View Full Version : LBP or Cuir, HCP or Better

06-22-2008, 11:23 PM
I'll pay a healthy chunk of change for the right armor. PM me with info. Thanks.

06-26-2008, 06:46 AM
We have a decent set of 5x hcp cuirboulli for sale over on www.gsauctions.com. All items available for cash - better prices when you pay with cash actually.

And don't forget about our June 2008 raffle for a self mana Heal weapon. Head to http://www.gsauctions.com/raffle.asp for more information.

a strap-laden suit of elven scalemail (http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=68BD7D16FFCC4E5998946A2D C18D8B19)
Stats: Weighs 12 lbs, 45/285, Cuirbolli. Your careful inspection of a strap-laden suit of elven scalemail allows you to conclude that it is rigid leather armor that covers the torso and arms. Heavy Crit Padded, also has temporary resistance to fire attacks by Regyy.
Show: Jagged protrusions of overlapping scales cover the armor's surface, their blackened contours designed to both deflect and absorb oncoming blows. When examined from differing angles, the interior of the armor is found to be fitted with numerous invar-buckled straps. The thin, richly worked lengths of ebon leather allow the armor a perfected fit and positioning. Three golden rune-incised rings, the innermost wreathed in frost, are deeply etched upon rigid iron scales that guard the wearer's heart. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

We'll be loading another nice chunk of items in the next week or so and are adding new items daily to www.gsauctions.com. Might be some LBP in the larger batch.

Feel free to send questions and offers to sales@gsauctions.com or IM to RPGAuctions2 or GSAuctionPlace.