View Full Version : Would love to know how everyone makes oodles of silver--except me!

06-24-2008, 10:09 AM
In all my years of playing Gemstone, I don't think I've ever had more than 12mil at any given time. I very rarely spend money, too.

I've always been floored by how much money other people say they're making at my level range or below. Maybe I'm just profoundly unlucky. On my warrior (23 now), I make a decent amount of money, depending on what I hunt. It's usually no more than 10k a hunt. Usually less..

On my empath, I can uphunt a bit more and usually make 10-15k per hunt, if it's a full, drawn-out hunt. Healing is also fairly profitable, but unpredictable. Some people will tip 2,000 silvers for healing a minor; other people will give you a malachite stone for healing their incinerated body.

An empath in TSC, Tevar, whom I believe is around level 11, said he's made 600k healing (at TSC) in the past week (or was it month.. even so). Is this not insane?

I run Adventurer's Guild missions constantly (up to around 12k bounty), heal inbetween missions, and occasionally hunt, and have never spent a penny of this character's money. She has about 800k of her own, not influenced by any other of my character's, just turned Lv24 last night.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or other people are doing something very right. I try to hunt things that are relatively rich--tree spirits (found two 20-30+ boxes last night. Inside? A total of 4k), the war trolls by the glacier tend to not be poor.. Bah, rambling post. Anyway.. anyone else's thoughts/experiences?

06-24-2008, 10:14 AM
In all my years of playing Gemstone, I don't think I've ever had more than 12mil at any given time. I very rarely spend money, too.

I've always been floored by how much money other people say they're making at my level range or below. Maybe I'm just profoundly unlucky. On my warrior (23 now), I make a decent amount of money, depending on what I hunt. It's usually no more than 10k a hunt. Usually less..

On my empath, I can uphunt a bit more and usually make 10-15k per hunt, if it's a full, drawn-out hunt. Healing is also fairly profitable, but unpredictable. Some people will tip 2,000 silvers for healing a minor; other people will give you a malachite stone for healing their incinerated body.

An empath in TSC, Tevar, whom I believe is around level 11, said he's made 600k healing (at TSC) in the past week (or was it month.. even so). Is this not insane?

I run Adventurer's Guild missions constantly (up to around 12k bounty), heal inbetween missions, and occasionally hunt, and have never spent a penny of this character's money. She has about 800k of her own, not influenced by any other of my character's, just turned Lv24 last night.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or other people are doing something very right. I try to hunt things that are relatively rich--tree spirits (found two 20-30+ boxes last night. Inside? A total of 4k), the war trolls by the glacier tend to not be poor.. Bah, rambling post. Anyway.. anyone else's thoughts/experiences?

You're not going to compete with people in the 60+ and especially capped brackets. Generally the people making the most money are fairly self sufficent, frugal, and merchant. When I played I had access to a rogue for my boxes, an empath cleric team for rescues and heals if I got unlucky/careless. I didn't have to spend silvers on those services. In return they got the xp from my boxes and wounds. Hell sometimes I'd finish a hunting trip and then take off some spells to get a wound or three before gating back so the empath could soak.

06-24-2008, 10:21 AM
Over 50% of the rich people more then likely spent cash to get into the game as well.

Beyond those that did that, it is all about grinding. You have do play the game for hours a day or something. You can't just piddle here and there.

Or get real lucky in merchanting deals, raffles and god auctions etc....

06-24-2008, 10:23 AM
Hunt in areas where no one else goes. The treasure system has been moved to a "pressure" system, meaning the more people hunt a creature, the less treasure that creature will provide. River's Rest has a lot of good hunting grounds which should be rich, as should places like Zul Logoth.

Next, UPHUNT. The treasure system has been adjusted to provide better treasure, and rare items to those who hunt creatures above their level. If you can manage it, the higher the better.

Hunt in LIKE LEVEL groups. The treasure system provides a bonus to hunting in a group of somewhat like level characters who are all actively damaging their foes.

SKINNING. Skinning is very important to making a lot of silver. As an empath you can up to 3x train in first aid. The "Pressure" system applies to skinning, so try to skin things people dont normally hunt.

TRADING. Training in the trading skill will allow you to get MORE silver back from your sales of your items to the furrier/gemshop/pawnshop. The higher your INFLUENCE stat and bonus, the bigger the aid you will get from Trading.

CITIZENSHIP/RACE. Obtaining citizenship automatically makes you earn more silver when selling items, and spend less in buying them. Only certain races can apply for citizenship in certain towns, and some citizenship statuses provide more benefits than others. An elf in Ta'Illistim or Ta'Vaalor can make a LOT more more silvers than the average person.

Your RACE can make a BIG difference in the PENALTIES you face when selling items in a town. A Dark Elf selling items in Ta'Illistim faces upwards of a -20% modifier on the silver they get for their goods. Pay attention to what race the people of the town are.

Sorry to say it, but MAing, or Multi-accounting is one of the better ways to generate a lot of silvers. The two main ways to use MAing for silver is to have your own Rogue for boxes, and your own bard for PURIFYING gems. Gem purification(The Spell 1004) is an excellent way to drastically increase the worth of your gems.

Merchanting is the act of obtaining an item for a low price, and selling it for an inflated price. It is a rather complicated term to cover in such a brief response, but basically you look for good deals on items, and sell them for a markup on the black net, in a playershop, or on the message boards. This is one of the best ways to make silver.

Some Rogue
06-24-2008, 10:25 AM
MA'ing is by far the biggest thing.

06-24-2008, 11:37 AM
Heh. Sounds like I need to create an Elven Bard with max Influence, Trading skill and singing ability for gems.

06-24-2008, 12:01 PM
My 56 sorc would pull down some very good scratch... maybe 150k a hunt or so. 12 mil for a 23 warrior isn't bad at all.

This is all before the recent changes, but I've never had more than 6-7 mil... I have plenty to buy what I want, not enough to buy 10x HCP fulls or anything but I can afford to replace a vaalin lockpick instead of repairing it for instance.

06-24-2008, 01:02 PM
Fallen nailed it with the "hunt where noone else does" idea. If you find a set of critters with a good loot table and no other hunters you can pull in some decent coin.

After playing for a long time, you eventually can see good deals are festivals, too. Once you see that, you can toss a few items in your locker to hold onto for later... those types of things usually increase in value- especially if they are items whose properties are designed for a system that hasn't been released yet (At the end of one of the mazes at a freebie fest, there was a bucket of 200% durability armor, for example).
For some odd reasing, they've been working on designing the game to be solo-player unfriendly. A goodly number of updates within the past few years push more and more toward group-hunting rather than solo. It's kinda bullshit, since the declining population will render those updates moot in a few years, when population starts really dying out.

That said, having a lore/gemsinging bard is a good idea. Having an enchanting wizard is also a good idea. Both could feasibly done as another slot on one account. If you've got RL money to burn, an MA team seems to be good for people. Say, a rogue/empath/wizard team for picks, heals and spells/haste.

There was one place near the Landing that I was pulling in about 100k per trip back to town (when I couldn't hold more boxed, I'd go). Those critters dropped a crapton of good gems, though- which was truly awesome. Plus, I rarely, if ever, saw anyone; It was open season for AoEs. I think that was just before level 30, IIRC. Don't know if that place is the same... it was a few years back now.

06-24-2008, 01:29 PM
Also note that they absolutely nuked the treasure from creatures from which you cannot gain experience. Don't bother cash hunting creatures 10 levels below you.

06-24-2008, 01:44 PM
Don't know if that place is the same... it was a few years back now.

yeah, doubtful. i still remember when you could rake in 1 mill from kiramon in a few hours.

no more...

06-24-2008, 01:54 PM
yeah, doubtful. i still remember when you could rake in 1 mill from kiramon in a few hours.

no more...
I remember those days. Now you're lucky if they drop a gem.

06-24-2008, 02:56 PM
I made most of my 100+ mil silvers back in the days where you needed infusing parties to enchant in public workshops. I worked with Tenser's and Avantos' groups regularly. I also made a decent amount once I started popping my own boxes and purifying all gems (MA factor).

06-24-2008, 03:07 PM
I do it by being extremely thrifty, i.e. giving healers a malachite stone for healing me if I'm incinerated, etc...

06-24-2008, 03:10 PM
I do it by being extremely thrifty, i.e. giving healers a malachite stone for healing me if I'm incinerated, etc...


I remember those days. Now you're lucky if they drop a gem.

so overhunted

06-24-2008, 06:38 PM
Skin, skin, and skin. Also remember that it does matter where you strike the critters when you try to skin. For instance if you strike limbs of a raptor the raptor feathers will yield less value when you sell them at the furriers.