View Full Version : Myspace people fail at grammer

06-30-2008, 05:22 PM
I copied this from someone else's blog, but I've been trying to find the right words to get this same point across forever.

Okay there, peeps.... I know you're trying to use correct grammar when you caption your photos, but I simply can't take it anymore. Every time I look at someone's newly posted photos, I cringe at the captions. Why does everyone have such a fear against using the word "me," but instead constantly use the word "I"? I know you think you are using correct grammar, but I assure you, you are not!

A way to test for the correct word involves casting the sentence into a form that excludes the other person. The appropriate word should be fairly obvious. For instance, when you and a friend are the subjects of a photo and you are simply naming each of you, it is NOT "John and I at the party." It would be, "John and me at the party," since, if we omitted the other person, the sentence would read, "Me at the party," not, "I at the party." The same goes for when you simply list the two names. "John and me," is simply a shortened version of saying, "John and me at the party." Therefore, you wouldn't caption your photos simply, "John and I." Instead, it should be, "John and me."

When would be the correct time to use "I," you ask? "John and I couldn't stop laughing," would be correct over, "John and me couldn't stop laughing." If you were to omit the other subject, you would say, "I couldn't stop laughing," not, "Me couldn't stop laughing."

I hope this little lesson in grammar will stick in the minds of each of you and you will apply this little tidbit to you future photo captioning.

I have hundreds of grammatical pet peeves, and perhaps I'll start posting helpful little tidbits regularly to help the fight against the dumbing of America. I make plenty of grammatical errors in my writing and speaking, and each time I learn the proper form, I do my best to remember and apply it from that day forward. It really shouldn't be asking too much to speak proper English and not sound like a complete imbecile. I, for one, prefer sounding like an intelligent human being as often as possible. Of course there are times I completely abandon proper grammatical form to get a sarcastic point across or to add some character to my writing, as I am a fan of slang, but simple things such as captioning a photo correctly should not be too much to ask!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for allowing me this forum to vent as always. Now allow me to promote a website I find fabulously hilarious: http://jeffdeck.com/teal/

This website is documenting the cross country travels of two friends whose quest is to find and fix typos and misspellings. Why Marie and I didn't come up with this idea eons ago is beyond me, but these guys absolutely rock!


06-30-2008, 05:28 PM
You need some quotes around "grammer" in your thread title.

06-30-2008, 05:46 PM
Lol that was a massive typo at the worst possible time.


Miss Ismurii
06-30-2008, 05:49 PM
LMAO that made me laugh.

06-30-2008, 09:22 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only person who gets really, really unhappy about people using "I" all the time in captions.

Stanley Burrell
06-30-2008, 09:31 PM
I'm glad I don't have MySpace.