View Full Version : New respect for public defenders.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 04:46 PM
Now you all know how apprehensive and worried about going the PD route in my situation....

Finally four hours before my pre trial my PD called me and spoke to me for the first time in two months and had me pretty worried. He was very loose and used the word dude at least twice that I remember in our conversation.

Anyways at my pre trial he handled himself superbly.

First off the judge was a very fair and nice guy watching everyone else go thru their shit. Now this is where I get worried.

One DUI case where a guy blew a .16 he amended it to just a careless driving ticket. .... a non criminal... traffic ticket worth $123.... fucking break of that guys life time. Judge was definitely in a great mood.

So it's my turn and they call me up. I'm the best dressed individual in the room mind you and the Judge actually spoke to me unlike the others. Grabs my file and the next words out of his mouth were "I'm willing to finish business on this very very reasonably if you're willing"

Without hesitation my PD says NO we want to reset another for pretrial... your honor it's been TWO MONTHS and the state has not fulfilled discovery at which point the judge got pissed at the prosecutor. This after watching him drop a DUI to a careless fucking driving traffic ticket in under 3 minutes of discussion..

I was like WTF.

The state is obviously fucked up on my case and they're holding back. The only thing they've given to my PD was the CBT center video/audio where I refused the breath test of which it conveniently did not record my 15 minute argument about wanting to invoke my right to a blood test instead. Completely un recorded somehow. I can't wait to see the video.

So still they have no evidence other than my admission of drinking four beers over the course of 5 hours post miranda.

As busy and overworked as these PD's are I'm shocked that he wants to pursue this so far when I may have had a huge break today so in a way I feel much better. He's getting toxicologists and all kinds of shit and threatened the prosecutor with a motion to compel and the judge told them to get their shit together if they got a case on me.

Anyways... these guys work hard and I have much more respect for them now. The hired attorneys there were agressive and loud. The judge was short and stern with them in return unlike my PD. He even took away PD services from some stupid asses in respect to the PD's time and right to have a life not to mention tax payers money.

My judge is awesome and I hope he's in as good as mood as he was today next month at my new pre trial.

I've got a story about one of the cases before him today but I'll save it for another thread since this must be a wall of text by now but for fucks sake was this girl stupid as hell.

*OH... and I think the state prosecutor is a highschool and baseball teammate.. isn't there something wrong with that?

06-23-2008, 04:55 PM

Looks like you've found a gem of a PD. And got lucky as hell with the Judge.

I would have been 'willing' to see what the 'willingness' of the judge was WR2 a possible reduction. But let the PD handle it. He's the professional.

06-23-2008, 04:56 PM
*OH... and I think the state prosecutor is a highschool and baseball teammate.. isn't there something wrong with that?

Depends. Did you take his starting spot, steal his girlfriend, or otherwise make him feel less manly?

If so, then there's nothing wrong with that.

As for your PD, cool. Sounds like he's not old/experienced enough to be burnt out like some of the one's I've seen. Congrats.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 04:59 PM

Looks like you've found a gem of a PD. And got lucky as hell with the Judge.

I would have been 'willing' to see what the 'willingness' of the judge was WR2 a possible reduction. But let the PD handle it. He's the professional.

Was my first reaction...I leaned over to the PD's ear and he immediately put his hand over the mic and continued to say we've already discussed the matter and want a resit pending discovery from the state if they ever get around to it.

This guy is like 24 I'm guessing... sorta looks like Bobmuthol but a tad older. Just as skinny tho... he was swimming in his suit but he seemed to have a great relationship with the judge.

The judge also reminded me of My Cousin Vinny in the way he acted. In my dumbass girl story thread to come he pulled a Johnny Carson ESP to the forehead move on her. Short balding fat judge with jiggling jowls. Was awesome.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:02 PM
Depends. Did you take his starting spot, steal his girlfriend, or otherwise make him feel less manly?

If so, then there's nothing wrong with that.

As for your PD, cool. Sounds like he's not old/experienced enough to be burnt out like some of the one's I've seen. Congrats.

No the prosecutor was a good friend from little league all the way thru high school. Partied together in highschool etc. Just had me a little worried and quite the coincidence being in the most densely populated county in the state of FL. I'm not sure wtf is going on here with the discovery but oh well we'll see how it pans out.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:05 PM
Another coincidence that had me "superstitiously" worried was another childhood friend was in the court room on the calendar a row behind me.

One that I've sat before a judge before on open container notice to appears from highschool TWICE.

Just an odd day that has left me feeling rather odd.

06-23-2008, 05:18 PM
I have gone against 4 PDs since I started my internship in the DA's office. One of them is really bright, knows the law, etc. One is good but not great. One is a hustler and really genuinely cares about his clients but isn't the smartest person in the world (I think he said it took him 6 tries to pass the bar).

Then there is the last guy. He wears black velcro shoes and white tube socks with the same suit. Every single day. He doesn't ever object even when there are obviously leading questions being asked. I feel bad for the defendant's who get stuck with him.

Glad you didn't get stuck with a guy like that.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:19 PM
Seriously the judge was pissed at the prosecution.

It's been almost TWO months since discovery was demanded. Wooo hooo I'm INDIGENT btw. Too bad PB lives a county away or he'd be partly paying for my defense :P


Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:22 PM
I have gone against 4 PDs since I started my internship in the DA's office. One of them is really bright, knows the law, etc. One is good but not great. One is a hustler and really genuinely cares about his clients but isn't the smartest person in the world (I think he said it took him 6 tries to pass the bar).

Then there is the last guy. He wears black velcro shoes and white tube socks with the same suit. Every single day. He doesn't ever object even when there are obviously leading questions being asked. I feel bad for the defendant's who get stuck with him.

Glad you didn't get stuck with a guy like that.

To be honest it was inspiring to see these couple young guys in action. If I were 10 years younger perhaps I would have pursued the PD route.

Oh wait I'm a republican nevermind.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:26 PM
Oh also.. on the monitors you watch to find out what court room etc you're in for the day with the names scrolling and what judge I kept seeing the douchebag judge name from my attempted murder case and was shitting my pants in anticipation that my name did not line up next to his.

He was a real ball buster.

06-23-2008, 05:38 PM
you're like Nick Cage in Con Air, aren't you?

06-23-2008, 05:38 PM
Awesome. With so many crazy things going on in your life this is good turn of events.

I had an awesome PD once. Hot too. Two court dates and never had to deal with it again.

06-23-2008, 05:40 PM
STFU Back. She probably hated the sight of you.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:50 PM
I had an awesome PD once. Hot too. Two court dates and never had to deal with it again.

Beth dropped the charges and the state agreed out of pity?

06-23-2008, 05:54 PM
Beth dropped the charges and the state agreed out of pity?

Yeah. She tried to sue me for breaking her heart.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2008, 05:57 PM
Now that I might believe.

She didn't have many teeth left to break.

06-23-2008, 05:58 PM
I had an awesome PD once. Hot too.

What did he look like?

06-23-2008, 06:02 PM
What did he look like?

Nicely played, sir.

06-23-2008, 06:07 PM
Didn’t mean to bring my dark clouds to your thread Sean2. Great story worth the read.

06-23-2008, 06:12 PM
Wait your name is Sean IRL???????????????? IDENTITY STOLEN!!!

06-23-2008, 06:52 PM
STFU Back. She probably hated the sight of you.

Fuck PB... :(