View Full Version : Weapon Weight

06-14-2008, 08:04 AM
Real quick, what are the benefits of having a lighter weapon over having a heavier one? Does weapon weight factor into combat mechancis directly at all?

06-14-2008, 08:22 AM
Round times?

06-14-2008, 12:50 PM
There is no benefit.

Mr. Dallas
06-14-2008, 01:05 PM
There is a benefit to weight if you throw the weapon.

There is also a benefit when you swing two of the same class of weapons - you want the off-hand weapon to be lighter (unless that's changed).

The Ponzzz
06-14-2008, 01:20 PM
The only benefit weight has with thrown is if the weapon sticks or not. I don't believe anything 5lbs and over can stick. But there is zero advantage of throwing a 10lb chakram or a 6lb chakram. The DFs don't change, nor do they with melee.

Encumbrance is the main concern with weights. The lighter the weapons you use, the better it is for overall weight issues in game.

Stanley Burrell
06-14-2008, 03:00 PM
There is also a benefit when you swing two of the same class of weapons - you want the off-hand weapon to be lighter (unless that's changed).

Not necessarily lighter than your right hand weapon, but just light, period. This is a phenomenally huge difference in 2 second RTs for certain weapon bases when the weight % modifier differs between golvern and, say, imflass or vaalorn. Etc.

Stanley Burrell
06-14-2008, 03:02 PM
+/- ~2 seconds with certain weapon bases. I think the beginning stages of added RT for encumbrance to things like ambush, mstrikes and unfocused swings is also readily affected by off-hand weapon weight.