View Full Version : Pinefar to Icemule?

07-18-2008, 06:50 PM
Anyone have a script taking them from Pinefar to Icemule? I could use one to get back from the rift without so many problems and havn't been able to find one.


08-06-2008, 04:18 AM
This takes you from the main room in Pinefar to outside the East Gate. It assumes you've got your 'ready weapon' and 'ready shield' set up. Modify the store and ready weapon and shield if need be.

put stance def
put gird
move go door
move go step
move se
move s
move e
move se
move cli rock
move w
move sw
move nw
move w
move cli rocks
move u
move e
move s
move sw
move cli trail
move ne
move e
move s
move ne
move se
move cli slope
move w
move sw
move se
move g brid
move s
move s
move g mound
#East Gate Map
move sw
pause 7
move u
move cli outcrop
move s
move w
move cli butte
pause 7
move d
pause 7
move d
pause 7
move sw
pause 7
move w
move g stair
move se
move e
move e
move se
put store weapon
put store 2weapon
put store shield
move cli cliff
put ready weapon
put ready shield
move w
move w
move d
move nw
move w
move w
move cli gorge
move cli south wall
move se

match mazeRepeat Obvious paths: north, northeast
match mazeDone Obvious paths: north, southwest, west
put south

move sw
move u
move se
move s
move s
move g rocks
move sw
move se
move d
move se
move sw
move d
move cli land
move w
move w
move w
move nw
move d
move d
move d
move sw
move w

To complete the set, here's the other direction.

put stance def
put ready weapon
put ready shield
move e
move ne
move cli trail
move u
move u
move se
move e
move e
move e
move climb landslide
move u
move ne
move nw
move u
move nw
move ne
move g rocks
move n
move n
move nw
move d
move ne
move north


match mazeDone Obvious paths: south, northwest
match mazeRepeat east, southeast
put north

move nw
move cli gorge
move cli north wall
move e
move e
move se
move se
move e
#no weapons
put store weapon
put store 2weapon
put store shield
move cli cliff
put ready weapon
put ready shield
move w
move d
move w
move nw
move g stair
pause 7
move e
pause 7
move ne
pause 7
move u
pause 7
move u
#pause 7
move cli butte
move e
move n
move cli outcropping
pause 7
move d
pause 7
move ne
move g mound
move n
move n
move g bridge
move nw
move ne
move e
move cli incline
move nw
move sw
move n
move w
move sw
put search
move g trail
move ne
move n
move w
move d
move cli rocks
move e
move se
move ne
move e
move cli rocks
move nw
move w
move n
move nw
move go step
move go door

Obviously they don't check if you fail any climbing or search checks. Do be aware of this.

08-06-2008, 07:35 AM
There is also this...


08-06-2008, 08:45 AM
I don't know why people who make scripts for pinefar travel always use the cliff that requires you to climb empty handed when there's a one-handed cliff two rooms away. I'd much rather climb with a weapon or runestaff in hand than nothing.

08-06-2008, 12:56 PM
I climb the cliff Drew is referring to with both hands full. Never had a problem with it. And actually, it's 1 room shorter. I'd combine them into one script and just have a look match at the beginning to decide which path to take.

08-06-2008, 02:05 PM
Oh I thought it was 1 hand, but I use THW weapons so what do I know? Either way it's easier but every script I've seen uses the wrong one.

08-06-2008, 11:42 PM
Huh. The other one is really a different check? Never noticed.

Not that I'm changing my script. I'm too lazy for that. I did make the maze check smarter than a shit ton of north and south before posting it.