View Full Version : Someone's Getting Jealous of New York's attention

06-02-2005, 03:25 PM
umm, fucking shit

7-year-old suspected of beating infant sister to death
By VICKIE CHACHERE, Associated Press writer

TAMPA, Fla. -- A 7-year-old boy beat his baby half-sister to death with his fists, feet and a two-by-four because he was jealous of the attention the girl was receiving and because she would not stop crying, police said yesterday.
The State Attorney's Office is deciding whether to file charges against the boy in an attack that rattled even veteran homicide detectives.
"The veteran detectives who worked on this case have never seen a case with someone as young as a 7-year-old show so much violence and so little remorse," Tampa police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said.
The attack occurred May 22 in Tampa, where the boy had been visiting his father. The seven-month-old girl was dead on arrival at the hospital where her parents rushed her.
The boy confessed to killing his sister a week later when detectives confronted him with the evidence, McElroy said.
The unidentified boy was not taken into custody and is living with his mother while prosecutors make their decision on whether to charge him.
Police said the father and his girlfriend were outside visiting with neighbors when the boy came to them about midnight on the night of the attack and told them the baby was bleeding. They found the girl with a bloody nose and said she wasn't breathing.
Hillsborough County Assistant State Attorney Pam Bondi said prosecutors were just beginning to review the case and the complex legal issues involved with bringing charges against such a young child. Among the elements prosecutors will have to consider is whether a child so young is competent to stand trial for a crime, Bondi said.
"There are a lot of issues," Bondi said. "This is the first time we have dealt with a 7-year-old accused of such a violent crime."

06-02-2005, 03:52 PM
Where do you look for the cause for this?

Environment? Too much violent input through media, family, etc?

Biological? Is something wrong biologically (retardation, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc?)

Competent enough to stand trial? I dont think so. Does he know it was wrong? Sure (providing he was taught basic right v. wrong)

Does he know/understand all of the implications of what he did to his own sister? No, and I feel sorry for him when he finally does realize it.

06-02-2005, 03:56 PM
the thing is, no sense will ever be made out of all this bullshit because people refuse to a> look at how they may have enabled the situation, and b> that there are too many factors that contribute to this.

but it does say it right there, "...the child claimed he did it because he was jealous of all the attention his younger sibling was getting.." or something to that effect.

Sean of the Thread
06-02-2005, 04:10 PM
Parents and enviroment are to blame.. That shit sickens me.

06-02-2005, 04:13 PM
K so a 7 year old beats his infant sister to death "because she wouldn't stop crying", and I'm forced to ask, where are the parents of these children? Oh! They're outside socializing! Who was watching the kids then? If a 7 year old was babysitting, I'm going to be pretty damn pissed off. :flamed:

liscense to parent. It should be a law.


06-03-2005, 07:44 AM
It was midnight, so they probably thought both kids were asleep. Hard to imagine any parent sticking close by in case one of their kids go psycho on the other. It's hard to label a situation like this. The kid shows no remorse which tells me a few switches aren't turned on in his head.

06-03-2005, 07:52 AM
He needed some tranquilizers to calm his ass down.

06-03-2005, 08:06 AM
Stanley, if this is going to be the stock response to every thread you get the urge to jump in on, please dont....just dont.

06-03-2005, 08:53 AM
Stanley, STFU. You're obsessed. We aren't!