View Full Version : Words, Words, mere Words

06-26-2008, 01:44 AM
The Nader/Obama flap is heating up, with Nader lately saying Obama was "talking white" and Obama saying "Ralph Nader hasn’t been paying attention to my speeches.".

As part of my getting petitions signed to get Ralph on the Ohio ballot I signed up for his email spam. This is today's message, a rather bold attack on Obama.


Senator Obama said earlier today that I haven't been paying attention to his campaign.

Actually, I have.

And it's clear from Senator Obama's campaign that he is not willing to tackle the white power structure - whether in the form of the corporate power structure or many of the super-rich - who are taking advantage of 100 million low income Americans who are suffering in poverty or near poverty.

Senator Obama is opposed to single payer national health insurance.


Because he favors the health insurance giants over the millions of Americans in poverty or near poverty who are uninsured or under-insured. Eighteen thousand Americans die every year because they cannot afford health insurance, according to the Institute of Medicine.

Senator Obama wants to expand the military budget which is loaded with waste, fraud and abuse - instead of cutting it and investing the long ignored peace dividend in the inner cities with good jobs and public works - including schools, clinics, and libraries.


Because he fears and favors those thousands of lobbyists in charge of enlarging the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us against.

Senator Obama says he favors a living wage. But he doesn't say he would immediately increase the minimum wage to $10 an hour, which is the equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage adjusted for inflation - because by doing so he would offend the big corporations who exploit labor in places like Wal-Mart and fast food chains. (The minimum wage needs to be increased immediately, not phased in over a number of years, as Senator Obama would have it.)

So Senator Obama, let's get specific.

We're looking for deeds, not, as Shakespeare put it, words, words, mere words.

Your public career, which I have also been paying attention to, is long on words, and short on action when it comes to consumer protection, cracking down on corporate crime, curbing the violence of toxic environmental racism, and extending clean, affordable public transit, among other issues.

For the purposes of the here and now, three things:

One, why don't you support single payer national health insurance, which is supported by a majority of doctors and the American people?

Two, why do you favor expanding the military budget which is replete with waste, fraud and abuse?

And three, why don't you come out and support an immediate increase of the minimum wage to $10 an hour?

When can we expect the authenticity of hope and change?

-Ralph Nader

My, my...

Nader attacking Obama. For shame.

06-26-2008, 09:42 AM
I would be interested in seeing Nader show up in America's ghetto's to try and convince everyone he's blacker than Obama.

06-26-2008, 09:58 AM
Nader is pretty interesting.

He has no chance in hell, but he does bring up good points.


06-26-2008, 10:08 AM
He may bring up some interesting points, but you only need to see a speech of his once to realize he's completely out of his mind.

Not saying he'd do much worse than the rest of these guys, but he's a few pineapples short of a fruitcake.

06-26-2008, 11:54 AM
You know it's over when someone with the political clout Nader has criticizes you.

06-26-2008, 12:49 PM
Why do Mabus and Nader sound so much alike? Mabus, what's your position on the Corvair?

06-26-2008, 03:32 PM
Why do Mabus and Nader sound so much alike? Mabus, what's your position on the Corvair?
We sound nothing alike on policy. Nader is a socialist, very similar to Obama.

Nader may grab 2-4% of the radical left base from Obama, for those that don't find Obama "left enough".

I liked the '65 Corvair Coupe. Twice pipes, 4-barrel, turbocharged. Decently priced at the time.

Thanks for asking.

06-26-2008, 04:05 PM
We sound nothing alike on policy. Nader is a socialist, very similar to Obama.

Nader may grab 2-4% of the radical left base from Obama, for those that don't find Obama "left enough".

I liked the '65 Corvair Coupe. Twice pipes, 4-barrel, turbocharged. Decently priced at the time.

Thanks for asking.

But I thought Obama was the most liberal candidate in the history of the world?

06-26-2008, 04:05 PM
Why do Mabus and Nader sound so much alike? Mabus, what's your position on the Corvair?

We sound nothing alike on policy. Nader is a socialist, very similar to Obama.

As part of my getting petitions signed to get Ralph on the Ohio ballot I signed up for his email spam. This is today's message, a rather bold attack on Obama.

If you are nothing alike on policy, and Nader is a socialist... WHY are you getting petitions signed to get Nader on the Ohio ballot?



Some Rogue
06-26-2008, 04:08 PM
To take votes from Obama. Duh!

06-26-2008, 04:15 PM
If you are nothing alike on policy, and Nader is a socialist... WHY are you getting petitions signed to get Nader on the Ohio ballot?


To get some of the left to vote for Nader.

2-4% may swing the outcome in Ohio.

06-26-2008, 04:39 PM
I find it funny that no one is in this thread saying that Nader is out of his mind for implying that there is some assymetrical power structure in America.

Guaranteed if he was black you'd have PB all up in here talking about how Nader is making excuses and most likely doesn't have a job.