View Full Version : RP types..mmhmmm

07-10-2008, 08:07 AM

The Man-Eater: Must be played by a woman. She can be spotted by having the sexiest sigs and avatars on any guild's forum. She always comes off as being ultra sexy, coy, risque and flirtatious. Men love her. Other women hate her. Men don't understand why. This is Stage One. Stage Two consists of drama in epic proportions. Her favorite emotes are "struts" "sashays" and "slinks" As Cher used to sing it, "She's a vamp, a scamp and a bit of a tramp."

Advantages: Can sucker 80% of the male players into her clutches with a wink, is likely one of the best ERPers they've ever met. Can stealth out of the front of drama with a re-roll quicker than a wink to create a brand new vixen to start it alllllll over again...and she will...many times over. She is capable of MT's that will score a "10" even from the French judges.

1. To the men...she will use you, abuse you, then play the drama card, turning friends away from you when she's done with you, claiming you are stalking her and that you are a psycho. She will get the sympathy of others in private tells until she builds a force against you because she is, of course, the poor damsel victim here and you are the horrible psychotic sexual predator, not her. Eventually all these secret tells will become attacks in guild-chat while you are logged off, and finally, an open attack will occur in guild-chat where the guild turns against you and you have no clue what she's been up to all long.

2. To the women...she will pretend to be your friend to get her poisoned claws into your man unless she sees you as competition for her throne of ultra-sexiness. If she feels insecure about you possibly being sexier and more deadly than her in the skills of her trade, she will attack you from the get-go like a shark, bad-mouthing you to guildies and friends in secret tells while you are oblivious to their work behind the scenes against you. Eventually they will be bold enough to turn this talk to guild-chat when you are not logged on, and finally while you ARE logged on, inciting a massive guild-wide drama fest. If you are well liked, this will result in a guild split of your loyal friends against the ones she's suckered into sympathizing with her Royal-Victimness, destroying guilds in her wake.

Item: I've known a few of the Man-Eaters. One in particular in EQ1 was the champion of all the Man-Eaters I've ever known as she also was a Doppleganger, not only rerolling her new toons but rolling up a whole new RL persona. I don't think anyone ever really knew if she really was Ann in Alaska with a husband and two kids or Jane from Alabama, young, single and carefree. At one of her re-rolls she became my doppleganger and professed to be a woman that lived in my RL area and worked the same career field as me...then she went after my boyfriend. After causing drama to the point where most everyone was sick of her, she'd "leave the game" in a tearful post of good-byes, then secretely re-roll and come back with a new character and pretending to be a different person in RL. We finally caught on to this after a forum admin checked the IP address and all these Man-eater's causing drama over the years were coming from the same place.

She is not the only Man-Eater I've known over the years and a dozen mmorpg's, just the champ of many.

07-10-2008, 10:33 AM
Loved this response:

"These woman are my mortal enemies. I have listened to men cry in ventrilo and tells after they were used, given everything they had in games to the women, had their guilds destroyed, their hearts broken, their senses of self esteem taken away, and lost their friends, spent thousands on plane tickets and trips, and waited months to nearly years til she was "ready". All because of these women. I am death to any woman that acts like this in guilds I am in or to men I know because I am so sick of the trail of wreckage they leave behind them. I've gotten to the point now where I can't be in guilds led by men without some female officers or leaders that I can reason with when those cyberslut maneaters show up, to point out the traits and have them removed as soon as possible before they destroy the guilds."