View Full Version : Falgrin's Revenge - Part I - Setting the stage

12-30-2003, 02:44 PM
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. You also see the Dreamstorm disk and an engraved brass trunk.
Also here: Surraya, Xipp, Lord Calean, Ralfein, Salleah, Derryen (sitting), Kanarlistt (sitting), Arqui, Rikatika, Zargoins (sitting), Kodiakc, Clairvoyance, Baltyr, Melor, Lodeck (sitting), Moerdith, Talma, Dreamstorm (prone), Lord Rhokk (prone)
Obvious paths: north, south, west

You see Melor the Tormenter.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be wizened with age and average height. He has piercing crystal green eyes and ashen skin. He has long, silky jet black hair. He has an angular face, a straight nose and slightly pointed ears.
He has an ancient-looking pipe clenched between his teeth.
He has deep lacerations across his back.
He is holding a golvern-banded wall shield of cold wrought steel inset with a single flawless soulstone in his left hand.
He is wearing a gold ring, a fur-trimmed black leather cloak, an ancient dark artifact satchel, an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet, a small Silvergate pin, a bluish-black pin, a sorcerer crest, some rolaren banded hunting leathers, an old warlock's hat, and a small black diamond wristlet.

You reach into Melor's dark artifact satchel and pull out a piece of rose quartz.
You reach into Melor's dark artifact satchel and pull out some torban leaf.
You reach into Melor's dark artifact satchel and pull out an onyx and silver cameo necklace.
You reach into Melor's dark artifact satchel and pull out some wolifrew lichen.
You reach into Melor's dark artifact satchel and pull out a large black pearl.
You reach into Melor's pockets and pull out 178 silvers.
You couldn't find anything worth taking. Maybe you should offer Melor a donation instead.

You hear your own subdued thoughts echoing in your head:
"Sellin an onyx and silver cameo necklace. I ain sure wha it does... I jes foun it in my park."

You remove an onyx and silver cameo necklace from in your infantry backpack.

You ask the gem dealer to appraise an onyx and silver cameo necklace.

The gem dealer takes the silver cameo necklace and inspects it carefully before saying, "I'll give you 4617 for it if you want to sell."

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

You hear your own subdued thoughts echoing in your head:
"five grand to da gem dealer."

Melor just arrived.

Melor just went out.

[Wehnimer's, South Ring Rd.]
A short distance to the east lies a broad intersection. To the west, the road narrows. You also see the gemcutter's shop.
Also here: Greminty, Melor
Obvious paths: east, west

Melor traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Melor gestures at you.
CS: +235 - TD: +217 + CvA: -9 + d100: +33 - +15 == +27
Warded off!

You chortle.

Melor says, "Bah."

You say, "Come now."

Melor says, "Just give it back."

You reach into Melor's pockets and pull out 210 silvers.

Melor says, "I don't take kindly to thieves."

You ask, "Ya wanna buy it?"

You grunt questioningly.

Melor says, "You stole it."

You gasp.

You ask, "Wha??"

Melor says, "Give it back."

You exclaim, "I foun it!"

You show Melor your silver star.

Melor says, "I had that very necklace in my satchel."

You say, "I'ma dep'ty.. notta thief."

Melor says, "Then I saw you selling it."

You ask, "THIS very one?"

Melor says, "You stole it."

Melor says, "Yes."

You reach into Melor's pockets and pull out 77 silvers.

You ask, "An you would know dis 'ow?"
You say, "Prove it."

Melor chuckles.

You say, "Mebbe ya jes 'ave a 'ole in yer satchel."

Melor says, "For slippery fingers, no less."

Melor says, "A thieve's fingers."

Melor says, "Your."

Taravani whispers, "Should give it back since he's actually pretty cool about it."

You say, "Ya keep callin me a thief.. dat ain nice."

You quietly whisper to Taravani, "NEVER! Do you really think Falgrin would GIVE somethin back??"

Melor says, "Just admit what you did."

Melor says, "And I'll be on my way."

You say, "Ok."

You say, "I found it on da groun in my park."

Melor says, "It's empty anyway."

You wave to Melor.

You reach into Melor's pockets and pull out 140 silvers.

Melor rolls his eyes.

You ask, "It's imbeddable?"

You grunt questioningly.

Melor says, "Yes."

Melor says, "If I remember correctly."

You lick the silver cameo necklace.
It tastes metallic!

Melor says, "But was empty."

Melor says, "Void of spells."

You say, "Dis one ain.. so mebbe ya jes mistaken."

You nod to Melor.

You reach into Melor's pockets and pull out 84 silvers.

Melor says, "You can't lick it and find out."

You try to eat your silver cameo necklace.

Melor says, "That just tells you if it's crumbly or not."

You try to eat your silver cameo necklace.

You say, "It don taste imbeddable."

Melor says, "Well, I've already killed one thief today. In no mood for another."

Melor says, "And you seem alright."

You say, "So I think ya jes 'ave dis one confused wid another one."

Melor says, "So, just don't do it to me again."

Melor bows to you.

You reach into Melor's pockets and pull out 220 silvers.

Melor just went west.

You snicker.

Warclaidhm joins the adventure.

12-30-2003, 02:49 PM

fricking hilarious.

Why would someone accuse a thief in a non-sancted area... WITH COIN ON HIM?

12-30-2003, 02:50 PM
Does it seem odd to anyone that you can dig through someones pockets while standing face to face with them holding a conversation? Multiple times? I dont care how good you are, thats a bit hard to swallow.

12-30-2003, 02:51 PM
Stealing one on one these days is incredibly difficult.

12-30-2003, 02:54 PM
It should be. Stealing from hiding in a crowd full of people in a dark area should be relatively easy, conversely.

12-30-2003, 02:55 PM
AHAHAHA.. yeah that is freaking hilarious. That you are arguing and you kept stealing from him. It's amazing that he noticed you selling the a cameo though.

I thought it was awesome roleplaying that he kept denying he was a thief too.. and kept stealing anyway.

Melor says, "You stole it."

You gasp.

You ask, "Wha??"

Melor says, "Give it back."

You exclaim, "I foun it!"

You show Melor your silver star.

Melor says, "I had that very necklace in my satchel."

Heheeee. :)

12-30-2003, 02:56 PM
<<Does it seem odd to anyone that you can dig through someones pockets while standing face to face with them holding a conversation? Multiple times? I dont care how good you are, thats a bit hard to swallow.>>

Actually, no, because people do it in real life. Now in GemStone, you don't have a job. Falgrin's life is devoted to it, and he practices constantly. So he's better than even the best in the world. I've seen thieves take a tie right off someone's neck.

12-30-2003, 02:56 PM
I am so briniging my little one to the park to RP with Falgrin.
Hell, rob her blind. For that RP it'd be worth it.

12-30-2003, 02:57 PM
Stupid question: warclaidhm MA?

12-30-2003, 02:57 PM

12-30-2003, 03:01 PM
Actually, no, because people do it in real life. >>

Your telling me there are people who can Stand straight in front of you, in plain sight, and repeatedly go through you pockets, digging out your money, while maintaining a conversation where the other person is accusing you of thievery?

Is it possible? Yeah, I guess. Its also possible that giant, bat-like wings will sprout out of my ass and fly me to the magical kingdom of Candyland too.

12-30-2003, 03:03 PM
Who's to say they're standing face to face, who's to say Falgrin isn't standing next to them, isn't just kinda walking around them... anything...

And when you get to Candyland, can you tell me how to get them giant wings so i can come too?

12-30-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Stupid question: warclaidhm MA?


12-30-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Actually, no, because people do it in real life. >>

Your telling me there are people who can Stand straight in front of you, in plain sight, and repeatedly go through you pockets, digging out your money, while maintaining a conversation where the other person is accusing you of thievery?

Is it possible? Yeah, I guess. Its also possible that giant, bat-like wings will sprout out of my ass and fly me to the magical kingdom of Candyland too.

You assume Falgrin simply stood there and in the park the whole time.. allowing anyone to watch him.

Never assume.

12-30-2003, 03:10 PM
So your saying in the Gemshop you didnt steal from him in plain sight, multiple times?

12-30-2003, 03:26 PM
There's a big difference between being able to be seen and being able to be noticed.

He could see Falgrin the entire time, but what he couldn't do was notice him steal. Unless you have no experience with thievery whatsoever it's very much believable.

12-30-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
So your saying in the Gemshop you didnt steal from him in plain sight, multiple times?

Look again. Melor came into the gemshop and then left. I followed him out to South Ring Road.

We never interacted in the gemshop at all.

Besides, the gemshop is a sanctuary.

Let me give you a little clue: It takes me 3 seconds to steal.

[Edited on 12-30-2003 by Parkbandit]

12-30-2003, 03:37 PM
Does it matter? Is South Ring road any different from the gemshop in terms of stealing? (serious question)

12-30-2003, 03:55 PM
Melor is a very cool guy actually.. why is this in complaints?

12-30-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Melor is a very cool guy actually.. why is this in complaints?

Actually, I took from Melor initially because I thought he was a dumbass.. but he actually turned out to be alright in my book.

I met him back in Falgrin's Park later on and actually gave him back his necklace.

12-30-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Does it matter? Is South Ring road any different from the gemshop in terms of stealing? (serious question)

Yes.. you can't steal in the gemshop.

12-30-2003, 04:10 PM
yeah.. he is actually one smart motherfucker.. created a kick ass Sorcerer guide. He made Level 20 to Great Lord in like one month...is that a record?

12-30-2003, 04:14 PM
If he was super smart he'd have had a demon watching his pockets, or atleast a cursed gem.

12-30-2003, 04:28 PM
im just talking RL ... pretty smart from what i know.

12-30-2003, 07:23 PM
Damn he made it from 20 - 50 in a month? I don't know about smart, but he sure got a lot of time on his hands. Oh and that log is hilarious, cute cute, heh.

P.S. Steal from me and I'll never speak to you again buddy!

12-30-2003, 09:00 PM
girl please.. he probably already has. hehe

12-30-2003, 09:03 PM
Not funny! I will smash him to bits!!! Or try atleast, LOL!!!

12-30-2003, 09:13 PM
Only thing I want to steal from you is your heart. :)

And your clothes. :smug:

12-30-2003, 09:18 PM
.... uh oh.... somebody is getting their mack on.

12-30-2003, 09:57 PM
Not getting enough at home huh Park. <duck>

12-31-2003, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Not getting enough at home huh Park. <duck>

Heh apparently not. Must be the kids. But Lalana's player looks really cute and quite YOUNG. ::cough:: Your wife doesn't let you drive the babysitter home does she PB?

Talk about the digression of a thread...


12-31-2003, 07:16 AM
Back on topic, don't confront a thief when you have coins in your pockets and open containers. Hugs to my super dad for robbin that fool blind, now give me my allowance! (yeah I said it)

12-31-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady

Originally posted by Edaarin
Not getting enough at home huh Park. <duck>

Heh apparently not. Must be the kids. But Lalana's player looks really cute and quite YOUNG. ::cough:: Your wife doesn't let you drive the babysitter home does she PB?

Talk about the digression of a thread...


Eaaaasy there darling. There's plenty of me to go around :)

01-01-2004, 03:12 PM