View Full Version : Statistics and tracking
06-26-2008, 09:57 AM
Is there a way to set up a script to generate statistics? I have seen a few people mention specific patterns (percentage of gems that were sung to that orbed, and blew up, etc), and would love to generate similar statistics for all sorts of things. For example, I hunt roa'ters for the most part, and occasionally get waxed by their CM attack. I'd love to know the percentage of times that I dodge successfully, especially factoring in the number of boxes I'm carrying. Stuff like that. I know that lich sorta "watches" everything, but is there a way to get it to generate some sort of logfile where it just spits out specific information as it occurs?
I'm rambling a bit, because I'm unfamiliar with the program, but I am curious how best to go about this sort of thing. Any ideas, even non-lich related?
06-26-2008, 10:13 AM
A parser, you'd like a parser.
That'd be nice. We have small parsers that find your redux %, that see your dodge % etc, but nobody's made a real parser yet.
I think if you could see the critter ID number (that 10 digit string of characters that differentates one critter from another) a parser would be amazing - could show each kill and everything that was done. But as it is, it'd be tough to figure, but a GS parser would be extremly helpful and wanted.
Get on it, would ya?
I want Damage per second, # of kills, # of deaths, average time between first attack and death, average time between death and search, loot per item %s, their dodge %, my dodge %, their parry %, my parry %, their redux%, my redux %, my average damage per second recieved, average time per hunt, All of this data for everybody in the room for more than 1/5th of the kills, average experience per hunt, experience pool gain, experience absorbed, (basically I want to know how much more experience I would have received if I had gone back to rest when I was fried instead of filling up my saddlebags). when I think of more I'll post it.
06-26-2008, 10:23 AM
OK, how about this... is it possible to count messages? More particularly, is it possible to count different messages? Like...
{activate script}
{inv full, and count number of boxes currently held - generate logfile or something with title "zero boxes"}
{count # of times the message "you make a stunning maneuver and land on your feet" is displayed}
{count # of times the message "you are stunned" is displayed}
{count # of times the message "you have died" is displayed}
** each time a box is picked up and stowed, the current file is left alone and a new one is generated with the title "one box" or whatever is appropriate
Then when I get done hunting I can go to that text file and create me a nice, simple excel spreadsheet. And if THAT'S possible, I can have it count all SORTS of messages, and I'm on my way to where I wanna be. Is that feasible?
06-26-2008, 10:27 AM
I want Damage per second, # of kills, # of deaths, average time between first attack and death, average time between death and search, loot per item %s, their dodge %, my dodge %, their parry %, my parry %, their redux%, my redux %, my average damage per second recieved, average time per hunt, All of this data for everybody in the room for more than 1/5th of the kills, average experience per hunt, experience pool gain, experience absorbed, (basically I want to know how much more experience I would have received if I had gone back to rest when I was fried instead of filling up my saddlebags). when I think of more I'll post it.
I want:
# of kills per hunt; # of swings per kill; % of time death crits on the first swing; # of times hit and not killed by CM attack; # of times hit and killed by CM attack; % of time boxes are dropped; Avg weight (and wealth) of boxes; # of each type of gem obtained from each critter, with percentages; All CM percentages (success and failure) seperated by encumbrance level; and a little red wagon with a pony. More to come, I'm sure, as I drift along into this daydream. :)
06-26-2008, 10:34 AM
Most other games have something like this; just nobody's bothered to do it for GS...
I'd love to see my DPS and KPS when I hunt with my THW wizard haste buddy using unaimed crappy arrows compared to my DPS when I'm alone aiming with good arrows on the same critters.
06-26-2008, 10:42 AM
Most other games have something like this; just nobody's bothered to do it for GS...
So... what would it take TO do it? Is it something that's doable within the confines of Lich/Ruby? Or would some other form of FE / language be needed?
06-26-2008, 10:47 AM
Lich could certainly do it, and pretty well. Just nobody's made the script.
06-26-2008, 10:49 AM
So whose leg do we gotta hump to get a master lich scripter to get to work on this?
06-26-2008, 11:00 AM
I thought you were...
06-26-2008, 11:03 AM
Sure thing. Get right on that. Anyone have the link to 'Ruby for Dummies'?
Now that's got me wondering. ::grumbles:: I mean, it couldn't be THAT hard... could it?
Oy. Someone else do it. Please. Else my wife will kill me.
06-26-2008, 11:36 AM
I don't need another project I'm never going to start...
I'm already not started a picking helper, a hunter for my ranged rogue, a better herb healer, guild scripts, portal travel scripts, etc...
That's a lot of things to not do...
06-26-2008, 11:39 AM
I'm halfway through about three projects myself... though they're all on hold while I attempt to figure out how to use lich / Ruby. I've been resisting learning the actual language, just because of time, but maybe I need to give it a shot... ugh.
06-26-2008, 11:49 AM
Just wish my wife would divorce me already so I can get these GS scripting projects done! Damn happy marriages...
06-26-2008, 01:50 PM
I posted a log parser in my member journal, you just have to come up with the regex to parse out what you want. Currently it loads w/ the regex to parse out Bard Sonic Disruption statistics, but with a little RegEx tomfoolery you can parse out tons of stuff easily.
06-26-2008, 02:27 PM
I posted a log parser in my member journal, you just have to come up with the regex to parse out what you want. Currently it loads w/ the regex to parse out Bard Sonic Disruption statistics, but with a little RegEx tomfoolery you can parse out tons of stuff easily.
Hmmmm... Could you direct me to said journal? I'd love to tinker with that some.
06-26-2008, 02:29 PM
Thought of more:
% hit in certain areas
% you hit certain areas. Eg. I aim for the eye and hit it 10% of the time I hit... etc.
06-26-2008, 02:33 PM
Hmmmm... Could you direct me to said journal? I'd love to tinker with that some.
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