put put tour in %2
pause 1
goto tourmaline
put get lap from %1
match garnet Get what?
match putLazuli You remove
put put lap in %2
pause 1
goto lazuli
put get garnet from %1
match ameth Get what?
match putGarnet You remove
put put garnet in %2
pause 1
goto garnet
put get ame from %1
match zircon Get what?
match putAme You remove
put put ame in %2
pause 1
goto ameth
put get zircon from %1
match gem Get what?
match putZircon You remove
put put zircon in %2
pause 1
goto zircon
put get gem from %1
match firestone Get what?
match putGem You remove
put put gem in %2
pause 1
goto gem
put get firestone from %1
match coral Get what?
match putFirestone You remove
put put firestone in %2
pause 1
goto firestone
put get coral from %1
match end Get what?
match putCoral You remove
put put coral in %2
pause 1
goto coral
prismatic bottle= uncut ruby
rainbow bottle = star ruby
wavy bottle = blue sapphire
silver bottle = yellow sapphire
narrow bottle = green starstone
mottled bottle = red starstone
speckled bottle = white starstone
violet bottle = smoky topaz
multi bottle = pink rhodochrostine stone
ash beaker = white dreamstone
tawny beaker = yellow dreamstone
poppy beaker = blue starstone
ochre beaker = dragonsbreath sapphire
amber beaker = uncut emerald
viridian beaker = uncut diamond
azure beaker = red sunstone
sooty beaker = yellow sunstone
clear beaker = white sunstone
put get my uncut ruby
match uncutrubybot You remove
match starruby Get what?
put get my prism bott
put put my ruby in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto unruby
put get my star ruby
match starrubybot You remove
match bluesapp Get what?
put get my rain bott
put put my ruby in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto starruby
put get my star ruby
match starrubybot You remove
match bluesapp Get what?
put get my rain bott
put put my ruby in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto starruby
put get my blue sapp
match bluesappbot You remove
match yellsapp Get what?
put get my wavy bott
put put my sapp in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto bluesapp
put get my yell sapp
match yellsappbot You remove
match greenstar Get what?
put get my silv bott
put put my sapp in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto yellsapp
put get my green star
match greenstarbot You remove
match redstar Get what?
put get my narr bott
put put my star in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto greenstar
put get my red star
match redstarbot You remove
match whitestar Get what?
put get my mottle bott
put put my star in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto redstar
put get my white star
match whitestarbot You remove
match smoktop Get what?
put get my speck bott
put put my star in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto whitestar
put get my smok top
match smoktopbot You remove
match rhodstone Get what?
put get my viol bott
put put my top in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto smoktop
put get my rhod stone
match rhodstonebot You remove
match whitedream Get what?
put get my multi bott
put put my stone in my bottle
put put bottle in my cloak
goto rhodstone
put get my white dream
match whitedreambeak You remove
match yelldream Get what?
put get my ash beaker
put put my dream in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto whitedream
put get my yell dream
match yelldreambeak You remove
match bluestar Get what?
put get my tawny beaker
put put my dream in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto yelldream
put get my blue star
match bluestarbeak You remove
match dragsapp Get what?
put get my poppy beaker
put put my starstone in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto bluestar
put get my drag sapp
match dragsappbeak You remove
match unemer Get what?
put get my ochre beaker
put put my sapp in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto dragsapp
put get my uncut emer
match uncutemerbeak You remove
match undia Get what?
put get my amber beaker
put put my emer in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto unemer
put get my uncut diam
match undiabeak You remove
match redsun Get what?
put get my virid beaker
put put my dia in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto undia
put get my red sunst
match redsunbeak You remove
match yellsun Get what?
put get my azure beaker
put put my sunstone in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto redsun
put get my yell sunst
match yellsunbeak You remove
match whitesun Get what?
put get my sooty beaker
put put my sunstone in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto yellsun
put get my white sunst
match whitesunbeak You remove
match end Get what?
put get my clear beaker
put put my sunstone in my beaker
put put beaker in my cloak
goto whitesun
The biggest problem with the jars is the weight gets crazy, I first tried sorting EVERY gem I had >10k to one character, needless to say that went terribly his cloak hit 100 pounds before I got past 2k gems. The best solution I came up with was to split all gems into 4 and give each character a set of jars or bottles and beakers that map 1/4 of all gem types to their cloaks, If a jar fills i throw it in my backpack and replace it with the same beaker/bottle/jar type manually because writting that seemed over the top since they so rarely fill. So that seems to work for now if you enjoy obsessively compulsively sorting things thats what I came up with.
07-21-2008, 10:32 PM
Why the heck are you guys putting gems in jars?
I turned 14 characters holding 500 gems each into 3 holding 100 jars each freeing up char space and allowing me to store more shit, my reagent guys i compressed too, but that was way simpler
07-21-2008, 11:22 PM
Why the heck are you guys putting gems in jars?
I turned 14 characters holding 500 gems each into 3 holding 100 jars each freeing up char space and allowing me to store more shit, my reagent guys i compressed too, but that was way simpler
Yeah, that. I downgraded from 6-7 guys to 2.
The Ponzzz
07-21-2008, 11:48 PM
Hey g++, you said the weight got crazy? Here I was thinking it would be wiser to hold a few jars on me in my gem pouch for a few key gems. The jars seem to remain at 1lb and 50 gems weigh about 20ish pounds (from the weigh verb, I have no clue the actual weight on gems). I figured it would just be a better option. Like keep an uncut diamond and emerald jar as well as a star ruby and star sapphire jar. But I guess I didn't plan this out too well.
Regardless, AdG and Alchemy stuff in these things makes it plausible to actually stockpile now.
07-21-2008, 11:48 PM
Wait, so what the heck are these jars? Those hold gems/items and whatever is inside doesn't count towards the item limit?
Where did the jars come from?
Hey g++, you said the weight got crazy? Here I was thinking it would be wiser to hold a few jars on me in my gem pouch for a few key gems. The jars seem to remain at 1lb and 50 gems weigh about 20ish pounds (from the weigh verb, I have no clue the actual weight on gems). I figured it would just be a better option. Like keep an uncut diamond and emerald jar as well as a star ruby and star sapphire jar. But I guess I didn't plan this out too well.
Regardless, AdG and Alchemy stuff in these things makes it plausible to actually stockpile now.
An empty weighs like 3 pounds I think? full they weigh like 6 or 7? I wasnt thinking about it from that point of view. For making a script that maps flasks to gems though it causes problems though because as you add gems the flasks all of a sudden dont fit in the containers....kind of sucks. It might still give a slight reduction in weight akin to bundling skins but Im certain that the flasks get heavier the more gems they hold. Might still be an improvement over leaving them loose though.
Oh also as a backpack with 400 gems in it will weigh closer to 50 pounds so I think generally gems weigh .1 pounds.
Wait, so what the heck are these jars? Those hold gems/items and whatever is inside doesn't count towards the item limit?
Where did the jars come from?
Yup it lets you bust the item limit, the alchemist has been selling them a while but its a bitch because ordering colored bottles makes you wait 10 minutes and they all have the same verbage so they are hard to sort. There is a tent 2 north of gardenia on fwi right now selling AWSOME jars that hold 50 items each instead of 20 and are very distinguishable from each other which makes it alot easier to sort your stuff while that tent is there. Especially since most of us keep our gem bitchs on 4WI anyway.
>weigh my beaker
You carefully examine the amber glass beaker and determine that the weight is less than 2 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>get silver bott
You remove a tall silver-streaked bottle containing yellow sapphires from in your lily white cloak.
>weigh my bott
You carefully examine the silver-streaked bottle and determine that the weight is about 6 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
First was empty, Second was near full
The Ponzzz
07-22-2008, 12:17 AM
They must have been weightless the first day and they fixed it. Because I filled my jar with 50 uncut emeralds and it remained at less than 2 pounds, which was exciting. Still neat and I'll still be buying a ton of them, just foiled my evil plans.
07-22-2008, 12:28 AM
The jars you guys have been using only hold 20 items?
Just bought the set, but unless I duplicate the jars on each guy, I can only hold like 1800 gems.
07-22-2008, 12:44 AM
I had to duplicate several, to hold the all the different gems I have.
07-22-2008, 01:01 AM
well i suppose if they weigh in at 6 lbs full, you will have to use different containers anyways... so the same jar in a different container wont be bad.
I think I would probably sell any excess though, before I get to that many gems.
How come you guys are saving up so many of them at a time?
I am just saving gems to sell in a different town.. less trips the better. Extra 5-10% or so on sales always helps.
07-22-2008, 01:08 AM
Bounty tasks for me. I've had to buy maybe 100 gems total since the Ag started. I use them for about 15 different characters to complete gem bounties.
07-22-2008, 02:59 AM
Btw G++ ,
If you use the "Inv Full" command with your containers open, you don't have to keep an extensive list. It will show up as:
a large prismatic glass bottle containing periwinkle feystones
a nearly square glass jar containing uncut maernstrike diamonds
a twisted triangular jar containing uncut diamonds
a dark brown narrow-necked bottle containing bright violet feystones
a slightly bulbous glass jar containing brilliant lilac glimaerstones
a large octagonal glass jar containing blue shimmarglin sapphires
a hazy heptagonal jar containing sylvarraend rubies
a translucent pentagonal jar containing dragon's-tear diamonds
makes it a lot easier to click and drag.
Yah but for the purposes of writing the script i made the lists up anyway so i figured whats the harm in keeping them, also most of the chars have hundreds of gems on them so I have to scroll all over the place to look at them.
07-22-2008, 01:32 PM
You don't even need to use INV FULL.
Just make sure the "open inv boxes" is active, and it pops it up into the left or right sidebar (in SF).
07-22-2008, 01:38 PM
unless you pull out the window and expand, that is one garbled mess of words.
07-28-2008, 11:12 PM
How do you get gems out of the containers?
07-28-2008, 11:16 PM
shake jar/bottle
07-28-2008, 11:31 PM
Holy crap, you saved my life. Why do they have to make it so hard... Was it on a sign at the shop or something and I just missed it?
And you still can't sell like a whole jar of 50 gems at once...
07-29-2008, 12:05 AM
I used SF, and clicked on it to find out.
07-29-2008, 12:05 AM
Ah fuck, I may have to swap to SF one of these days.
08-04-2008, 11:50 PM
Here is a list of gems for EN - BTW, you can dye these jars at the tent in the Landing and get a larger list of jar descriptions to choose from.
a soft suede satchel with a ruby-inset clasp
ten-sided glass jar - pink rhodochrosite stones
heptagonal jar green - malachite stones
octagonal glass jar - polished jet stones
spherical glass jar - white opals
square glass jar - black opals
bulbous glass jar - fiery jacinths
triangular jar - moonglae opals
cubical glass jar - fire opals
a sun-faded leather campaign kit with a scarred ironwood frame
pink glass jar - golden topazes
blue glass jar - smoky topazes
cerulean glass - jar golden beryl gems
vermilion glass jar - aquamarine gems
brown glass jar - orange imperial topazes
orange glass jar - violet spinels
mauve glass jar - red spinels
sienna glass jar - azure blazestars
purple glass jar - emerald blazestars
maroon glass jar - crimson blazestars
celadon glass jar - golden blazestars
spherical glass jar - green garnets
mulberry glass jar - smoky glimaerstones
carnelian glass jar - orange spessartine garnets
green glass jar - bright chrysoberyl gems
yellow glass jar - green chrysoprase gems
red glass jar - green errisian topazes
grey glass jar - pink topazes
fuchsia glass jar - pink spinels
white glass jar - blue spinels
pentagonal jar - turquoise stones
an elegant fleece cloak
black glass jar - spiderweb turquoises
teal glass jar - pale green moonstones
ochre glass jar - silvery moonstones
crimson glass jar - pale blue moonstones
purple glass jar - large black pearls
celadon glass jar - medium white pearls
sienna glass jar - large grey pearls
fuchsia glass jar - piece of spiderweb obsidians
silvery glass jar - cerulean glimaerstones
maroon glass jar - ultramarine glimaerstones
dove glass jar - green glimaerstones
carnelian glass jar - deep red carbuncles
heptagonal jar - polished red coral
octagonal glass jar - polished pink coral
ten-sided glass jar - piece of white chalcedonies
blue glass jar - shimmertine shards
umber glass jar - clear glimaerstones
magenta glass jar - golden glimaerstones
ebony glass jar - brilliant lilac glimaerstones
violet glass jar - peach glimaerstones
mulberry glass jar - olivine faenor-blooms
scarlet glass jar - large pink pearls
vermilion glass jar - piece of ambers
cerulean glass jar - piece of golden ambers
spherical glass jar - fire agates
cubical glass jar - piece of onyxes
square glass jar - piece of banded onyxes
triangular jar - piece of black onyxes
pentagonal jar - yellow hyacinths
bulbous glass jar - pale yellow heliodors
white glass jar - green tourmalines
green glass jar - pink tourmalines
orange glass jar - black tourmalines
red glass jar - blue tourmalines
yellow glass jar - clear tourmalines
grey glass jar - yellow zircons
brown glass jar - green zircons
mauve glass jar - amethysts
pink glass jar - deep purple amethysts
an appliqued velvet backpack
fuchsia glass jar - piece of rose quartzes
mauve glass jar - shard of rainbow quartzes
rose glass jar - violet sapphires
puce glass jar - yellow sapphires
brown glass jar - pink sapphires
tan glass jar - blue shimmarglin sapphires
dove glass jar - green sapphires
lilac glass jar - star sapphires
pink glass jar - dragonseye sapphires
beige glass jar - uncut emeralds
magenta glass jar - uncut diamonds
violet glass jar - star rubies
teal glass jar - uncut rubies
crimson glass jar - sylvarraend rubies
scarlet glass jar - dragon's-tear rubies
ochre glass jar - periwinkle feystones
umber glass jar - dragon's-tear emeralds
grey glass jar - piece of citrine quartzes
golden glass jar - scarlet despanals
indigo glass jar - dragon's-tear diamonds
ebony glass jar - uncut maernstrike diamonds
black glass jar - bright violet feystones
taupe glass jar - pale water sapphires
coppery glass jar - lavender shimmarglin sapphires
russet glass jar - blue sapphires
vermilion glass jar - uncut diamonds
06-16-2010, 06:32 PM
Yup it lets you bust the item limit, the alchemist has been selling them a while but its a bitch because ordering colored bottles makes you wait 10 minutes and they all have the same verbage so they are hard to sort. There is a tent 2 north of gardenia on fwi right now selling AWSOME jars that hold 50 items each instead of 20 and are very distinguishable from each other which makes it alot easier to sort your stuff while that tent is there. Especially since most of us keep our gem bitchs on 4WI anyway.
Older thread here, but does the alchemist or a shop on FWI sell these jars?
06-16-2010, 07:50 PM
I've been looking for a list of all gems found in the game. Thanks for the list you put up but do you happen to have a list of all gems? I would appreciate it.
06-16-2010, 08:00 PM
Sorry but I don't. I just looked on krakiipedia and there is this list. Looks like a good place to start.
That list is not nearly complete.
Check out this script for the information you want:
06-16-2010, 08:50 PM
That was the list that I started my list with but thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. That's one hell of a script.
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