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01-06-2004, 08:21 AM
Re: Greenish brown sheep furry black goats · on 1/6/2004 12:59:19 AM 50

>kneel before zod is a stupid and loser-like quote. It's funny how you comment on everyone elses mistakes or jokes yet you have a quote that says "kneel before zod." Yes, that goat pin would not sell for more than 4 mil but is it YOU who feels it is necessary to tell him that? Why don't you kneel before zod and swallow his glory Methais you lover of hairy giant men (not giantmen. hehehehhh... -stinkygoatse.cx guy

If General Zod heard those words, He would crush you with His bare hands. Not to mention He would do the same if He saw that you did not capitalize His name. He is our glorious leader. In exchange for our allegiance to Him, we will be allowed to live. Those who do not kneel before Zod will suffer nothing less than a very painful death, as He is ruler of our planet Houston, which was known as Earth before General Zod became our ruler. He is also very bitter towards the Son of Jor-El, known to you common folk as Superman. For it was Jor-El that sentenced General Zod on their home planet of Krypton, as well as His cohorts Ursa and Non to an eternal sentence in the Phantom Zone. Lucky for Zod, the Phantom Zone was shattered in outer space by the shockwaves of a hydrogen bomb that the Son of Jor-El threw into outer space after a group of terrorists took over the Eiffel Tower and planted this bomb. Lois Lane, being the spunky reporter she is, almost got herself killed in the process.

This explosion took place near our moon, where soon after, General Zod and His cohorts realized that the closer they come to an atmosphere with only one sun, a yellow sun, the more their molecular structure grants them unlimited powers. Unfortunately for a team of American and Russian astronauts who were on the moon at the time, their ignorance led them to not kneel before Zod. As you probably guessed already, these astronauts are no longer with us, as they were brutally crushed by General Zod and his cohorts, except for one Russian and one American, whose bodies are probably floating around near Jupiter by now, as one was kicked away by Zod, and the other was kicked in the jewels by Ursa, very hard I might add. Imagine being kicked there by a native resident of the planet Krypton. Even Superman wouldn't be able to withstand that pain, nevermind a mere human of the planet Houston.

I could go on forever, but this is already well documented on www.generalzod.net. If you value your life, you will go there and kneel before Zod on a regular basis.

Also for the record, there are rumors of General Zod and His two cohorts Non and Ursa being defeated by Superman at his Fortress of Solitude on the North Pole as the result of a trick he pulled on them, with the indirect help of Lex Luthor, Ruler of Australia, which took away General Zod & Co.'s powers and rendered Him able to be hurt...like an ordinary man. These rumors are nothing more than that, and there has been no evidence to prove otherwise. It would be wise to never speak of these rumors in our ruler's presence, as General Zod will likely be very angered by it and will probably reduce you to a pile of smoldering ashes with His heat vision.

>Selling a 5x claidh. 99/275, oldstyle and weighs less than 10 lbs. Taking offers around 60-70 mil. Reply to this message if you wish to bid.

I'll offer 10k.

~ Methais

Kneel before Zod!

01-06-2004, 08:22 AM
It will be pulled within hours I bet.

01-06-2004, 08:24 AM
Mmkay, nothing to do with Gemstone (just posted on the boards.. not really the same thing). Moved to Off-Topic.

01-06-2004, 08:53 AM
Methais is pretty funny.

01-06-2004, 11:10 AM
Methais be godly thx.

01-06-2004, 11:13 AM
I pwn Methais. And Zod.


01-06-2004, 11:43 AM
Now wait.. is that the Zod from Superman (whatever sequel it was) or the Zod from the new comic book thing? Are they the same guy?