View Full Version : Bard songs

06-19-2008, 05:04 PM
Do 1010, and 1019 provide a bonus for training beyond 100 ranks ?

06-19-2008, 05:06 PM
Yes, believe both are uncapped. However, I believe general consensus among all the 100+ bards is that there's really no compromise for songs, and the ultimate combination is 75 elemental, 127 bard.

06-19-2008, 05:37 PM
Well I am short on points. I had 75/127

Just went to 75/108 so I could pick up an extra 101 shield ranks, because from the formulas I THOUGHT I was going to gain 90-120 DS. Boy was I wrong.

I seem to be getting like 30-50 DS from the extra 101 shield ranks. If that...

Was at 101 ranks before. Using bard sung 7x tower shield before and after. No dodging yet..

Was trying to figure out how much DS I lost from 1010 and 1019 after dropping some spells. Figure its 26 or less.

06-19-2008, 05:41 PM

Provided you are using a medium shield, you'll get 33.67 in offensive and 67.33 in defensive.

Shield Defense Strength (DS) bonus:
(Shield Ranks + (STR bonus/4) + (DEX Bonus/4))/(1.5) = Base Value

Base Value * Stance Modifier * (100% + Shield Size Modifier) = DS bonus

Stance Modifier: 50% + Stance/2.

Example: In Stance Guarded (Stance = 80), the Shield DS stance modifier would be 50% + (80/2) = 90%

06-19-2008, 05:41 PM
Also, yes, they are most definitely uncapped.

06-19-2008, 05:48 PM
Shield Defense Strength (DS) bonus:

(Shield Ranks + (STR bonus/4) + (DEX Bonus/4))/(1.5) = Base Value

Base Value * Stance Modifier * (100% + Shield Size Modifier) = DS bonus

Stance Modifier: 50% + Stance/2.

Example: In Stance Guarded (Stance = 80), the Shield DS stance modifier would be 50% + (80/2) = 90%

Started with 101 ranks.

(101 + (28/4) + (24/4))/(1.5) = 76 BV

BV (76) * 90% (guarded) * (100 +30 for tower) = 88.92

or for 202

(202 + 13) / (1.5) = 143
143 * 90 * 1.3 = 167

Or a 91 DS difference. If the formulas are right etc..

But I know I had 500 or a lil over before the change, self spelled. The best I am seeing right now is around 550 DS.

06-19-2008, 05:49 PM
And if they are uncapped won't you get more CS/DS for more bard songs and less than 75 minor spells?

06-19-2008, 05:57 PM
Started with 101 ranks.

(101 + (28/4) + (24/4))/(1.5) = 76 BV

BV (76) * 90% (guarded) * (100 +30 for tower) = 88.92

or for 202

(202 + 13) / (1.5) = 143
143 * 90 * 1.3 = 167

Or a 91 DS difference. If the formulas are right etc..

But I know I had 500 or a lil over before the change, self spelled. The best I am seeing right now is around 550 DS.

167 - 89 != 91

You're seeing the right amount with the tower shield. Your dodge is getting boned for using a tower shield though. That's most likely why you're not seeing a drastic increase in DS.

06-19-2008, 05:58 PM
And if they are uncapped won't you get more CS/DS for more bard songs and less than 75 minor spells?

DS Yes.

CS No.

TD No.

06-19-2008, 05:59 PM
78 fuck, howd I get that wrong?

bah I was looking at base value instead of the end DS.

06-19-2008, 05:59 PM
I don't know :(