View Full Version : Ubuntu + wine + lich + wizard

06-19-2008, 11:43 PM
Trying to figure out the right way to install all this. I got the wizard working correctly in WINE on it's own, now the tricky bit...making it work with Lich.

Should I install the windows version of Lich in Wine, or the Linux version natively? I have a feeling running it in linux natively is going to run much faster. Is there a guide anywhere to make this all work?

In the tarball that the Linux version of Lich came in, the DIRECTIONS.TXT file are windows instructions, not Linux ones. Any details on where I should put default directories, or even how to begin installing it? Do I just sudo ./install.sh or is there a lot more to it?

06-20-2008, 10:10 AM
I'm by no means a Linux expert but I would think the compatibility aspect of making it mesh with Wizard would help to go through the Windows version via WINE as well.

06-20-2008, 10:52 AM
There's a few posts about this same issue. I think I made one when I was playing on Ubuntu

06-20-2008, 10:59 AM
There, found it...

06-20-2008, 12:07 PM
There, found it...

I got it to work, at first I was trying to get the windows version of lich to work in wine, figuring that would be easier. But that was a mistake, once I tried the linux version it was a piece of cake. I figured out a cool trick to use with ubuntu in regards to the "have to be root" thingy.

open up install.sh and comment out these lines

#if [ "`id`" != "0" ]; then
# echo -e "\nSuperuser (root) permissions are required to install.\n"
# exit

and then run it with sudo. :P

Thanks Deathraven.

06-21-2008, 12:56 PM
It's supposed to use `id -u`, not just `id`. Apparently I need to update the Linux d/l -- thanks.